Critical Question: “What leadership and management reforms are necessary to improve public service in Denmark?”

Critical Question: “What leadership and management reforms are necessary to improve public service in Denmark?”

An evaluation of the Danish public sector indicates the presence of significant challenges, which require timely solutions from the sector’s leaders and managers. After assessing the public service sector, I discovered the need for leadership and management transformations that can allow the government to develop meaningful relationships with its citizens and civil society. Positive relationships between the government and its stakeholders are crucial for social stability and adequate public support. Additionally, I recognized the necessity for the public sector to facilitate the policy reforms required to improve public participation in governance. For instance, the government needs policy-making procedures that focus on addressing the major socioeconomic problems affecting communities. Such problems include underemployment, community safety, crime, and social exclusion. The improvement of the Danish public sector’s leadership and management aspects will enhance quality and efficiency in service delivery to citizens at national and local levels.

The qualitative data collected from the public sector demonstrates that the Danish society has varying demands that the public service department cannot address effectively without undergoing appropriate transformations. For instance, I interviewed some leaders within the division and discovered that the focus in service delivery has shifted from management to leadership (Angelo & Cross, 1993). The division and the community recognize the importance of leadership in implementing the devolution and modernization agendas intended to improve accessibility to public service. Consequently, the information I gathered indicates that citizens support the implementation of reforms in corporate, political, and government contexts to meet the emerging socioeconomic needs. Moreover, the public service department has several bureaucracies, which increase the costs of service delivery besides causing major delays. Therefore, while focusing on addressing such needs, the public-sector innovation division should adopt cost-effective strategies to avoid an increase in taxation for citizens.

Based on the identified need for leadership and management reforms to improve service delivery, the concerned public service division should implement several relevant strategies to address such need. Firstly, the sector should adopt the lean thinking strategies to increase its efficiency in offering public service. The primary objective of lean thinking entails optimizing customer value and eliminating waste. As a mindset, lean thinking enhances an entity’s capacity to provide quality and cost-effective services and products. As a result, applying lean thinking in the public sector will allow the leaders to eliminate the bureaucracies and other activities, which do not add value to citizens and communities.

Secondly, in line with the need for improved public participation in governance, the public-sector innovation department should adopt the balanced scorecard (BSC) to improve its performance. The BSC will improve the department’s communication procedures to ensure adequate community awareness of its mandate. Additionally, the strategy will allow the department to align its daily operations with the shared objective and strategy. It strategy will also allow leaders and managers to prioritize projects and services depending on their urgency and importance. Lastly, BSC will allow the department to monitor its success toward achieving the desired goals (Torres, 2004). Therefore, with the extensive use of a balanced scorecard, the department will improve community participation in governance and public service transformation. These strategies require the department to transformational leadership, which focuses on service improvement.

Analyze this situation using the Hersey-Blanchard model and the Vroom-Jago model

Chapter 3 Case Study: “Alvis Corporation”(p. 93 of the textbook) Read the case study and answer the following three questions

1. Analyze this situation using the Hersey-Blanchard model and the Vroom-Jago model. What do these models suggest as the appropriate leadership or decision style? Explain your answer.

2. Evaluate Kevin McCarthy’s leadership style before and during his experiment in participative management.

3. If you were Kevin McCarthy, what would you do now? Why?

Analyze the compensation professional’s goals to determine which would be the most difficult for you to realize.

  • Analyze the compensation professional’s goals to determine which would be the most difficult for you to realize. Discuss ways you might be able to overcome these difficulties.
  • Create a list of five best practices that any organization could use to leverage a compensation system for positive impact. Provide specific examples to support your response
  • Determine how Sportsman’s human resources practices should assess existing practices to best support their shift in competitive strategy. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Determine the kinds of challenges Sportsman will face specifically in the area of compensation and which competitive strategy will serve them best in the future. Explain your rationale
  • From the e-Activity, determine how the law you researched influences compensation strategies for all companies directly affected by the law in your state. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Some people say that unions make it more difficult for companies to attain competitive advantage. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.
  • Analyze the various codes and acts regarding discretionary employee benefits discussed in Chapter 2 and determine which code or law has had the greatest impact on the largest number of organizations. Explain your rationale.
  • Building on the same analysis, determine the most likely issue regarding discretionary employee benefits and a likely law that would address the issue. Provide specific examples to support your response.

·         Seniority/longivity rewards employees with periodic pay according to the length of years working with the company, plus their base pay.The advantages of seniority/longivity, there is a set amount of pay increase in advance, there is schedule time for employees award increase, because employees will leave a company if there is not a salary increase, therefore employers would lose valueable employees who knowledge, skills which generates productive. The disadvantage is employees, knowing that there will be salary increase just because their time on the job, will not be motivated to actively improve their skills and be more productive.

·         The type of pay structure would benefit the company the most is merit pay program, because employees earns permanent merit increases based on their performance. The increases reward excellent effort or results, motivate future performance, and help employers retain valued employees.


“Internal Consistency at Customer First” Please respond to the following:

·         Determine how job analysis and job evaluation could be used at Customers First to develop an internally consistent compensation system.

·         Determine whether or not you agree with Joan’s view on job analysis and job evaluation. Explain your rationale

  • Analyze the link between well-designed performance appraisals and merit pay and make at least two (2) recommendations for improving the strength of that link across the greatest number or organizations. Provide your rationale.
  • Examine the limitations of merit pay programs to determine which limitation is the most difficult to overcome and suggest ways to overcome these limitations. Provide specific examples to support your response
  • From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the likely success of individual incentives, group incentives, and companywide incentives for improving employee performance.
  • Referring to the same company, create an outline for an incentive pay program that would benefit employees and the company / organization. Provide specific examples to support your response
  • From the e-Activity, determine if a person-focused pay system would benefit the company you researched. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Analyze the advantages to employees and to employers of a person-focused pay program to determine if this would be a good approach for all companies and organizations in the U.S. to pursue. Explain your rationale.
  • Determine the best way to leverage compensation surveys to set the level of compensation for your current (or future) job position. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • From the e-Activity, determine how you would integrate internal job structures with external market pay rates to set a base pay rate for the position you researched.
  • Argue for or against the argument that pay grades limit a company’s ability to achieve competitive advantage. Support your position.
  • Argue for or against the argument that merit pay grids have the potential to From the e-Activity, determine how a person-focused pay program could benefit your current (or future) place of employment. Provide specific examples to support your response.

·         Determine ways that broadbanding or two-tier wage plans could benefit your current (or future) place of employment. Provide specific examples to support your response undermine employee motivation. Support your position

  • From the e-Activity, evaluate how well the company you researched leverages its discretionary benefits to both attract and keep employees.
  • Assume the company you researched must drop 25% of the discretionary benefits it currently offers. Determine which benefits it should drop. Provide your rationale
  • From the case study in Chapter 10, determine the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the health savings account (HSA) option and recommend at least one alternative to offering the HAS option.
  • Recommend what Susan should do. Provide the rationale behind your recommendation
  • Argue for or against the argument that employee benefits are seen by employees as an entitlement for their membership in companies. Support your position.
  • Analyze the components of designing and planning a benefits program to predict what additional issues will need to come into consideration over the next 10 to 20 years. Provide your rationale
  • From the case study in Chapter 11, argue for or against the hiring of part-time workers based on the issues surrounding providing part-time workers with benefits.
  • Assuming that the firm should offer benefits to part-time workers, recommend which benefits should be offered. Provide your rationale.




How can employees protect themselves against workplace violence?

What are some violence indicators an employee might display?

What are some actions management can take to help prevent workplace violence?

How can employees protect themselves against workplace violence?


Provide Answers to the question in the form of an APA Style Template. You will be addressing this case study, answering the questions in conjunction with a paper assignment. Do not provide just the answers only in your attempt. Also, find at least three articles beyond the textbook, two of them connected to Grantham University Library, one from another approved  and websites beyond GU Library, (Wikipedia, not accepted) that supports, refutes, and or provide Best Practices or other alternatives related to the topic. This assignment is to be at least 1000 words and does not include the words in the Title page, Abstract, and Reference page. Assignments less than 1000 words will be graded as not meeting the requirements and will receive a score of 0-50, depending on content.


This assignment is to assess the mastery of your ability to critically analyze case studies to promote best practices from the realm of HRM.

Identify two observations in the city that can have a negative influence on the health of a community

Identify two observations in the city that can have a negative influence on the health of a community



Related social determinant(s) health

Population most likely impacted

Policy recommendation

Evidence based rationale with statistical data. Citations and a reference page are required


Negative condition substandard and lack of affordable housing in neighborhoods with larger percentage of low-income families and minority populations.

Social determinant of health: (identify)

Housing Policy Recommendation: Improve access to affordable housing by providing sliding scale housing units for minority populations and low-income persons and families.

Population most likely impacted: Hispanics, African- Americans, as well as the homeless population in Sentinel City®.

Evidence-based rationale: According to the U.S. Census Bureau 2015 Household survey, 20% of African-Americans and 41% of Hispanics live in households below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, compared with 8% of whites.

Note: this is not actual data, but hypothetical data for the purpose of providing an example for this assignment.

Cite your resources and list them in the reference list.


AACN Public Health Essentials

This assignment addresses the following AACN Public Health Essentials:

· Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety

· Apply systems theory to PHN practice with individuals, families, and groups.

· Essential III: Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

· Use epidemiologic data and the ecological perspective to identify health risks for a population.

· Essential V: Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments

· Identify public health policies, laws and regulations relevant to PHN practice. Identify the impact of the system on individuals, families, and groups.

· Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Optimizing Health

· Practice evidence-based public health nursing to promote the health of individuals, families, and groups.

· Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice

· Use basic descriptive epidemiological methods when conducting a health assessment for individuals, families, and groups.

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)  Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following: Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes. How was the success of the program or policy measured? How many people were reached by the program or policy selected? How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected? At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted? What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation? What specific information on unintended consequences was identified? What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples. Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not? Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not? Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.