The purpose of the Interpersonal Communication Project (ICP)

The purpose of the Interpersonal Communication Project (ICP) is twofold: first, to develop an interpersonal communication design that demonstrates your commitment to develop and maintain healthy, healing, and holy relationships through effective communication and, second, to demonstrate your ability to compose and effectively deliver a message with clear, purposeful, and well-organized content and attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication principles.

The content for your ICP will be built throughout the course. You will be responsible for producing a 9–10-minute video recording of yourself presenting this project and create an accompanying PowerPoint presentation that highlights your main points and clearly discloses your sources. The video file will be uploaded to YouTube and the PowerPoint presentation will be submitted on Blackboard along with a link to the video. Do not submit your PowerPoint until your video has been successfully uploaded and processed for viewing.

Your presentation must include the following sections/main points:

1. Introduction:

Introduce yourself and provide a very brief preview of your project in a way that engages the audience.

2. Overarching goal:

Articulate an overarching goal for your life. This goal should, ideally, be succinctly formulated as a single phrase. Identify of the role and importance of interpersonal communication for enlarging your conversation in the context of this goal.

3. Background and behavioral blend:

Describe how your background and behavioral blend influences your communication style, both positively and negatively.

4. Communication barriers:

Identify the most significant communication barriers and/or challenges that you have discovered in your interpersonal context.

5. Resources and strategies:

Describe the most helpful resources that you have discovered and explain how these provide strategic solutions to overcoming your communication barriers/challenges.

6. Action plan:

Discuss the steps you will take in order to enlarge your conversation and make your overarching goal a reality.

7. Conclusion:

End with a memorable closing statement or quote.

For this project, you must incorporate all the required course texts and 2 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles in a meaningful, effective, and significant way. Attribution to these sources must be clear throughout, ideally by oral reference. Evidence of self-reflection, critical thinking, interaction with the course material, and synthesis of the literature is expected. The language and terminology used in your presentation should be familiar to the audience and appropriate for the setting. When organizing your presentation, make sure each required section/main point is sufficiently developed given the time limit. Transitions between subtopics should be clear and maintain flow of thought. All content must be applied, personalized, and clearly linked to your overarching goal.

The video must be of sufficient quality for a professional setting and show you speaking, ideally from the waist up. Your PowerPoint must not be featured in the video; instead use verbal cues to indicate to your audience when to advance to the next slide. Your delivery should demonstrate a willingness to communicate with attention to audience engagement, articulation, pronunciation, tone, absence of vocal fillers, eye contact, posture and movement. Your presentation must not exceed 10 minutes, or you will be unable to upload your video file.

Your PowerPoint presentation must include a total of 15–20 slides that have a consistent look, font usage and style throughout. The slides should effectively and professionally communicate key points and provide visual support for your oral presentation, rather than “stand alone” with an over-abundance of text. Make sure graphic elements and images add interest rather than distract from the overall content. Use the last one or two slides for a complete APA style bibliography.

Good Poems for Hard Times by Garrison Keillor

“Read the following poems from

Good Poems for Hard Times by Garrison Keillor

(Hint: pay particular attention to issues of memory and the ways the poems treat the daily and quotidian; the small moments and the “ordinary”:

Lisel Mueller, “Things” p. 104

Maria Mazziotti Gillan, After School on Ordinary Days” p. 135

Noel Coward, “Nothing is Lost” p. 208

Patricia Hampl, “This is How Memory Works” p. 236″


By Lisel Mueller

What happened is, we grew lonely

Living among the things,

So we gave the clock a face,

The chair a back, the table four stout legs

which will never suffer fatigue.

We fitted our shoes with tongues

As smooth as our own

And hung tongues inside bells

So we could listen

To their emotional language,

and because we loved graceful profiles

the pitcher received a lip,

the bottle a long, slender neck.

Even what was beyond us was recast in our image,

we gave the country a heart, the storm an eye,

the cave a mouth

so we could pass into safety.

After School on Ordinary Days

By Maria Mazziotto Gillan

After school on ordinary days we listened

to The Shadow and The Lone Ranger

as we gathered around the tabletop radio

that was always kept on the china cabinet

built into the wall in that tenement kitchen,

a china cabinet that held no china, except

thick and white and utilitarian,

cups and saucers, poor people’s cups

from the 5 & 10 cent store.

My mother was always home

from Ferraro’s Coat factory

by the time we walked in the door

after school on ordinary days,

and she’d give us milk with Bosco in it

and cookies she’d made that weekend.

The three of us would crowd around the radio,

listening to the voices that brought a wider world

into our Paterson apartment. Later we’d have supper at the kitchen table,

the house loud with our arguments

and laughter. After suffer on ordinary days, our homework finished, we’d play

monopoly or gin rummy, the kitchen

warmed by the huge coal stove, the wind

outside rattling the loose old windows,

we inside, tucked in, warm and together,

on ordinary days that we didn’t know

until we looked back across a distance

of forty years would glow and shimmer

in memory’s flickering light.

Nothing Is Lost

By Noel Coward

Deep in our sub-conscious, we are told

lie all our memories, lie all the notes

Of all the music we have ever heard

And all the phrases those we loved have spoken,

Sorrows and losses time has since consoled,

Family jokes, out-moded anecdotes

Each sentimental souvenir and token

Everything seen, experienced, each word

Addressed to us in infancy, before

Before we could even know or understand

The implications of our wonderland.

There they all are, the legendary lies

The birthday treats, the sights, the sounds, the tears

Forgotten debris of forgotten years

Waiting to be recalled, waiting to rise

Before our world dissolves before our eyes

Waiting for some small, intimate reminder,

A word, a tune, a known familiar scent

An echo from the past when, innocent

We looked upon the present with delight

And never knew the loneliness of night.

Things Is How Memory Works

By Patricia Hampl

You are stepping off a train.

A wet blank night, the smell of cinders.

A gust of steam from the engine swirls

Around the hem of your topcoat, around

The hand that, a moment ago, slicked back

The hair and then put on the fedora

In front of the mirror with the beveled

Edges in the cherrywood compartment.

The girl standing on the platform

in the Forties dress

has curled her hair, she has

nylon stockings___no, silk stockings still.

Her shoulders are touchingly military,

Squared by those shoulder pads

and sweet faith in the Allies.

She is waiting for you.

She can be wearing a hat, if you like.

“Read the following poems from

Good Poems for Hard Times

by Garrison Keillor



: pay particular attention to issues of memory and the ways the poems treat

the daily and quotidian;

the small moments and the “ordinary”:

Lisel Mueller, “Things” p. 104

Maria Mazziotti Gillan, After School on Ordinary Days” p. 135

Noel Coward, “Nothing is Lost” p. 208

Patricia Hampl, “This is How Memory Works” p. 236″


By Lisel Mueller

What happened is, we grew lonely

Living among the things,

So we gave the clo

ck a face,

The chair a back, the table four stout legs

which will never suffer fatigue.

We fitted our shoes with tongues

As smooth as our own

And hung tongues inside bells

So we could listen

To their emotional language,

and because we loved graceful


the pitcher received a lip,

the bottle a long, slender neck.

Even what was beyond us was recast in our image,

we gave the country a heart, the storm an eye,

the cave a mouth

so we could pass into safety.

After School on Ordinary Days

Reading Reflection Paper #2

Reading Reflection Paper #2

Important Concept:

Johnson introduces the components of individual ethical development in Chapter 2. Johnson states that

“Personal change efforts should begin with a realistic self-assessment.” (Johnson, 50) I contend that this

may be a very daunting task. It is always much easier to notice flaws in others than in ourselves. Adults

tend to look at themselves with rose-colored glasses while seeing others in the worst light. It is much

more difficult to judge ones self than it is to judge others. Another component discussed is drawing

upon spiritual resources. Johnson states, “Given the relationship between spirituality and personal and

collective performance, it’s not surprising that there has been a surge of interest in spirituality in the

workplace among both academics and practitioners.” (Johnson, 69) While I personally think that this is a

great event, I can see many obstacles to this practice. One would be the cultural diversity present in

most modern workplaces. The inclusion of spirituality in the workplace could lead to employee unrest as

well as possible lawsuits.

Taken-for Granted Perspectives:

Johnson states that both individual and contextual factors contribute to ethical failure.

(Johnson, 50) He says that both the individual and the organization are responsible for ethical matters.

Jung’s “Shadow Side” theory is important to ethical development in that everyone has shortcomings

that we wrestle with. Holding ourselves accountable and making personal changes will benefit both the

individual and their organization as a whole. Johnson states that “organizational change can operate

from the inside out, starting with the individual and spreading outward.” If individuals operate in moral

ways it will influence those around them to do the same. I believe that the opposite true also, I believe

that those who work around unethical people will tend to act unethically as well.


When Johnson says that organizational change can start with individuals, he goes on to say,

Begin the organizational transformation process by modeling the desired behaviors instead of imposing

them on others. I believe that this can work for people at the bottom of the hierarchy as well as those at

the top. When coworkers see someone acting in morally ethical ways, it will make them think twice

about acting unethically. I believe that this is true for upper management as well. If the CEO of a

company is known for questionable business practices, I think that their underlings will feel that they

won’t be held to a high ethical standard either.

I also have a strong belief in component 2 which was find your vocation. I think that those who

find their “calling” will perform at a higher ethical level. When people are happy doing what they do,

they will feel better about themselves. Johnson points out that finding our calling produces significant

ethical benefits. (Johnson, 52) After I had my children, I stayed at home for a few years. When that was

no longer financially possible I applied for a job in the school system. Within a week, I knew I had found

my calling. I love working with children and I feel a strong sense of responsibility for the students’ well-

being in addition to their academic progress. I know, from personal experience, what a big difference

this can make both in job performance and in ethical behavior.

1. Does the writer catch your attention and clearly convey a clear purpose in the introduction? If so, what strategies did he or she use to accomplish this? If not, what suggestions can you provide to strengthen the introduction and clarify the purpose?

WORKSHEET: Please reply to each question below, writing in complete sentences and providing justification or explanation for each response.

1. Does the writer catch your attention and clearly convey a clear purpose in the introduction? If so, what strategies did he or she use to accomplish this? If not, what suggestions can you provide to strengthen the introduction and clarify the purpose?

2. What is the writer’s thesis? What unique angle on the topic does the thesis present? What suggestions can you offer for improving the wording of the thesis?

3. What type of support does the writer use? Does this support help to prove the thesis statement? Is research integrated effectively with author tags and effective summaries, paraphrase, or direct quotes? Is the information presented logical and is it explained well? What suggestions can you offer the writer in terms of improving depth of information or presentation of research?

4. Is the paper organized effectively? Does the writer cover one point fully before moving on to the next? Are topic sentences and transitions used to deliver the paper in a coherent manner? What suggestions can you offer to increase organization and structure?

5. How would you describe the style, tone, and word choice used? What strategies does the writer use to connect with the audience? In what ways could the writer better meet the audience’s needs?

6. What is your overall impression of the essay? Does the writer motivate you to act or persuade you to agree with his or her point of view? What is the most important revision the writer could make to improve the essay? What is the writer’s biggest strength in the draft?

Leadership Traits, Behaviors, and Styles

Module 1 – Case

Leadership Traits, Behaviors, and Styles

Assignment Overview

Image of Larry EllisonAll of you have probably read quite a bit about the world’s wealthiest man—Bill Gates. But some of you are probably not nearly as familiar with Bill Gates’s main rival and world’s seventh wealthiest man—former Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. Ellison recently retired as CEO but is still active as the chair of Oracle’s board of directors. Unlike Gates, who is relatively reserved, Ellison is known for his extravagant lifestyle and boastful interviews.

The rivalry between Ellison and Gates is legendary, but not quite as much is known about Ellison’s leadership style. He has been described as a “jerk,” and his managerial style has been described as “take no prisoners.” While he is unquestionably a very strong leader, he has also been criticized for spending a lot of time playing golf while leaving many leadership duties to his subordinates.

For this assignment, read up on leadership traits, leadership behaviors, and leadership styles in the required background materials. Then read up on Larry Ellison and find as much as you can about his personality and leadership style. Finally, try to apply what you’ve read in the required background materials about leadership traits, behaviors, and styles to what you found out about Larry Ellison.

Here are some articles to get you started on your research about Ellison:

Mendleson, R. (2010, November 8). Why it pays to be a jerk. Canadian Business, 83, 28-30, 32, 34. [ProQuest]

Leibovich, M. (2000, October 30). The outsider, his business and his billions series. The Washington Post, p. A1[ProQuest]

Hymowitz, C. (2005, July 12). Working fewer hours is hard for most CEOs, but some find a way. Wall Street Journal, p. B1. [ProQuest]

Case Assignment

Once you are finished with your research on Ellison and have thoroughly reviewed the background materials on leadership traits, behaviors, and styles, write a 4- to 5-page paper addressing the questions below. For each answer, make sure to cite at least one of the Case Assignment articles listed on this page as well as one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials—for example, Hiriyappa (2009), or Bauer and Erdogan (2012).

1. How would you describe Ellison’s personality and leadership traits? Refer to the specific leadership traits discussed in Hiriyappa (2009) or Bauer and Erdogan (2012).

2. Would you describe Ellison’s behavior as being task-oriented, or people/relationship-oriented? Refer to Hiriyappa (2009) and Bauer and Erdogan (2012).

3. How would you describe Ellison’s leadership style? Consider the leadership styles discussed in the “Types of Leaders/Leadership Styles” section of Chapter 10 of Hiriyappa (2010).

Assignment Expectations

· Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions.

· Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials

· List supporting references and cite sources in proper format.

· Use appropriate writing style in essay form (organization, grammar, and spelling).

· Include both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper , including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.

Mod 1 SLP

Module 1 – SLP

Leadership Traits, Behaviors, and Styles

For the Session Long Project you will be applying the concepts in the background materials to your own personal experiences in the workplace. For this first SLP assignment you will choose a supervisor that you personally worked for and got to know well, and compare and contrast this supervisor’s leadership characteristics with your own personal leadership characteristics using the concepts from the required background materials. Carefully reflect on your supervisor’s traits, behaviors, and leadership styles. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

1. Overall, is your current role more of a leadership or a management role? How about your supervisor? Are they a manager or leader? Refer to the section on “Differences between Leadership and Management” in Chapter 10 of Hiriyappa (2010).

2. What key differences in leadership traits do you see between yourself and your supervisor? Refer to specific leadership traits discussed in the required textbook chapters.

3. What key differences in leadership behaviors do you see between yourself and your supervisor? Refer to the concepts of being task-oriented, or people-centered/relationship-oriented that are discussed in the required background materials.

4. How would you compare your own leadership style with that of your supervisor? Consider leadership styles discussed in the background text materials such as autocratic style, participative/democratic style, and laissez-faire/free-rein style.

SLP Assignment Expectations

· Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions.

· Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials

· List supporting references and cite sources in proper format.

· Use appropriate writing style in essay form (organization, grammar, and spelling).

· Include both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper , including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.

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MOD 2 CASE Study

Module 2 – Case

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Situational Approaches to Leadership

Assignment Overview this assignment, first review the background materials with a focus on Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model. Make sure you are familiar with the four leadership styles covered in the situational approach including Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating and situations where you are supposed to use these four styles.

Also, familiarize yourself with the more complex Path-Goal model and Fiedler’s Contingency model. You don’t need to know these two models in as much detail as the Situational model to complete this assignment, but make sure you understand the main idea of these models as well as some of their main advantages and disadvantages.

Case Assignment

1. For each of the following situations, explain which of the four leadership styles covered in the Situational model should be used and explain your reasoning with references to Chapter 4 of Avery (2011) and at least one other required reading from the background materials:

A. You are in charge of a team of architects. They are highly skilled but have strong opinions and do not necessarily follow instructions. These architects are independent thinkers who are used to doing things their own way.

B. You are in charge of a fast-food restaurant. The employees are all teenagers who have not yet graduated from high school, and this is the first job for most of them.

C. You are the supervisor of a team of software engineers. They are all highly skilled and highly motivated, and are used to working independently. All of them believe in the mission of the company.

2. Each of the three models (Situational, Fielder Contingency, Path-Goal) covered in this module involves both “inputs” and “outputs.” For example, Situational Leadership involves taking employee commitment and competency as inputs and then—based on the employee information—choosing Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating as an output. Create a table comparing and contrasting the three models in terms of inputs and outputs, and include a 1- or 2-paragraph discussion of your table.

3. Based on your table in Part 2 above and the readings, which of the three models do you think is most useful? Take into consideration both its ability to adapt leadership styles to realistic situations you may face, as well as ease of use of the model.

Assignment Expectations

· Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions.

· Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials

· List supporting references and cite sources in proper format.

· Use appropriate writing style in essay form (organization, grammar, and spelling).

· Include both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper , including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.


Module 2 – SLP

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Situational Approaches to Leadership

For the Module 2 SLP assignment you will continue to apply the concepts from the background materials to your own personal experiences in the workplace. Think carefully about Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model and the four leadership styles of Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating. Then consider the styles of one or more of the supervisors you have worked with, and reflect upon whether or not their style changed depending on the situation.

After doing some reflecting on your own experiencing and reviewing the background materials, write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

1. Take a look at the four developmental levels D1-D4 discussed in Avery (2004). Which of these levels best describes the developmental level of your supervisor’s full team?

2. How would you describe the tasks required of your supervisor’s full team? Are they structured or unstructured?

3. Overall, how well does your supervisor’s leadership style match with the developmental level of their team and the characteristics of the team’s tasks? Consider the Situational Leadership model for developmental level and the Path-Goal model for task characteristics in your answer.

4. Based on either the Situational Leadership or Path-Goal model, do you have any recommendations for how your supervisor could change their leadership style?

SLP Assignment Expectations

· Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions.

· Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials

· List supporting references and cite sources in proper format.

· Use appropriate writing style in essay form (organization, grammar, and spelling).

· Include both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper , including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.

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MOD 3 Case Study

Module 3 – Case

Change-Oriented Leadership: Transformational and Charismatic Leaders

Assignment Overview

Image of Travis Kalanick

Travis Kalanick was the founding CEO of the ride-sharing giant Uber. Under his leadership, Uber has become a globally successful firm with a valuation over $60 billion. Kalanick is in his early forties, but Uber is the third firm that he started. Earlier in his career he founded the file-sharing company Scour which ended up going bankrupt due to lawsuits. He had more success with another file-sharing company called Red Swoosh which he later sold for $19 million.

In spite of all of his accomplishments and success, he has always been a controversial CEO. Recently he was caught on video berating an Uber driver, a video that went viral. He has also faced allegations of fostering a toxic corporate culture. After facing a continuing wave of negative publicity, Kalanick had to step aside as CEO, but remains as a powerful member of Uber’s Board of Directors.  He is also still one of their major shareholders, so even though another CEO will be managing the day-to-day, affairs he is likely to remain as a major leader within Uber.

For this paper you should first thoroughly review the background readings and make sure you are clear on the distinction between charismatic, transformational, and transactional leadership. Then do some research on Travis Kalanick’s leadership style. There is no shortage of articles about Travis Kalanick and Uber. But harder to find are articles on what kind of leader he is and how he leads his employees. Here are a few articles to get you started, but if you can find articles that are more recent or have more information about his leadership style, feel free to use them in your paper instead:

Top of Form

Hook, L. (2017, March 10). Uber: The crisis inside the “cult of Travis.” Financial Times, p. 11. [ProQuest]

Somerville, H. (2017, April 13). Uber CEO’s iron grip poses challenge in COO search. Reuters. Retrieved from

Fast Company. (2015, September 25). Travis Kalanick, the fall and spectacular rise of the man behind Uber. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from

Bottom of Form

Case Assignment

After you have reviewed the background materials and done some research on Travis Kalanick, write a 4- to 5-page paper addressing the issues below. Make sure to cite both required background readings such as Barine and Minja (2012) or Luthans et al. (2015) as well as specific articles on Travis Kalanick.

1. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a charismatic leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.

2. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a transformational leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.

3. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a transactional leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.

4. Overall, what do you believe are the main benefits and drawbacks of Travis Kalanick’s approach to leadership? Do you think he needs to make major changes in his leadership style?

Assignment Expectations

· Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions.

· Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials

· List supporting references and cite sources in proper format.

· Use appropriate writing style in essay form (organization, grammar, and spelling).

· Include both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper , including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC porta



Module 3 – SLP

Change-Oriented Leadership: Transformational and Charismatic Leaders

For the Module 3 SLP assignment you will be again be applying the concepts from the background materials to your own personal experiences. You can write about the same supervisor you wrote about in Modules 1 and 2, or choose a different supervisor that you worked with and got to know well.

Carefully review the concepts and definitions of charismatic, transformational, and transactional leadership. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues using specific examples from your personal experiences:

1. Describe a situation you experienced in the workplace when a current or past supervisor used a transformational or charismatic approach to motivate their employees. Was it effective?

2. Describe a situation you experienced in the workplace when a current or past supervisor used a transactional approach to motivate their employees. Was it effective?

3. Based on what you’ve read for this class so far as well as from your own experience working with different supervisors, do you think transformational and charismatic leadership can be learned or do you think it something you are born with? To support your answer, use both of the following: your personal experiences and references from the required background materials.

SLP Assignment Expectations

· Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions.

· Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials

· List supporting references and cite sources in proper format.

· Use appropriate writing style in essay form (organization, grammar, and spelling).

· Include both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper , including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.

Briefly describe the situation that precipitated this strike.

  • Briefly describe the situation that precipitated this strike.
  • Describe the methods that could have been used to prevent this strike comma but also explain why they may not have been used.
  • Describe the negotiation tactics used by both parties.
  • Discuss your opinion of how effective were these tactics?
  • If you were in the city of Chicago’s place, what would you have done differently or the same in this negotiation?


  1. Your paper should be about 2 to 3 double-spaced pages (excluding title page and reference page).
  2. Accurate description and reference of all concepts and theories used in completing your paper.
  3. Practical examples of concepts that lead to continuing interest in the topic.
  4. Synthesis of concepts and theories from other course activities.
  5. Well-organized clearly presented work (free from excessive spelling and grammatical errors).
  6. Properly cited sources using APA 6th edition.