2. Which of the following does your textbook present as a guideline for preparing visual aids? (Points : 4) 

1. Visual aids can be very useful to a speaker because they (Points : 4)
often take the place of statistics.
enhance the clarity of a speaker’s ideas.
can be passed among members of the audience.
do not require a great deal of explanation.
all of the above.

2. Which of the following does your textbook present as a guideline for preparing visual aids? (Points : 4)
Keep visual aids simple.
Use a minimum of three fonts on each PowerPoint slide.
Write words in all capital letters.
all of the above.

3. Camille prepared excellent PowerPoint slides for her speech about education reform, but the speech didn’t go as well as she had hoped. She had trouble finding the Enter key on her computer to advance her slides, and sometimes she skipped a slide because she held the key down too long. According to your textbook, Camille could have presented her slides more effectively if she had (Points : 4)
set up her slides to advance automatically.
practiced using the keyboard until she could advance the slides easily.
checked the equipment in the room to make sure it worked properly.
used her mouse to advance the slides instead of using the Enter key.
borrowed someone else’s computer for her speech.

1. Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking? (Points : 4)
a coach reviewing the offensive plays for next week’s game
a lawyer explaining the details of a plea bargaining agreement to her client
an architectural firm recommending adoption of its building plan
a botanist reporting the discovery of a new species
an activist honoring past leaders of the labor movement

2. That part of the audience a speaker most wants to persuade is called the (Points : 4)
specific audience.
designated audience.
central audience.
special audience.
target audience.

3. As explained in our textbook, at which of the following would you be most likely to hear a persuasive speech on a question of fact? (Points : 4)
a graduation ceremony
a retirement banquet
an awards ceremony
a political convention
a jury trial

1. Hearing is a _____ process, and listening is a _____ process (Points : 4)
mental; physical
mental; psychological
physical; mental
physical; physical

2. When an audience is in favor of the speaker’s position, it is most important for a speaker to: (Points : 4)
Motivate them to act
Answer all of their arguments
Refer to authorities that support the speaker’s argument
Present multiple sides of the issue

3. When an audience is opposed to a speaker’s position, it is most important for a speaker to: (Points : 4)
Motivate them to act
Answer all of their arguments
Refer to authorities that support the speaker’s argument
Present multiple sides of the issue

1. When you are selecting evidence to support your speech claims, you should make sure that _______ (Points : 4)
The evidence comes from a well-respected source
The evidence is from a well-known source
The evidence is common knowledge
All of the above

2. Which answer is not a component of an APA references citation (Points : 4)
Author’s first name
Author’s last name
Title of the source
Publication date

3. In conversation, stating in your own words your understanding of what someone else said is ___. (Points : 4)

1. If you have prepared a speech, but do not plan to use the same exact wording during presentation, you will be speaking (Points : 4)
from memory
from a manuscript

2. Speaking with no changes in pitch or rate is described as speaking (Points : 4)
With poor articulation
In monotone
In an impromptu manner


3. Research indicates that the impact of examples is greatly enhanced when they are combined with _______ that show(s) the examples to be typical. (Points : 4)
causal reasoning
credibility statements
emotional appeals

Unit 1 Assignment:

Unit 1 Assignment:

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:

MT450-1: Examine how marketing strategies influence marketing decisions.

Introduction and instructions: In this Assignment you have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of concepts from your reading as applied to a simulation. First read the background concerning the scenario Adaptive Sports Global (ASG) company. Then view the simulation provided all the way through to gain a glimpse of what it might be like to work as a marketing product line manager in a well-funded startup company.

The second simulation will provide details you need to understand to more successfully complete the Assignment. Once you have thoroughly viewed the second simulation at least once, address the required checklist items below to complete the Assignment.

Read Adaptive Sports Global  (ASG) background information needed for this Assignment.Scenario: Adaptive Sports Global

-View the meeting of the marketing director at Adaptive Sports Global (ASG), and the

marketing management team meeting , to begin to develop the marketing strategy and marketing plan.

 View the simulation for details  for the Assignment below.

· Choose one of three product lines listed below for which you want to be responsible. Then respond to all the checklist items.

The first products within each of these three product lines that ASG will introduce to the market in three months (in the colors of red, navy, white, blue, black, green, and grey-unless otherwise stipulated) are:

Product line 1. Winter line:

Ski poles that convert to adjustable shock resistant hiking poles with a push of a button.

Skis that become snowshoes. Retractable length and when a button is pushed, cleats descend.

Ski boots (black or brown) that adapt to sleet, ice, or snow and/or unstable terrain, with retractable cleats; these boots can even be used for golfing.

Snowboards (ultra-aqua; navy; grey with logo) with lightweight retractable legs that become benches.

Product line 2. Spring/Summer/Fall line:

Boat and parasailing sails that adapt to wind, rain, and temperature conditions. They come in sizes for standard craft and in several colors. Parasails also double as tents.

Tennis rackets that convert to racquetball rackets with a collapsible shaft that stays stable under any normal use impact conditions.

Hiking/walking shoes (brown or black) that are waterproof but breathable and elevate when thick mud or rain are detected.

Surf boards (white/blue stripes; blue, white stripes) that have collapsible legs to convert to beach lounges.

Product line 3. Apparel: Hats, helmets, vests, and jackets (male and female lines): Fabrics and materials that adapt to the wearer’s temperature as well as the ambient temperature and that are sustainably made in the United States (US).

Checklist: Based on your analysis of the information provided regarding ASG and the simulation details provided above:

· Describe the company’s core competencies based on the limited information in the scenario.

· Provide a general company SWOT analysis based on the company scenario.

· Explain which of Porter’s three overall marketing strategies from the Learning Activity the company should use, and why.

· Identify your chosen ASG product line.

· Summarize the competition to your chosen product line as found on the Internet.

· Explain the distribution strategy that should be used for this product line. Should ASG consider strategic alliances for your product line? Why or why not?

· Analyze how your chosen marketing strategy (from Porter) shown above impacts what the 4 P’s will be for one (1) of the products from your chosen product line.

Respond in a minimum 350- to 500-word document in Microsoft® Word® in addition to the title and reference pages using APA format and citation style.



Adaptive Sports Global (ASG) Corporation*

This brand new ASG startup company has just hired you on as one of three new

marketing product line managers reporting to the marketing director. Several years in

the planning, the start-up is now becoming operational. The founders are engineers and

managers who are sports enthusiasts that wanted better clothing and gear to pursue

their sports passions. Besides hiring based on specific qualifications for the particular

job, they only hire athletes and weekend sports enthusiasts who use various types of

sporting gear and clothing in their personal lives and can therefore relate to the user.

They allow the first two weeks at the company for intensive training and using the gear

to become thoroughly familiar with the product. Whatever feedback they get from users

they funnel into the production and design to make improvements. All production is

done within the United States (U.S.) The founders want to keep the company relatively

small in staff but with a global market. The headquarters is located outside of Pittsburg

PA. The headquarters building as well as their production facilities (which predominantly

uses robots for actual production work) and large warehouse are Green Seal® and

LEED certified®*(Green Seal; BuidingGreen, 2019). The company is committed to

planting the amount of trees each year to offset their carbon emissions generated from

production. The majority of products are currently sold directly to customers through the company website.

The mission of the company is: We make quality clothes and equipment that we sell to

active people anywhere, that adapt to the terrain and climate in a sustainable manner.

The objectives, according to the executives of ASG, are:

 Create sustainable clothes that adapt to temperature variations and weather

conditions in a sustainable manner.

 Design and produce sports equipment that will adapt to (1) differing terrains and

climates as well as (2) adapt to different sports and (3) provide excellent


The department has hired you as one of three new marketing product line managers

(you can read the general product manager job duties).

Product line 1. Sports Equipment: Winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, winter

climbing, skating, ice hockey, etc.) and shoes or boots that apply.

Product line 2. Sports Equipment: All other sports: Sailing (and parasailing), surfing,

tennis, golf, rock climbing (and indoor gym/parcourse, etc.) and footwear that fit those


Product line 3. Apparel: All sports clothing lines, starting with hats, helmets, vests, and

jackets (male and female lines).

All equipment and apparel is either compostable, or can be recycled. All equipment comes with

a free return label when the person has finished with the equipment so that it may be recycled.

corporate structure: 46 employees to date


For instance, wooden surf boards that are cracked from impact on rocks etc. can be sent back

to ASG. The company then recycles the components to make new surfboards or repairs them

and donates them to third world areas or poorer countries where sports equipment might be

considered unattainable economically.

*Disclaimer: The organization and characters depicted in this exercise are fictional. Any resemblance to real organizations or individuals is purely coincidental. This exercise may include actual companies and

brand names solely for instructional purposes; this exercise is not associated with any such actual company or brand name. All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.

Unit 1 Textbook Problems

Unit 1 Textbook Problems

Activity Context

This assignment helps you develop the skills to master the following course competencies:

  • Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of the firm.
  • Integrate financial analyses into general business management planning and decision making.

Activity Instruction

To enhance your understanding of financial concepts, please complete the following problems in your Corporate Finance textbook:

  • Chapter 2, problem 1 (page 34).
  • Chapter 2, problem 2 (page 34).
  • Chapter 2, problem 4 (page 34).
  • Chapter 2, problem 5 (page 34).
  • Chapter 3, problem 2 (page 75).
  • Chapter 3, problem 6 (page 76).

You are required to use the textbook problems template in the Resources to complete the problems. This Excel document contains unique details and cells specific to the problems that you must use to derive your solutions. Provide full detail of the process used to reach the solution.

Submit your completed problems for grading and instructor feedback. Solutions for the problems will be posted the subsequent week.

Chapter 10 & 11 Problems

Chapter 10 & 11 Problems

· 10.11

· 10.13

· 10.20

· 11.19

· 11.23

PLEASE SHOW ALL WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-11 A group of college students is planning a camping trip during the upcoming break. The group must hike several miles through the woods to get to the campsite, and anything that is needed on this trip must be packed in a knapsack and carried to the campsite. One particular student, Tina Shawl, has identified eight items that she would like to take on the trip, but the combined weight is too great to take all of them. She has decided to rate the utility of each item on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being the most beneficial. Each item’s weight in pounds and utility value are given below.

ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
WEIGHT 8 1 7 6 3 12 5 14
UTILITY 80 20 50 55 50 75 30 70

Recognizing that the hike to the campsite is a long one, a limit of 35 pounds has been set as the maximum total weight of the items to be carried.

a. Formulate this as a 0–1 programming problem to maximize the total utility of the items carried. Solve this knapsack problem using a computer.

b. Suppose item 3 is an extra battery pack, which may be used with several of the other items. Tina has decided that she will take item 5, a CD player, only if she also takes item 3. On the other hand, if she takes item 3, she may or may not take item 5. Modify the problem to reflect this, and solve the new problem.

10-13 An airline owns an aging fleet of Boeing 737 jet airplanes. It is considering a major purchase of up to 17 new Boeing model 787 and 767 jets. The decision must take into account numerous cost and capability factors, including the following: (1) the airline can finance up to $1.6 billion in purchases; (2) each Boeing 787 will cost $80 million, and each Boeing 767 will cost $110 million; (3) at least one-third of the planes purchased should be the longer-range 787; (4) the annual maintenance budget is to be no more than $8 million; (5) the annual maintenance cost per 787 is estimated to be $800,000, and it is $500,000 for each 767; and (6) each 787 can carry 125,000 passengers per year, whereas each 767 can fly 81,000 passengers annually. Formulate this as an integer programming problem to maximize the annual passenger-carrying capability. What category of integer programming problem is this? Solve this problem.

10-20 The campaign manager for a politician who is running for reelection to a political office is planning the campaign. Four ways to advertise have been selected: TV ads, radio ads, billboards, and social media advertising buys. The costs of these are $900 for each TV ad, $500 for each radio ad, $600 for a billboard for 1 month, and $180 for each buy on social media (approximately 40,000 unique impressions). The audience reached by each type of advertising has been estimated to be 40,000 for each TV ad, 32,000 for each radio ad, 34,000 for each billboard, and 17,000 for each social media buy. The total monthly advertising budget is $16,000. The following goals have been established and ranked:

1. The number of people reached should be at least 1,500,000.

2. The total monthly advertising budget should not be exceeded.

3. Together, the number of ads on either TV or radio should be at least 6.

4. No more than 10 ads/buys of any one type should be used.

a. Formulate this as a goal programming problem.

b. Solve this using computer software.

c. Which goals are exactly met and which are not?

11-19 The Laurenster Corporation needs to set up an assembly line to produce a new product. The following table describes the relationships among the activities that need to be completed for this product to be manufactured.

a m b
A 3 6 6
B 5 8 11 A
C 5 6 10 A
D 1 2 6 B, C
E 7 11 15 D
F 7 9 14 D
G 6 8 10 D
H 3 4 8 F, G
I 3 5 7 E, F, H

a. Develop a project network for this problem.

b. Determine the expected duration and variance for each activity.

c. Determine the ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack time for each activity. Also determine the total project completion time and the critical path(s).

d. Determine the probability that the project will be completed in 34 days or less.

e. Determine the probability that the project will take longer than 29 days.

11-23 Tom Schriber, the director of personnel of Management Resources, Inc., is in the process of designing a program that its customers can use in the job-finding process. Some of the activities include preparing resumés, writing letters, making appointments to see prospective employers, and researching companies and industries. The information on these activities is shown in the following table:

a m b
A 8 10 12
B 6 7 9
C 3 3 4
D 10 20 30 A
E 6 7 8 C
F 9 10 11 B, D, E
G 6 7 10 B, D, E
H 14 15 16 F
I 10 11 13 F
J 6 7 8 G, H
K 4 7 8 I, J
L 1 2 4 G, H

a. Construct a network for this problem.

b. Determine the expected time and variance for each activity.

c. Determine ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack time for each activity.

d. Determine the critical path(s) and project completion time.

e. Determine the probability that the project will be finished in 70 days or less.

f. Determine the probability that the project will be finished in 80 days or less.

g. Determine the probability that the project will be finished in 90 days or less.

Running Head: MILESTONE ONE 1


Running Head: MILESTONE ONE 1



Ryan Green

Southern New Hampshire University


In a bid to adopt an e-commerce business model that would supplement the brick and mortar business and propel the business to acquire a new customer base, a click and mortar type of business model was proposed (Lian & Yen, 2017). This was a solution that was proposed to aim at mitigating the problem that arose where the business could not satisfy the customers’ needs for the availability of the designer clothing and accessories over the business’ website. The business hopes that by adopting the click and mortar business model, it will not only establish an online presence but also shift to a customer-oriented focus.

Wireless, mobile computing, and mobile commerce is one technology that the business will focus on. This technology provides unlimited access to the designer products and accessories that the business hopes to sell through its e-commerce platform. It is one technology that would substantially elevate the accessibility of the range of designer products to its clients by availing the different commerce services to the clients’ personal devices. Another elegant technology that fits the desired click and mortar business model is the business analytics and business intelligence solutions. This technology provides a remedy to the challenges of streamlining business transactions by linking the wireless, mobile computing, and mobile commerce technology to the business processes and procedures. It also supports management in decision making by managing customer information. A combination of these two technologies provides the basis of the business system analysis which the business should research to compete fairly against the other competitors who have migrated their business models to the e-business platform.

Business requirements

The project aims at promoting the growth of the business by propelling the earned revenue to greater heights and streamlining the business activities that are associated with a click and mortar type of business. The business owner sees potential in a significant increase in the ratings of the business by incorporating an e-commerce platform to the brick and mortar business model and perceives the project as the ultimate solution without overlooking the privacy and security challenges that come with the transformation.

To satisfy the need of controlling revenue when expanding the customer base, it needs to adopt an e-commerce model that provides transparency and is reliable in managing customer information so that the business best accounts for its earnings. This e-commerce model should be flexible and resilient enough to tackle the different operational needs of the business, such as working efficiently during peak seasons without a decline in the processing speed and it should display its ability to handle concurrency issues. An increase in the ratings of the business regards adopting an e-commerce model that adapts well to the brick and mortar business processes and its business environment while portraying robust privacy and security standards. The selected e-commerce model should fit perfectly alongside the brick and mortar business environment so that it complements the latter in achieving a click and mortar business model. This simply means that the e-commerce platform should not limit the operations conducted as per the initial brick and mortar business but only strive to improve its efficiency towards achieving the business goals.

At the end of the project, it is forecasted that the transformation will lead to better handling of customer information and an increase in the earned revenue since the e-commerce platform’s primary function is to promote the growth of the business. Better handling of customer information is oriented towards accountability and best practice on matters concerning privacy and security. The increase in revenue is attributed to better accessibility to the range of designer products by the customers so that they do not have to walk to the store to acquire a product.

It is important that the business owner considers implementing the technology that supports the e-commerce platform since it serves as an upgrade of whatever architecture the business owns. A wide set of advantages is to be enjoyed by purchasing new technology in the sense that it increases the efficiency of business operations and promotes professionalism other than increasing the value of the business assets. To incorporate new architecture, a compatibility assessment has to be made. This may require replacing some architecture that is rendered unproductive by obsolescence and the result is a dedicated system that works perfectly according to current standards and trends in technology.

One technological requirement of the new technology is that it should facilitate online shopping where customers can look up various designer products offered by the business and make orders. The net technology should facilitate interpersonal relationships between various stakeholders such as customers and staff, a technological requirement that can be made possible through ratings and feedback functions. The new technology should facilitate reporting and manage customer information, which is a requirement that helps meet the business analysis and decision-making role of the management. The new technology needs to meet the technical requirement of supporting the sets of activities that were initially provided in the brick and mortar business model.

Competitors and technology

The Zappos company implements business analytics and business intelligence technology to identify the customers that are legible for discounts by using SheerID. In this way, it helps profile its customers by exploring the information they can acquire on them. An example is where SheerID is used to identify students who are liable to a discount of ten percent on orders they make on the Zappos website through verification.

The Lyst company implements mobile computing and mobile commerce by providing google based authentication so that a client can access the same products over different devices for the same customer profile and follow up on orders. The customer can also create a Wishlist which includes a variety off products for which he can pay via credit card or bank transaction. An example where this technology is used is when a customer gets an alert that a product he purchased is available for pickup.

Through mobile commerce and mobile computing, the Lyst company is able to reach a diversity of customers beyond what a physical store would provide. This enlarges its customer base and simultaneously leads to higher revenue.


Lian, J. W., & Yen, D. C. (2017). Understanding the relationships between online entrepreneurs’ personal innovativeness, risk-taking, and satisfaction: Comparison of pure-play and click-and-mortar. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 27(2), 135-151.


Funding source for small business, Understanding Financial Ratios


Funding source for small business, Understanding Financial Ratios

Financial plans and statements are an important part of identifying how much money is needed and of determining the health of the company through company valuation. Completing financial statements is part of the role of the entrepreneur in raising capital.

Reread “All is Not Paradise in Eden’s Garden,” parts 1 and 2, attached.

Assume the role of Shelly Edison. Using the financial statements for Eden’s Garden, calculate the following ratios:

  • Current Ratio
  • Quick Ratio
  • Debt Ratio
  • Times Interest Turnover Ratio
  • Average Inventory Turnover
  • Average Collection Period
    • Average collection period in days
  • Average Payable Period
    • Payable period in days
  • Net Sales to Net Assets
  • Net Sales to Working Capital
  • Net Profit on Sales
  • Net Profit on Equity

What recommendations can you make to the Eden’s to improve their company’s financial performance in the future?

Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length and in conformity with guidelines for APA Style. Calculations of the ratios should be shown in an appendix in APA format, while the body of the paper is used for explanations and recommendations.