Chapter 8 Exercise Questions

Chapter 8 Exercise Questions

1. The integrated ownership of pipelines was initially used by some oil companies to gain control of oil-producing areas. How did they use their transportation network to gain market control? What other reasons can be offered for integrated ownership? Are these reasons valid in today’s business environment?

2. The pipeline industry has approximately 100 companies, as compared to the motor carrier industry with more than 50,000. What are the underlying economic causes for this difference, given the fact that they both carry approximately the same volume of intercity ton-miles?

3. The typical pipeline company has high fixed costs. What economic factors account for this situation? What advantages and disadvantages does their cost structure present?

4. Pipelines account for more than 20 percent of the intercity ton-miles but less than 5 percent of the revenue paid by shippers to transportation companies. What factors account for this contrast? Is this situation likely to change? Why or why not?

5. The economic and market position of the pipelines has been described as mature and stable with little likelihood of significant growth in the near future. Do you agree? Why or why not?

6. Water carriers played a dominant role in the transportation system of the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries. Why has their relative position declined during the 20th century? Are they still an important component of the total transportation system? Why or why not?

7. What would be the impact of higher fuel charges on the water carrier industry? Provide a rationale for raising their user charges.

8. Technology often offers the potential of improving efficiency and effectiveness of transportation companies, but water carriers do not appear to have applied much new technology to improve their service. What impediments slow technological progress in the water carrier industry?

9. Intermodal competition is more intense than intramodal competition for water carriers. Why?

10. Why are pipelines unknown to many individuals? Do you think the pipelines should advertise to change this?

What is the current value of Medfield as a company? Use the exhibit 4 spreadsheet to calculate the NPV of Medfield. Compare this result to the offer price and provide your reasoning for the difference.

What is the current value of Medfield as a company? Use the exhibit 4 spreadsheet to calculate the NPV of Medfield. Compare this result to the offer price and provide your reasoning for the difference.

If we consider the sale of Medfield as the sale of existing assets how does the elimination of R&D, investment in future assets, change the valuation of Medfield? (Using the exhibit 4 spreadsheet distinguish between the NPV value of existing products and R&D)

What is the value that would be created by a reformulation? Complete and explain the table below.

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

2020 2021 2022

2023 2024

Incremental Research 35 35

Incremental Special Marketing 25 25 25 25 25

Growth 2% -50% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%

2% 2% -50%

-50% -50%

New Sales 214.77

Marginal Sales (New Sales – Original Sales 0.00

New Cost of Sales 49.40

Marginal Cost of Sales 0.00

New Direct Marketing 57.99

Old Direct Marketing 57.99 59.15 29.57 14.79 7.39 0 0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0

Marginal Direct Marketing 0.00

New G&A 8.59

Old G&A 8.59 8.76 4.38 2.19 1.10 0 0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0

Marginal G&A 0.00

Marginal Cash Flow pre Tax (60.00) 29.52 14.76 7.38

Marginal NOPAT (40.80) 20.07 10.04 5.02


What factors explain the value created from the reformulation for Fleximat?

Who reaps the financial benefits?

Who bears the financial costs?



What facts would change your mind and cause you to recommend against reformulation?


7. Under what conditions might you be in favor of reformulation?

How would you change your thinking if Medfield’s reformulation approach were more substantive (e.g. drug works faster, works longer) than cosmetic?

Could Medfield use the extra value created by the reformulation to generate new and helpful products?

When you consider Medfield’s stakeholders, what are the key issues. Choose three from the following list and discuss the key issues.

Shareholders of Medfield

Patients using the drug

Third-party payees (Medicare, private insurance companies, etc.)


Employees of Medfield


What ethical issues need to be considered in making a reformulation decision? Which are more pressing? Reference the ethics concepts discussed earlier in the semester, include at least one of the Right vs. Wrong explanations presented: Consequences, Duty, or Virtues. Use external references sources to support your discussion of the ethical issues.

What should Susan Johnson do?  Explain your choice of a, b, c, or d. If you have another approach, discuss it here.

Don’t pursue the reformulation, but accept takeover offer

Initiate the reformulation and accept the offer

Refuse the offer but initiate reformulation

Refuse the offer and not reformulate

Your Turnitin Score needs to be 0-30% tops. Try to get it down there. If it is higher, I will read your paper, and see why the score is high but your grade will reflect the score.

1. (TCO 5) Which of the following terms is best used to describe works of the mind such as art, books, films, formulae, inventions, music, and processes that are distinct and that are owned or created by a single entity? (Points : 4)

1. (TCO 5) Which of the following terms is best used to describe works of the mind such as art, books, films, formulae, inventions, music, and processes that are distinct and that are owned or created by a single entity? (Points : 4)
Intellectual property
Intangible property
Prior art
Patented property
None of the above

2. (TCO 5) US-CERT is charged with protecting the national infrastructure of the Internet by coordinating defenses against Internet attacks. Specific responsibilities include _____. (Points : 4)
analyzing and reducing cyber threats
analyzing and reducing cyber vulnerabilities
disseminating cyber threat warnings
incident response activities
All of the above

3. (TCO 1) One approach to acting with _____ is to extend to all people the same respect and consideration that you desire. (Points : 4)
None of the above

1. Ronda would like to assess the effects of a reading comprehension course on the scores of
students. She gives a group of remedial students a reading comprehension pretest and then
randomly assigns them to either the treatment group or the control group. Shortly after the
treatment, she measures their reading comprehension scores again. What kind of research design did Ronda use?
a. Solomon four-group design
b.  Non-equivalent group design
c.  Pretest-posttest control-group design
d. Interrupted time-series design

2. Ronda would like to assess the effects of a reading comprehension course on the scores of
students. She gives a group of remedial students a reading comprehension pretest and then
randomly assigns them to either the treatment group or the control group. Shortly after the
treatment, she measures their reading comprehension scores again.
How has Ronda controlled for the selection threat to internal validity?
a. She has randomly assigned participants to groups.
b. She has given a reading comprehension pretest.
c. She has given a reading comprehension posttest.
d. She has administered a treatment.

3. Ronda would like to assess the effects of a reading comprehension course on the scores of students. She gives a group of remedial students a reading comprehension pretest and then randomly assigns them to either the treatment group or the control group. Shortly after the
treatment, she measures their reading comprehension scores again.
Which set of results would result in Ronda being worried about the internal validity threat of testing?
a. The treatment group improves their reading comprehension scores and the control group does not.
b. The control group improves their reading comprehension scores and the treatment group does not.
c. The treatment group and the control group both increase their reading comprehension scores.
d. The reading scores of both the treatment group and the control group stay the same across

1. Ronda would like to assess the effects of a reading comprehension course on the scores of
students. She gives a group of remedial students a reading comprehension pretest and then
randomly assigns them to either the treatment group or the control group. Shortly after the
treatment, she measures their reading comprehension scores again.
Suppose Ronda finds out that participants in the treatment group were helping participants in the control group with their reading comprehension. Ronda should be worried about which threat to internal validity?
a. Selection
b.  Experimental mortality
c.  Testing
d.  Diffusion of treatment

2. Case studies _________ cause-and-effect conclusions; single-case experiments _________ cause-and-effect conclusions.
a. do not allow; do not allow
b. allow; do not allow
c. allow; allow
d. do not allow; allow

3. Renee conducts a single-case experiment in which she changes two variables simultaneously.
Renee has
a. utilized a factorial design.
b. utilized a multiple-groups design.
c. controlled for several threats to internal validity.
d. a confound.

1. A researcher conducts an experiment with Mary, an 8-year-old autistic girl. The researcher first measures how many times Mary hits her head against a wall per day (for a total of 10 days). Then, the researcher begins reinforcing Mary when she engages in productive behaviors (e.g., playing quietly) and does NOT hit her head against a wall. The researcher again measures how many times Mary hits her head against a wall per day (for a total of 10 days). What kind of research design has this researcher used?
a. A-B-A
b. A-B-A-B
c. A-B
d. Interrupted time-series

2. Juan conducts a study with a boy who has been inattentive during class. Juan first measures the number of times per class period the boy looks around the classroom without paying attention to the teacher. Then, Juan administers a treatment whereby the boy is given a reinforcement for each time that he pays attention to the teacher. Then, Juan takes away the reinforcement for a period of time to see if the inattentiveness returns. Finally, Juan eintroduces the reinforcement for attentive behavior. Juan has conducted which kind of experiment.
a. A-B-A design
b. A-B-A-B design
c. interrupted time-series design
d. posttest-only control-group design

3. Chris would like to conduct a study on the effectiveness of a new substance-abuse treatment
program. He has a sample of participants go through the program and he uses as a comparison
group people who did not volunteer for the program but were eligible. Chris has used a(n)
_________ design for his study.
a. interrupted time-series
b. pretest-posttest control-group
c. nonequivalent group
d. Solomon four-group


1. If you use computer equipment in your study, you should label the second section of your method section
a. apparatus.
b. materials.
c. equipment.
d. testing instruments.

2. Pedro would like to see an explanation of the experimental manipulations in the manuscript he is reading. Pedro should turn to the ________ section.
a. participants
b. materials
c. procedure
d. apparatus


3. Marissa is reading about how the results of the current study relate to past research on the topic. Based on this information, you suspect that she is reading the __________ section of an APA-format paper.
a. results
b. discussion
c. method
d. introduction

BUS 500 Fundamental of Statistics

BUS 500 Fundamental of Statistics


Homework 2 (Due on November 21, 2015)


All work must be shown in order to receive credit for the homework.


1.      Exercises 3a and 8c on page 134 in the textbook.

2.      Exercises 13 on page 140 in the textbook.


3.      What is the Joint Probability? Do exercise 23 and 24 on page 148.

2. What information does a firm’s balance sheet provide to the viewing public?

1. Small firm common stocks, Common stocks, Long-term corporate bonds, Treasury bills

2. What information does a firm’s balance sheet provide to the viewing public?

3. Net working capital is equal to

4. Gross profit is equal to

5. Jones Finance Company had a cash balance of $3 million at the beginning of 2010. During 2010, Sales were $8 million and expenses were $7 million. Therefore,

6. Examples of uses of cash include

7. Wheeler Corporation had retained earnings as of 12/31/10 of $15 million. During 2011, Wheeler’s net income was $7 million. The retained earnings balance at the end of 2011 was equal to $20 million. Therefore,

8. Which of the following accounts belongs in the equity section of a balance sheet?

9. All of the following statements about balance sheets are true except:

10. What information does a firm’s statement of cash flows provide to the viewing public?

11. PDQ Corp. has sales of $4,000,000; the firm’s cost of goods sold is $2,500,000; and its total operating expenses are $600,000. The firm’s interest expense is $250,000, and the corporate tax rate is 40%. The firm paid dividends to preferred stockholders of $40,000, and the firm distributed $60,000 in dividend payments to common stockholders. What is PDQ’s “Addition to Retained Earnings”?

12. Based on the information in Table 3-1, assuming that no common stock was repurchased during the year, the firm issued how much new common stock during 2010?

13. Based on the information in Table 3-1, calculate the after tax cash flow from operations for 2008 (no assets were disposed of during the year, and there was no change in interest payable or taxes payable).

14. A firm has after-tax cash flow from operations equal to $100,000. Operating working capital increased by $20,000, and the firm purchased $30,000 of fixed assets. The firm’s free cash flow was:

15. PDQ Corp. has sales of $4,000,000; the firm’s cost of goods sold is $2,500,000; and its total operating expenses are $600,000. The firm’s interest expense is $250,000, and the corporate tax rate is 40%. What is PDQ’s tax liability?

16. What information does a firm’s income statement provide to the viewing public?

17. Which of the following represents an attempt to measure the net results of the firm’s operations (revenues versus expenses) over a given time period?

18. What financial statement explains the changes that took place in the firm’s cash balance over a period?

19. Which of the following accounts belongs on the asset side of a balance sheet?

20. All of the following are income statement items except:

21. All of the following are equity accounts on a balance sheet except:

22. The income statement for Brit, Inc. indicates that tax expense was $20,000. The balance sheet indicates that taxes payable for the same year increased by $5,000. What amount did Brit, Inc. actually pay in taxes during this year?

23. A firm’s financing costs include

24. Which of the following statements concerning net income is most correct?

25. Which of the following accounts does not belong in the equity section of a balance sheet?

26. Li Retailing reported the following items for the current year: Sales = $3,000,000; Cost of Goods Sold = $1,500,000; Depreciation Expense = $170,000; Administrative Expenses = $150,000; Interest Expense = $30,000; Marketing Expenses = $80,000; and Taxes = $300,000. Li’s gross profit is equal to

27. The increase in owners equity for a given period is equal to

28. Two companies have identical assets and operating activities. Which of the follow statements is true?

29. The A corporation has an operating profit margin of 20%, operating expenses of $500,000, and financing costs of $15,000. Therefore,

Given the following financial statements for ACME Corporation, what amount did the company pay in dividends for 2010?

30. Which of the following accounts does not belong on the asset side of a balance sheet?

31. A company borrows $2,000,000 and uses the money to purchase high technology machinery for its operations. These are examples of

32. The December 31, 2009 balance sheet shows net fixed assets of $150,000 and the December 31, 2010 balance sheet shows net fixed assets of $250,000. Depreciation expense for 2009 is $25,000 and depreciation expense for 2010 is $35,000. Based on this information, the cost of fixed assets purchased during 2010 is

33. A firm paid dividends of $10,000, paid interest of $20,000, reduced debt principal outstanding (paid off debt) in the amount of $100,000, and sold new stock for $150,000. What was the firm’s cash flow from financing activities?

34. Company A and Company B both report the same level of sales and net income. Therefore,

35. Which of the following accounts belong in the liability section of a balance sheet?

36. The income statement for Brit, Inc. indicates that tax expense was $20,000. The balance sheet indicates that taxes payable for the same year increased by $5,000. What amount did Brit, Inc. actually pay in taxes during this year?

37. Net working capital is equal to

38. Baron, Inc. has total current assets of $1,200,000; total current liabilities of $500,000; and long-term assets of $800,000. How much is the firm’s Total Liabilities & Equity?

39. Global.Com has cash of $75,000; short-term notes payable of $100,000; accounts receivables of $275,000; accounts payable of $135,000: inventories of $350,000; and accrued expenses of $75,000. What is Global’s net working capital?

40. Which of the following accounts does not belong in the liability section of a balance sheet

41. Which of the following best describes cash flow from financing activities

42. A corporation’s operating profit margin is equal to

43. The two principal sources of financing for corporations are

44. Corporation B reported earnings per share of $10. Corporation B has 100,000 shares of common stock outstanding and reported an increase in owners equity of $400,000 for the period. Corporation B paid $50,000 in interest expense during the period. Corporation B paid dividends per share of

45. Racing Horse Corporation reported net income for 2010 of $200,000, sales of $540,000, expenses (excluding depreciation) of $180,000, and depreciation expense of $60,000. The company’s accounts receivable balance increased by $40,000 during the year and its accounts payable balance remained the same. The company’s change in cash for the year is estimated to be

46. Baron, Inc. has total current assets of $1,200,000; long-term debt of $600,000; total current liabilities of $500,000; and long-term assets of $800,000. How much is the firm’s net working capital?

47. The basic format of an income statement is

48. All of the following would result in an increase in stockholders equity except:

49. An income statement may be represented as follows:

50. PDQ Corp. has sales of $4,000,000; the firm’s cost of goods sold is $2,500,000; and its total operating expenses are $600,000. What is PDQ’s EBIT?

51. Which of the following accounts does not belong on the asset side of a balance sheet?

52. Li Retailing reported the following items for the current year: Sales = $3,000,000; Cost of Goods Sold = $1,500,000; Depreciation Expense = $170,000; Administrative Expenses = $150,000; Interest Expense = $30,000; Marketing Expenses = $80,000; and Taxes = $300,000. Li’s net profit margin is equal to

53. A firm has after-tax cash flow from operations equal to $100,000. Operating working capital increased by $20,000, and the firm purchased $30,000 of fixed assets. The firm’s free cash flow was:


Chapter 9

Chapter 9

7. Calculating IRR [LO5] A firm evaluates all of its projects by applying the IRR rule. If the required return is 14 percent, should the firm accept the following project?

8. Calculating NPV [LO1] For the cash flows in the previous problem, suppose the firm uses the NPV decision rule. At a required return of 11 percent, should the firm accept this project? What if the required return is 24 percent?

Chapter 10

3. Calculating Projected Net Income [LO1] A proposed new investment has projected sales of $635,000. Variable costs are 44 percent of sales, and fixed costs are $193,000; depreciation is $54,000. Prepare a pro forma income statement assuming a tax rate of 35 percent. What is the projected net income?

10. Calculating Project NPV [LO1] In the previous problem, suppose the required return on the project is 12 percent. What is the project’s NPV?

Chapter 11

1. Calculating Costs and Break-Even [LO3] Night Shades, Inc. (NSI), manufactures biotech sunglasses. The variable materials cost is $9.64 per unit, and the variable labor cost is $8.63 per unit.

a. What is the variable cost per unit?

b. Suppose NSI incurs fixed costs of $915,000 during a year in which total production is 215,000 units. What are the total costs for the year?

c. If the selling price is $39.99 per unit, does NSI break even on a cash basis? If depreciation is $465,000 per year, what is the accounting break-even point?

7. Calculating Break-Even [LO3] In each of the following cases, calculate the accounting break-even and the cash break-even points. Ignore any tax effects in calculating the cash break-even

Chapter 9

7. Calculating IRR [LO5] A firm evaluates all of its projects by applying the IRR rule. If the required

return is 14 percent, should the firm accept the following project?

8. Calculating NPV [LO1] For the cash flows in the previous problem, suppose the firm uses the NPV

decision rule. At a required return of 11 percent, should the firm accept this project? What if the

required return is 24 percent?

Chapter 10

3. Calculating Projected Net Income [LO1] A proposed new investment has

projected sales of $635,000.

Variable costs are 44 percent of sales, and fixed costs are $193,000; depreciation is $54,000. Prepare a

pro forma income statement assuming a tax rate of 35 percent. What is the projected net income?

10. Calculating Project N

PV [LO1] In the previous problem, suppose the required return on the project

is 12 percent. What is the project’s NPV?

Chapter 9

7. Calculating IRR [LO5] A firm evaluates all of its projects by applying the IRR rule. If the required

return is 14 percent, should the firm accept the following project?

8. Calculating NPV [LO1] For the cash flows in the previous problem, suppose the firm uses the NPV

decision rule. At a required return of 11 percent, should the firm accept this project? What if the

required return is 24 percent?

Chapter 10

3. Calculating Projected Net Income [LO1] A proposed new investment has projected sales of $635,000.

Variable costs are 44 percent of sales, and fixed costs are $193,000; depreciation is $54,000. Prepare a

pro forma income statement assuming a tax rate of 35 percent. What is the projected net income?

10. Calculating Project NPV [LO1] In the previous problem, suppose the required return on the project

is 12 percent. What is the project’s NPV?