Discuss the following questions/topics using the textbook and additional research.  Your answers must include 2 sources other than the textbook, 1 biblical integration, and be in APA format, a title page and abstract are not required.

Discuss the following questions/topics using the textbook and additional research.  Your answers must include 2 sources other than the textbook, 1 biblical integration, and be in APA format, a title page and abstract are not required.

Your analysis per question should be at least a half- to a full-page of original written analysis, not including the question.    Insufficient written analysis per question will not be eligible for full credit to be earned.

Please make sure to label your work and include references at the end of the paper, and to number your questions.

You should include a section on what the text states regarding the topic, what an Internet reference(s) state regarding the topic, and then provide a detailed original commentary on what you have learned regarding the question’s topic.

Again, I would strongly encourage you to write more than just a 1/2 page of analysis, and limit your use of quotations.   You will not be eligible for full credit on the question if blocks of quotations are utilized.

Remember that zero points will be earned on the entire homework assignment if plagiarized work is present in the written document.  Homework assignments that are plagiarized will earn an automatic zero points.  Plagiarized work will also be reported directly to Liberty University for administrative processing, so please remember to quote or to write original personal commentary analysis.

The page numbers provided are for the 6th edition of the text, and the page numbers in brackets are for the 7th edition of the text.

  1. Discuss the Williams Act and the implications it places on mergers and acquisitions.
    1. The Williams Act is discussed in the text on pages 77 to 88 (73-80, 252-254, & 641).  You may want to discuss sections 13D and 14D of the Williams Act.
      1. https://media2.mofo.com/documents/faqs-schedule-13d-g.pdf
  2. Describe and discuss why the time period of a commencement offer is crucial in an offer.
    1. The commencement of the offer is discussed in the text from pages 81 to 82 (78).
  3. Discuss the implications of Wellman v. Dickinson in the U. S. District Court for mergers and acquisitions.
    1. The Wellman v. Dickinson case is discussed in the text on pages 84 and 257 (80-82).
      1. You may want to discuss the Eight Factor Test.
        1. http://homepages.wmich.edu/~edwards/622/readings/DEFIN.html
        2. https://h2o.law.harvard.edu/collages/3628
  4. Choose two of the U. S. State Corporation laws defined in your text.  What implications do these laws or legal principles create for the buyer and seller?
    1. Begin your readings on page 98 (96) under the section titled, “U.S. State Corporation Laws and Legal Principles”.
  5. Why are state antitakeover laws important?  Who are these laws designed to protect?
    1. The topic of antitakeover laws begins on page 101 (99).  You may want to discuss poison pills.
      1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIxH3R9iC6U

6.  Discuss SEC Rule 10b-5.  How does this rule protect shareholders who incur losses?

  1. This section is covered under insider trading on pages 109-110 (108-110).
  2. SEC Rule 10b-5:  https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/rule10b5.asp
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp4f_Lsppkc
  4. You will want to address insider trading.

7.  The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 provides the foundation of antitrust law.  Discuss at least two of the other Acts that pertain to antitrust.

  1. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1980 begins on page 111 (110).  Section 1 and 2 are addressed on this page.
  2. https://business-law.freeadvice.com/business-law/trade_regulation/anti_trust_act.htm
  3. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sherman-antiturst-act.asp
  4. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act Explained:  US History Review:
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DSN0uUNLOw

8.  Acquisition is a popular growth strategy, why?

  1. The Growth strategy begins the readings on Chapter-4’s Merger Strategy.

9.  How does the synergistic effect influence mergers and acquisitions?

  1. Synergy begins on page 136 (136) of the text.
  2. You may want to address the equations 4.1 and/or 4.2.
  3. You may want to address the differences between operational verses financial synergies.

10.  Discuss diversification as it relates and drives corporate strategy.

  1. The topic of diversification begins on page 148 (146) of the text.
  2. You may want to address the differences between a horizontal verses vertical integration.

“Do we have everything we need on sales and costs?” you ask. ”It must be time to compute the net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) of the Apix expansion project.”

“Do we have everything we need on sales and costs?” you ask. ”It must be time to compute the net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) of the Apix expansion project.”

“We have the data from James and Luke regarding projected sales and costs, respectively, for the food packaging project,” says Mary. “It is feasible to project that we will receive a tax break from this implementation. I have information from our audit firm that indicates that future depreciation methods for taxes will be straight-line; however, the corporate rates will be reduced to 35% as we assumed in our weighted average cost of capital (WACC) calculation.”

“That sounds good,” you say.

“Right,” says Mary. “You can use a WACC of 10% for the computation of the NPV and comparison for IRR.”

“I’ve got the information I need from Luke and James,” you say. “Does this look right to you? Here’s what they gave me,” you say, as you hand a sheet of paper to Mary.“Let’s look at this now while we’re together,” she says.

The information you hand to Mary shows the following:

  • Initial investment outlay of $30 million, consisting of $25 million for equipment and $5 million for net working capital (NWC) (plastic substrate and ink inventory); NWC recoverable in terminal year
  • Project and equipment life: 5 years
  • Sales: $25 million per year for five years
  • Assume gross margin of 60% (exclusive of depreciation)
  • Depreciation: Straight-line for tax purposes
  • Selling, general, and administrative expenses: 10% of sales
  • Tax rate: 35%

You continue your conversation.

“It looks good,” says Mary. “Use this information from Luke and James to compute the cash flows for the project.”

“No problem,” you say.

“Then, compute NPV and IRR of the project using the Excel spreadsheet I sent earlier today,” says Mary. “Use the IRR financial function for the computation of IRR.”

“Okay,” you say. “I’ll submit my Excel file showing the computation of cash flows, NPV, and IRR by the end of week so you can look at it over the weekend.”

“Thanks,” says Mary.

Complete the above worksheet for this assignment.



Points Possible 100


Download the Excel Spreadsheet from the Assignment List.


Fill in the Cash flow for each year.


With the following information:


Initial investment outlay of $30 million, consisting of $25 million for equipment and $5 million for net working capital (NWC) (plastic substrate and ink inventory); NWC recoverable in terminal year

Project and equipment life: 5 years

Sales: $25 million per year for five years

Assume gross margin of 60% (exclusive of depreciation)

Depreciation: Straight-line for tax purposes

Selling, general, and administrative expenses: 10% of sales

Tax rate: 35%


Use a WACC of 10%.


Compute, cash flows. The NPV and IRR of the project will be automatically calculated. If it does not you have made a mistake.


Submit the Excel Spreadsheet.




Complete your Intellipath by Sunday

Intellipath Unit: Investment Valuation and Decision Making

Points Possible: 125


Try to complete your Determine Knowledge by Wednesday.

If you have problems, flag the question in Intellipath.

If you have questions, DO NOT use the Intellipath message system. Email me. Try to include a screen shot of the question.

Your path will only consist of learning nodes that you need to work on and is individualized for you, so if you have difficulty with a question you must flag the question in Intellipath.





U4IP Hints

NWC Recapture is in the fifth year. NWC is given in task list.


The discount rate (Cost of Capital) is given.


A hint: the numbers will look the same for the first 4 years,. In Year 5 it will be different due to NWC recovery.


Initial cash flow for year 0 is given.


You must put a cash flow for year 0 into your spreadsheet. It is given as initial outlay. It should be inputed as a negative quantity.


Sales are given (This is also called Revenue)


Gross margin is given.


Calculate: COGS (You must find the equation that gives you COGS from gross margin and sales (revenue)). Do a search on “COGS, Margin, Sales”. You must determine what is COGS.


Calculate SGA expense.


Calculate yearly depreciation, straight line for tax purposes, look this up. There is no salvage value.


Subtract COGS, SGA and depreciation from Sales (Revenue).


This gives EBT, Earnings Before Taxes, also called Operating Income.


Calculate Taxes on basis of EBT, tax rate is given.


Subtract this from EBT (Operating Income).


This gives Net Income.


Add Depreciation back in to Net Income. This gives cashflow.


Add NWC recovery to Net Income in the 5th year.


This gives a Cashflow for each year.


You should enter a cashflow for each year into your spreadsheet.

Enter year 0 cash flow with a negative number: Cell B9

Enter year 1-4 (these should be the same): C9 –F9.

Enter year 5 cash flow after you have added back NWC: G9.


The NPV and IRR should calculate automatically. If it does not you have made a mistake.


1.) The ________ method provides the number of years required for a project to repay its initial investment. a. modified internal rate of return b. internal rate of return c. net present value d. payback

1.) The ________ method provides the number of years required for a project to repay its initial investment. a. modified internal rate of return b. internal rate of return c. net present value d. payback

2.) Crater Lake Diagnostics Inc. is considering the purchase of a new piece of equipment that has an initial investment of $75,000, has annual expenses associated with its operation of $10,000 per year and has a six year life. What is the equivalent annual cost of this investment if the firms considers the appropriate discount rate to be 11%? a. $17,728 b. $19,551 c. $22,500 d. $27,728

3.) The ________ method is a capital budgeting technique for evaluating projects of unequal lives. a. equivalent annual cost b. equal amortization c. straight-line annuity d. none of the above

4.) The profitability index method of project evaluation provides an answer that is a ______. a. rate of interest b. dollar value. c. time period d. ratio

5.) Which of the following statements regarding the MIRR and how it solves problems with the IRR is not accurate? a. The MIRR eliminates the problem of multiple IRRs. b. The MIRR eliminates the problem of the assumption of always reinvesting at the IRR. c.The MIRR eliminates the problem of arbitrarily choosing a required rate of return (AKA the hurdle rate). d. all of the above are accurate

6.) If a project has a ________ NPV, it should also have an IRR ________ the hurdle rate. a. positive; greater than b. positive; less than c. negative; greater than d. negative; equal to

7.) The ________ measure is similar to the yield to maturity measure for bonds. a. NPV b. IRR c. MIRR d. payback

8.) The decision rule for net present value declares that a project is acceptable if ______. a. it pays back within a specified time period b. the rate of return is greater than the firm’s cost of capital c. the present value of the cash inflows exceeds the initial cash outflow d. all of the statements above are true

9.) Corporate bond yields are higher than similar maturity government bond yields due to ______. a. higher overall tax rates on corporate bonds than on government bonds b. Interest rates are deductible as expenses for tax purposes c. they include a sinking fund feature d. greater risk on the part of corporate bonds

10.) Empirical evidence supports the notion that U.S. stock markets are generally _________ form efficient. a. weak b. semi-strong c. strong d. The studies have shown mixed results.

11.) The ________ is a regulatory document filed with the SEC that describes the details of the IPO and is meant to help investors make informed decisions. a. red herring b. prospectus c. indenture d. debenture

12.) Which of the following interest rates would be inappropriate for use as a base rate for a variable rate bond? a. the prime rate b. LIBOR c. a rate determined by the bond issuer’s board of directors d. the 10-year Treasury bond rate

13.) Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. Investments rated below BBB- are known as high quality bonds. b. Investment grade securities should include those with a bond rating of AA. c.

A “fallen angel” is a bond that at one time was an investment grade security, but whose bond ratings has subsequently dropped. d. Another colorful term for non-investment grade bonds is “junk bonds.”

14.) The least frequently issued capital financial instruments listed herein are ______. a. preferred shares b. common shares c. bonds d. all these instruments are issued in similar magnitude

15.) The ________ feature found with many issues of preferred stock requires that all current and past due preferred dividends must be paid prior to any dividend payout to common shareholders.

a. cumulative b. participating c. convertible d. historical

16.) Firms must make regular payments to ________ but are under no contractual obligation to pay dividends to ________. a. common stockholders; preferred stockholders b. preferred stockholders; bondholders c. bondholders; common stockholders d. common stockholders, bondholders

17.) ________ is a measure of dispersion and is one way of measuring the risk of securities and portfolios. a. Diversification b. Expected return c. Standard deviation d. Statistics

18.) Another name for market risk is ______. a. systematic risk b. standard deviation c. unsystematic risk d. total risk

19.) If a firm has publicly traded debt then the yield to maturity is approximately the same as ______.

a. the after-tax cost of debt b. the before-tax cost of debt c. the 10-year Treasury bond rate d. the WACC 20.) If a firm increases the amount of debt that it has this could lead to an increase in ______. a. financial risk b. the cost of equity c. both the cost of equity and the financial risk d. none of the above

21.) ________ represent current investor expectations about a firm whereas ________ are representations of historical costs. a. Book values; market values b. Market values; book values c. Regulators; investment bankers d. Common equity holders; bondholders

22.) A firm with a beta of 1.0 and when held in a well-diversified portfolio should be considered to have ________ risk than the market portfolio. a. less b. neither more nor less c. more d. There is not enough information to answer this question.

23.) Transit Design Inc. recently paid a $1.00 dividend, has a beta of 0.75, has determined that the market risk premium is 10% and the current risk-free rate is 4%. What is the firm’s required return on equity? a. 14.00% b. 14.50% c. 11.50% d. 8.50%

24.) If a firm does not have publicly traded debt and therefore does not have a yield to maturity as an estimate for its cost of debt, a common practice is to estimate the cost of debt by adding a premium to the rate on ______. a. the cost of accounts payable b. equity c. long-term government bonds d. collateralized debt obligations

25.) All else being equal, investors “like” ________ and “dislike” ________. a. risk; return b. return; risk c. standard deviation; risk d. diversification; return

Assignment 4, Chapter 6 and 8

Assignment 4, Chapter 6 and 8

Please answer each of the following and all parts of your answers must be in your own words. Any plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for all students involved. Please use your own words even if you are using the textbook for answers and provide a citation for all of your answers.

1. Reinsurance can be used by an insurer to solve several problems. Assume you are an insurance consultant who is asked to give recommendations concerning the type of reinsurance plan or arrangement to use. For each of the following situations, indicate the type of reinsurance plan or arrangement that the ceding insurer should use, and explain the reasons for your answer.

a. Company A is an established insurer and is primarily interested in having protection against a catastrophic loss arising out of a single occurrence.

b. Company B is a rapidly growing new company and desires a plan of reinsurance that will reduce the drain on its surplus because of the expense of writing a large volume of new business.

c. Company C has received an application to write a $50 million life insurance policy on the life of the chief executive officer of a major corporation. Before the policy is issued, the underwriter wants to make certain that adequate reinsurance is available.

d. Company D would like to increase its underwriting capacity to underwrite new business.

2. a. Define the meaning of underwriting.

b. Briefly explain the basic principles of underwriting.

c. Identify the major sources of information available to underwriters.

3. Briefly describe the following types of claims adjustors:

a. Agent

b. Company adjustor

c. Independent adjustor

d. Public adjustor

4. Liability Insurance Company (LIC) writes a substantial amount of commercial liability insurance. A large construction company requests $100 million of liability insurance to cover its business operations. LIC has a reinsurance contract with Bermuda Re that enables the coverage to be written immediately. Under the terms of the contract, LIC pays 25 percent of the premium. Bermuda Re pays 75 percent of the losses and receives 75 percent of the premium, less a ceding commission that is paid to LIC. Based on the preceding, answer the following questions:

a. What type of reinsurance contract best describes the reinsurance arrangement that Liability Insurance has with Bermuda Re?

b. If a $50 million covered loss occurs, how much will Bermuda Re have to pay? Explain your answer.

c. Why does Bermuda Re pay a ceding commission to LIC?

5. Briefly explain the significance of the following legal cases and legislative acts with respect to insurance regulation:

a. Paul v. Virginia

b. South-Eastern Underwriters Association Case

c. McCarran-Ferguson Act

d. Financial Modernization Act of 1999

6. Explain four reasons the insurance industry is regulated. After reading the chapter and lecture notes, what do you think is the key reason for regulation in the insurance industry? Explain.

BUSI 600-Q 12.7

Willie Terrell, Jr.

Liberty University

BUSI 600-Q 12.7

Below is a Likert-type scale that might be used to evalu­ate your opinion of the educational degree program in which you are enrolled. There are five response categories: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Dis­agree, and Strongly Disagree. If Strongly Agree (SA) repre­sents the most positive attitude, how would you value the items below? Record your answers to the items.

A. This program is not very challenging. SD

B. The general level of teaching is good. SA

C. I really think I am learning a lot from this program. SA

D. Students’ suggestions are given little attention here. SD

E. This program does a good job of preparing one for a career. SA

F. This program is below my expectations. SD

In what two different ways could such responses be used? What would be the purpose of each?

In the question listed above, the type of scale used to is called the Likert-type scale. Which is used on either a five or seven point scale of how much a person agree or disagree on something. However, there is a flaw in the results. The flaw from this scale is that, “if you have an item that does not work, the results will become a big mess and you will spend a lot of time trying to figure out the results” (Vanek, 2012). The survey is a great resource but it can also not be the best for certain questions. One perfect example is that if it is not your own opinion about something then it should not be used. I also think that agree and disagree should not be based on an attitude. Item that a person would agree with might not be a positive answer behind anything. But with the answers in this case will be added up and given a total score.

The survey questions could be considered hypothetical constructs. Most, companies gain data from surveys and not actually observing them physically. With that being said, “These credentials cause examiners to be careful about the ways certain aspects of measured attitudes predict behavior” (Cooper, 2017). When you are using the Likert scale, you have to take into consideration that people answers the questions based on their feelings and how they are being treated or performing. When I think about the attitudes of people, I think about the “Golden Rule”. In the bible it talks about treating people fairly and the right way. The perfect bible verse that will be essential for this situation is, “Do unto others, as you would have them to do unto you” (Matthew 7:12, King James Version). If companies or whomever it is distributing the surveys, treat others fairly the results will always be positive. But the one person who does not get what they want will always give negative feedback no matter what.

There are two different ways the responses can be used. The first way is a rating scale. The rating scale, “is used when contributors score an object or indicant without constructing a direct comparison to another object or attitude” (p. 271). Instead of having whether you agree or disagree, you can make it to where it can benefit everything on a numeric scale. The purposes of this scale it to make sure results are not based on a person’s feeling towards a company or individual. One great example is that if a person is failing a class, the student will likely give that professor all bad reviews because the class did not go in favor of that student.

The second response is can be sorting. According to the response sorting, “it will allow them to sort cards into piles established by the researcher to gain more data” (p.272). I think that it will give the people who are given surveys to visually answer the questions, which will allow everyone to have more data and better research. It is so important to have accurate data, this will allow everyone to gain the appropriate info needed in order to improve or continue doing what they are already doing. Also, it takes faith in order to succeed in life. The bible states that, “Jesus said that I am the way, the truth, and the life no man cometh to my father but by me” (John 14:6, KJV). If you are doing something with a positive attitude and keep the Lord in all of your plans, there is no way you can fall unless there was a door God did not want you to enter. But, if you are doing right by people and yourself, the Lord will bless you and you will not only have the research you need, but it will be honest and truthful information.

Using a time line The financial manager at Starbuck Industries is considering an investment that requires an initial outlay of $25,000 and is expected to result in cash inflows of $3,000 at the end of year 1, $6,000 at the end of years 2 and 3, $10,000 at the end of year 4, $8,000 at the end of year 5, and $7,000 at the end of year 6.

Using a time line The financial manager at Starbuck Industries is considering an investment that requires an initial outlay of $25,000 and is expected to result in cash inflows of $3,000 at the end of year 1, $6,000 at the end of years 2 and 3, $10,000 at the end of year 4, $8,000 at the end of year 5, and $7,000 at the end of year 6.

· a.Draw and label a time line depicting the cash flows associated with Starbuck Industries’ proposed investment.

· b.Use arrows to demonstrate, on the time line in part a, how compounding to find future value can be used to measure all cash flows at the end of year 6.

· c.Use arrows to demonstrate, on the time line in part b, how discounting to find present value can be used to measure all cash flows at time zero.

· d.Which of the approaches—future value or present value—do financial managers rely on most often for decision making? Why?


Future values  For each of the cases shown in the following table, calculate the future value of the single cash flow deposited today at the end of the deposit period if the interest is compounded annually at the rate specified.

Case Single cash flow Interest rate Deposit period (years)
A $   200   5% 20
B   4,500  8  7
C  10,000  9 10
D  25,000 10 12
E  37,000 11  5
F  40,000 12  9

P5–5Time value You have $1,500 to invest today at 7% interest compounded annually.

· a.Find how much you will have accumulated in the account at the end of (1) 3 years, (2) 6 years, and (3) 9 years.

· b.Use your findings in part a to calculate the amount of interest earned in (1) the first 3 years (years 1 to 3), (2) the second 3 years (years 4 to 6), and (3) the third 3 years (years 7 to 9).

· c.Compare and contrast your findings in part b. Explain why the amount of interest earned increases in each succeeding 3-year period.


Time value Misty needs to have $15,000 at the end of 5 years to fulfill her goal of purchasing a small sailboat. She is willing to invest a lump sum today and leave the money untouched for 5 years until it grows to $15,000, but she wonders what sort of investment return she will need to earn to reach her goal. Use your calculator or spreadsheet to figure out the approximate annually compounded rate of return needed in each of these cases:

· a.Misty can invest $10,200 today.

· b.Misty can invest $8,150 today.

· c.Misty can invest $7,150 today.

· 5–10

· Present value calculation Without referring to the preprogrammed function on your financial calculator, use the basic formula for present value, along with the given opportunity cost, r, and the number of periods, n, to calculate the present value of $1 in each of the cases shown in the following table.

Case Opportunity cost, r Number of periods, n
A   2% 4
B 10 2
C  5 3
D 13 2

P5-17Cash flow investment decision Tom Alexander has an opportunity to purchase any of the investments shown in the following table. The purchase price, the amount of the single cash inflow, and its year of receipt are given for each investment. Which purchase recommendations would you make, assuming that Tom can earn 10% on his investments?

Investment Price Single cash inflow Year of receipt
A $18,000 $30,000  5
B     600   3,000 20
C   3,500  10,000 10
D   1,000  15,000 40

P5- 21Time value: Annuities Marian Kirk wishes to select the better of two 10-year annuities, C and D. Annuity C is an ordinary annuity of $2,500 per year for 10 years. Annuity D is an annuity due of $2,200 per year for 10 years.

· a.Find the future value of both annuities at the end of year 10 assuming that Marian can earn (1) 10% annual interest and (2) 20% annual interest.

· b.Use your findings in part a to indicate which annuity has the greater future value at the end of year 10 for both the (1) 10% and (2) 20% interest rates.

· c.Find the present value of both annuities, assuming that Marian can earn (1) 10% annual interest and (2) 20% annual interest.

· d.Use your findings in part c to indicate which annuity has the greater present value for both (1) 10% and (2) 20% interest rates.

· e.Briefly compare, contrast, and explain any differences between your findings using the 10% and 20% interest rates in parts b and d.


Risk preferences Sharon Smith, the financial manager for Barnett Corporation, wishes to evaluate three prospective investments: X, Y, and Z. Sharon will evaluate each of these investments to decide whether they are superior to investments that her company already has in place, which have an expected return of 12% and a standard deviation of 6%. The expected returns and standard deviations of the investments are as follows:

Investment Expected return Standard deviation
X 14% 7%
Y 12 8
Z 10 9

· a.If Sharon were risk neutral, which investments would she select? Explain why.

· b.If she were risk averse, which investments would she select? Why?

· c.If she were risk seeking, which investments would she select? Why?

· d.Given the traditional risk preference behavior exhibited by financial managers, which investment would be preferred? Why?


Risk analysis Solar Designs is considering an investment in an expanded product line. Two possible types of expansion are being considered. After investigating the possible outcomes, the company made the estimates shown in the following table.

  Expansion A Expansion B
Initial investment $12,000 $12,000
Annual rate of return    
   Pessimistic 16% 10%
   Most likely 20% 20%
   Optimistic 24% 30%

· a.Determine the range of the rates of return for each of the two projects.

· b.Which project is less risky? Why?

· c.If you were making the investment decision, which one would you choose? Why? What does this decision imply about your feelings toward risk?

· d.Assume that expansion B’s most likely outcome is 21% per year and that all other facts remain the same. Does your answer to part c now change? Why?


Rate of return, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation Mike is searching for a stock to include in his current stock portfolio. He is interested in Hi-Tech, Inc.; he has been impressed with the company’s computer products and believes that Hi-Tech is an innovative market player. However, Mike realizes that any time you consider a technology stock, risk is a major concern. The rule he follows is to include only securities with a coefficient of variation of returns below 0.90.

Mike has obtained the following price information for the period 2012 through 2015. Hi-Tech stock, being growth-oriented, did not pay any dividends during these 4 years.

  Stock price

Year Beginning End
2012 $14.36 $21.55
2013  21.55  64.78
2014  64.78  72.38
2015  72.38  91.80

· a.Calculate the rate of return for each year, 2012 through 2015, for Hi-Tech stock.

· b.Assume that each year’s return is equally probable, and calculate the average return over this time period.

· c.Calculate the standard deviation of returns over the past 4 years. (Hint: Treat these data as a sample.)

· d.Based on b and c, determine the coefficient of variation of returns for the security.

· e.Given the calculation in d, what should be Mike’s decision regarding the inclusion of Hi-Tech stock in his portfolio?

Assessing return and risk Swift Manufacturing must choose between two asset purchases. The annual rate of return and the related probabilities given in the following table summarize the firm’s analysis to this point.

Project 257

Project 432

Rate of return Probability Rate of return Probability
−10% 0.01 10% 0.05
10 0.04 15 0.10
20 0.05 20 0.10
30 0.10 25 0.15
40 0.15 30 0.20
45 0.30 35 0.15
50 0.15 40 0.10
60 0.10 45 0.10
70 0.05 50 0.05
80 0.04    
100 0.01    

· a.For each project, compute:

· (1)The range of possible rates of return.

· (2)The expected return.

· (3)The standard deviation of the returns.

· (4)The coefficient of variation of the returns.

· b.Construct a bar chart of each distribution of rates of return.

· c.Which project would you consider less risky? Why?

P8-13; Portfolio return and standard deviation Jamie Wong is considering building an investment portfolio containing two stocks, L and M. Stock L will represent 40% of the dollar value of the portfolio, and stock M will account for the other 60%. The expected returns over the next 6 years, 2015–2020, for each of these stocks are shown in the following table.

  Expected return

Year Stock L Stock M
2015 14% 20%
2016 14 18
2017 16 16
2018 17 14
2019 17 12
2020 19 10

· a.Calculate the expected portfolio return, rp, for each of the 6 years.

· b.Calculate the expected value of portfolio returns, , over the 6-year period.

· c.Calculate the standard deviation of expected portfolio returns, , over the 6-year period.

· d.How would you characterize the correlation of returns of the two stocks L and M?

· e.Discuss any benefits of diversification achieved by Jamie through creation of the portfolio.


· P8–24

· Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) For each of the cases shown in the following table, use the capital asset pricing model to find the required return.

Case Risk-free rate, RF Market return, rm Beta,β
A  5%  8%  1.30
B  8 13  0.90
C  9 12 −0.20
D 10 15  1.00
E  6 10  0.60

P8- 26Manipulating CAPM Use the basic equation for the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to work each of the following problems.

· a.Find the required return for an asset with a beta of 0.90 when the risk-free rate and market return are 8% and 12%, respectively.

· b.Find the risk-free rate for a firm with a required return of 15% and a beta of 1.25 when the market return is 14%.

· c.Find the market return for an asset with a required return of 16% and a beta of 1.10 when the risk-free rate is 9%.

· d.Find the beta for an asset with a required return of 15% when the risk-free rate and market return are 10% and 12.5%, respectively.