1.             Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

1.             Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

a.     One of the advantages of the corporate form of organization is that it avoids double taxation.

b.     It is easier to transfer one’s ownership interest in a partnership than in a corporation.

c.     One of the disadvantages of a sole proprietorship is that the proprietor is exposed to unlimited liability.

d.     One of the advantages of a corporation from a social standpoint is that every stockholder has equal voting rights, i.e., “one person, one vote.”

e.      Corporations of all types are subject to the corporate income tax.


2.             Which of the following is NOT to address the agency conflict between shareholders and managers?

a.     Maximize sales

b.     Monitor managers’ activities

c.     Give incentives based on performance

d.     Offer stock shares or stock options

e.     Hostile takeover threat


3.             What is the main advantage of S-corp relative to C-corp?

a.     Profit margin

b.    Single taxation

c.     Limited liability

d.     Dividend policy

e.     Capital structure


4.             Which of the following mechanisms would be most likely to help motivate managers to act in the best interests of shareholders?

a.     Decrease the use of restrictive covenants in bond agreements.

b.     Take actions that reduce the possibility of a hostile takeover.

c.     Elect a board of directors that allows managers greater freedom of action.

d.     Increase the proportion of executive compensation that comes from stock options and reduce the proportion that is paid as cash salaries.

e.     Eliminate a requirement that members of the board of directors have a substantial investment in the firm’s stock.


5.             If the projected net earnings is $5m and the dividend payout ratio is 60%, what is the projected retained earnings at the end of the next year if the retained earnings at the end of this year is $10m?

a.    $6m

b.    $9m

c.    $10m

d.    $11m

e.    $12m


6.             Which of the following items is NOT normally considered to be a current asset?

a.     Accounts receivable.

b.     Inventory.

c.     Bonds.

d.     Cash.

e.     Short-term, highly-liquid, marketable securities.


7.             The following information for Towsontown, Inc. is provided:

Net Sales:                                $88,000

Operating Costs:                     $72,000 (doesn’t include depreciation)

Depreciation Expense:             $  7,200 (no amortization charges occurred)

Debt:                                       $40,000

Interest Rates:                          10% Annual

Tax Rate:                                 34%

How much net cash flow did Woodley generate over the past year?

a.     $3,168

b.     $3,268

c.     $10,168

d.     $10,368

e.     $11,368


8.             Houston Pumps recently reported $185,250 of sales, $140,500 of operating costs other than depreciation, and $9,250 of depreciation.  The company had $35,250 of outstanding bonds that carry a 6.75% interest rate, and its income tax rate was 35%.  In order to sustain its operations and thus generate future sales and cash flows, the firm was required to spend $15,250 to buy new capital expenditure and to invest $6,850 in net working capital.  What was the firm’s free cash flow?

a.     $10,225

b.     $10,736

c.     $11,273

d.     $11,837

e.     $12,429


9.             Corporations face the following tax schedule:

Tax on Base                                   Percentage on

Taxable Income                                       of Bracket                                 Excess above Base

Up to $50,000                                                                             $0                                        15%

$50,000-$75,000                                                                    7,500                                        25

$75,000-$100,000                                                                13,750                                        34

$100,000-$335,000                                                              22,250                                        39


Company Z has $80,000 of taxable income from its operations, $5,000 of interest income, and $30,000 of dividend income from preferred stock it holds in other corporations.  What is Company Z’s tax liability (For dividend, 70% is excluded from the taxable income. Taxable income for dividend is Dividend income*(1 – Dividend exclusion %))?

a.     $17,328

b.     $18,240

c.     $19,200

d.     $20,210

e.     $21,221


10.           A company expects sales to increase during the coming year, and it is using the AFN equation to forecast the additional capital that it must raise.  Which of the following conditions would cause the AFN to increase?

a.     The company previously thought its fixed assets were being operated at full capacity, but now it learns that it actually has excess capacity.

b.     The company increases its dividend payout ratio.

c.     The company begins to pay employees monthly rather than weekly.

d.     The company’s profit margin increases.

e.     The company decides to stop taking discounts on purchased materials.


11.           Chua Chang & Wu Inc. is planning its operations for next year, and the CEO wants you to forecast the firm’s additional funds needed (AFN).  Data for use in your forecast are shown below.  Based on the AFN equation, what is the AFN for the coming year?


Last year’s sales = S0                                              $200,000        Last year’s accounts payable                               $50,000

Sales growth rate = g                                                       40%        Last year’s notes payable                                    $15,000

Last year’s total assets = A*0                                  $135,000        Last year’s accruals                                             $20,000

Last year’s profit margin = M                                       20.0%        Target payout ratio                                                25.0%


a.     -$14,440

b.     -$15,200

c.     -$16,000

d.     -$16,800

e.     -$17,640


12.           Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?

a.     When a corporation’s shares are owned by a few individuals, we say that the firm is “closely, or privately, held.”

b.     “Going public” establishes a firm’s true intrinsic value and ensures that a liquid market will always exist for the firm’s shares.

c.     The stock of publicly owned companies must generally be registered with and reported to a regulatory agency such as the SEC.

d.     When stock in a closely held corporation is offered to the public for the first time, the transaction is called “going public, or an IPO,” and the market for such stock is called the new issue or IPO market.

e.     It is possible for a firm to go public and yet not raise any additional new capital for the firm itself.


13.           Which is a common way to compare financial ratios against other companies in the same industry?

a.     Time-Trend

b.     Cross-sectional

c.     Internal uses

d.     Benchmark

e.     None of the above


14.           Considered alone, which of the following would increase a company’s current ratio?

a.     An increase in net fixed assets.

b.     An increase in accrued liabilities.

c.     An increase in notes payable.

d.     An increase in accounts receivable.

e.     An increase in accounts payable.


15.           Towson, Inc. currently has $1,600,000 in accounts receivables and its days sales outstanding (DSO) is 20 days. If accounts receivable comprise 50% of the company’s current assets and Towson has $4,800,000 in net fixed assets, what is its total asset turnover ratio?

a.     2.651x

b.     3.650x

c.     3.520x

d.     2.921x

e.      3.920x


16.           Dell has an inventory period of 1 month, and an account receivable period of 0 (zero) months. It also has a payable period of 6 months. What are the cash conversion cycle period and the interest expense for Dell if they have annual net total (credit) sales volume of $10 billion? The market interest rate is 6.0%.

a.     -5.0, $-250 m

b.      6.0, $300m

c.      1.0, $100m

d.      3.0, $150m

e.      0.0, $100m


17.           Ryngard Corp’s sales last year were $38,000, and its total assets were $16,000.  What was its total assets turnover ratio (TAT)?

a.     2.04

b.     2.14

c.     2.26

d.     2.38

e.     2.49


18.           If your mark up ratio is 25%, what is the margin ratio?

a.     15%

b.     20%

c.     25%

d.     28%

e.     30%


19.           Last year Rennie Industries had sales of $305,000, assets of $175,000, a profit margin of 5.3%, and an equity multiplier of 1.2.  The CFO believes that the company could reduce its assets by $51,000 without affecting either sales or costs.  Had it reduced its assets by this amount, and had the debt ratio, sales, and costs remained constant, how much would the ROE have changed?

a.     4.10%

b.     4.56%

c.     5.01%

d.     5.52%

e.     6.07%



20.          Which ratio may be greatly affected by the choice of short-term and long-term debt for a given amount of total debt?

a.     Debt ratio

b.     Profit margin

c.     TIE

d.     Quick ratio

e.     TAT


21.           Cook, Inc. has a current ratio of 1.8x on current liabilities of $200,000. The firm has $36,000 of inventories. The firm will issue notes payable and use those funds to buy new inventories to meet the inventory requirement for the expansion. Cook’s debt holders specifies that it must maintain a quick ratio at least 1.20x, or else it is in default. How much new inventory can Cook raise before it violates its bond contracts?

a.     $70,000

b.     $80,000

c.     $90,000

d.     $72,000

e.     $30,000


22.           Money markets are markets for

a.     Foreign currencies.

b.     Consumer automobile loans.

c.     Common stocks.

d.     Long-term bonds.

e.     Short-term debt securities such as Treasury bills and commercial paper.


23.           Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

a.     If you purchase 100 shares of Disney stock from your brother-in-law, this is an example of a primary market transaction.

b.     If Disney issues additional shares of common stock through an investment banker, this would be a secondary market transaction.

c.     The NYSE is an example of an over-the-counter market.

d.     Only institutions, and not individuals, can engage in derivative market transactions.

e.     As they are generally defined, money market transactions involve debt securities with maturities of less than one year.


24.           Which one has nothing to do with IPO?

a.     New issues

b.     Secondary market

c.     An influx of capital to issuer

d.     Investment Banks possibly underwriting

e.     Public offering



25.           Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

a.     The most important difference between spot markets versus futures markets is the maturity of the instruments that are traded.  Spot market transactions involve securities that have maturities of less than one year whereas futures markets transactions involve securities with maturities greater than one year.

b.     Capital market transactions involve only preferred stock or common stock.

c.     If General Electric were to issue new stock this year, this would be considered a secondary market transaction since the company already has stock outstanding.

d.     Both Nasdaq dealers and “specialists” on the NYSE hold inventories of stocks.

e.     Money market transactions do not involve securities denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar.



The data in below table lists country code and the order to remittance (OTR) time for hardware / software installations for the last 76 installations (from first to last). OTR is the time it takes from an order being placed until the system is installed and we receive payment (remittance). Because this company does business internationally, it also notes the country of installation using a country code. This code is listed in the first column.

The data in below table lists country code and the order to remittance (OTR) time for hardware / software installations for the last 76 installations (from first to last). OTR is the time it takes from an order being placed until the system is installed and we receive payment (remittance). Because this company does business internationally, it also notes the country of installation using a country code. This code is listed in the first column.

Table: Country Code and OTR Cycle Time for Software Systems Installation

Country Code Cycle Time Country Code Cycle Time
1 20 5 29
1 24 6 40
1 46 7 157
1 26 8 19
14 38 5 24
1 15 1 81
1 15 7 53
17 23 7 26
1 31 1 28
1 31 1 34
6 64 1 34
5 29 7 50
5 44 1 52
1 32 1 19
1 15 1 44
7 11 14 150
7 14 7 29
1 89 17 23
17 41 6 79
7 41 17 13
1 36 6 32
8 43 7 61
17 21 8 42
8 28 8 46
7 18 7 88
8 47 14 24
6 26 7 7
6 47 1 33
5 9 5 129
7 42 17 41
5 5 17 43
6 27 14 42
6 27 14 42
1 33 7 53
7 44 7 53
1 21 7 48
1 22 5 21
1 50 1 19

Use the date in table above and answer the following questions in the space provided below:

1. Does the OTR time appear to be stable? Why or why not?

1. If you were to use a control chart to evaluate stability, which chart would you use? Why?

1. What can you learn about the distribution of the installation process?

1. Does it appear that the country has an impact on installation time? Why or why not?

What would be the production possibility frontiers for Brazil and the United States? 

  • What would be the production possibility frontiers for Brazil and the United States?
  • Without trade, the United States produces AND CONSUMES 32,500 units of clothing and 125,000 cans of soda.
  • Without trade, Brazil produces AND CONSUMES 50,000 units of clothing and 25,000 cans of soda.
  • Denote these points on each COUNTRY’s production possibility frontier.
  • Using what you have learned and any independent research you may conduct, which product should each country specialize in, and why?

To assist in your thinking and discussion, additional questions to consider include:

  • What is the labor-intensive good?
  • What is the Marginal Rate of Transformation impact?
  • What is the labor-abundant country?
  • What is the capital-abundant country?
  • Could trade help reduce poverty in Brazil and other developing countries?

800-1000 words

True / False

In a competitive marketplace, if managers deviate too far from making decisions that are consistent with stockholder wealth maximization, they risk being disciplined by the market. Part of this discipline involves the threat of being taken over by groups who are more aligned with stockholder interests.

True / False

If a bond is callable, and if interest rates in the economy decline, then the company can sell a new issue of low-interest-rate bonds and use the proceeds to “call” the old bonds in and have effectively refinanced at a lower rate.

True / False

Preferred stock is a hybrid–a sort of cross between a common stock and a bond–in the sense that it pays dividends that normally increase annually like a stock, but its payments are contractually guaranteed like interest on a bond.

True / False

All else equal, a dollar received sooner is worth more than a dollar received at some later date, because the sooner the dollar is received the more quickly it can be invested to earn a positive return.

True / False

Current cash flow from existing assets is highly relevant to the investor. However, the value of the firm depends primarily upon its growth opportunities. As a result, profit projections from those opportunities are the only relevant future flows with which investors are concerned.

True / False

Determining whether a firm’s financial position is improving or deteriorating requires analysis of more than one set of financial statements. Trend analysis is one method of measuring a firm’s performance over time.

True / False

A firm’s net income reported on its income statement must equal the operating cash flows on the statement of cash flows.

True / False

The Securities Exchange Commission is the U.S. government agency that regulates the issuance and trading of stocks and bonds.

True / False

Compounding is the process of converting today’s values, which are termed present value, to future value.

True / False

Risk really should not be a significant factor when making financial decision because all business decisions involve predictions about the future, which is unknown. As a result, all decisions automatically include some consideration of risk.

True / False

Market risk refers to the tendency of a stock to move with the general stock market. A stock with above-average market risk will tend to be more volatile than an average stock, and it will have a beta which is greater than 1.0.

True / False

A firm cannot change its beta through any managerial decision because betas are completely market determined.

True / False

From an investor’s perspective, a firm’s preferred stock is generally considered to be less risky than its common stock but riskier than its bonds. However, from a corporate issuer’s standpoint, these risk relationships are reversed: bonds are the riskiest for the firm, preferred is next, and common is least risky.

True / False

The difference between the PV of an annuity due and the PV of an ordinary annuity is that each of the payments of the annuity due is discounted by one more year.

True / False

A publicly owned corporation is simply a company whose shares are held by the investing public, which may include other corporations and institutions.

True / False

The preemptive right gives current stockholders the right to purchase, on a pro rata basis, any new shares issued by the firm. This right helps protect current stockholders against both dilution of control and dilution of value.

True / False

Because short-term interest rates are much more volatile than long-term rates, you would, in the real world, be subject to much more interest rate price risk if you purchased a 30-day bond than if you bought a 30-year bond.

True / False

Although common stock represents a riskier investment to an individual than do bonds, in the sense of exposing the firm to the risk of bankruptcy, bonds represent a riskier method of financing to a corporation than does common stock.

True / False

The longer the maturity of a bond, the more its price will change in response to a given change in interest rates; this is called interest rate price risk.

True / False

The quick ratio and inventory turnover ratio can be used to help assess the liquidity of a firm. The quick ratio measures the relation of a firm’s quick assets to its current liabilities and the inventory turnover ratio measures how rapidly a firm turns its inventory back into a “quick” asset or cash.

True / False

Other things held constant, P/E ratios are higher for firms with high growth prospects. At the same time, P/E’s are lower for riskier firms, other things held constant. These two factors, growth prospects and riskiness, may either be offsetting or reinforcing as P/E determinants.

True / False

The book value per share is computed by taking the sum of common stock, additional paid in capital, and retained earnings and dividing the number by the number of shares outstanding.

True / False

The effective annual interest rate is less than the simple interest rate when we have monthly compounding.

True / False

Which of the following statements shows the portion of the firm’s earnings that has been saved rather than paid out as dividends?

a. balance sheet
b. income statement
c. statement of retained earnings
d. statement of cash flows
e. proxy statement

(3 Points) Henry currently has an investment portfolio that contains four stocks with a total value equal to $80,000. The portfolio has a beta (Beta) equal to 1.4. Henry wants to invest an additional $20,000 in a stock that has a Beta = 2.4. After Henry adds the new stock to his portfolio, what will be the portfolio’s beta?

a. 1.6
b. 1.9
c. 2.2
d. Not enough information to determine the new beta

If in the opinion of a given investor a stock’s expected return exceeds its required return, this suggests that the investor thinks

a. the stock is experiencing supernormal growth.
b. the stock should be sold.
c. the stock is a good buy.
d. management is probably not trying to maximize the price per share.

(3 Points) If a stock has a beta coefficient, Beta, equal to 1.20, the risk premium associated with the market is 9 percent, and the risk-free rate is 5 percent, application of the capital asset pricing model indicates the appropriate return should be __________.

a. 9.8%
b. 14%
c. 5%
d. 15.8%

(4 Points) The Charleston Company is a relatively small, privately owned firm. Last year the company had after-tax income of $15,000, and 10,000 shares were outstanding. The owners were trying to determine the market value for the stock, prior to taking the company public. A similar firm which is publicly traded had a price/earnings ratio of 5.0. Using only the information given, estimate the market value of one share of Charleston’s stock.

a. $10.00
b. $7.50
c. $5.00
d. $2.50
e. $1.50

(3 Points) Gray Manufacturing is expected to pay a dividend of $1.25 per share at the end of the year (D1 = $1.25). The stock sells for $27.50 per share, and its required total rate of return is 10.5%. The dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate, “g”, forever. What is the stock price’s expected growth rate?

a. 6.01%
b. 5.54%
c. 6.07%
d. 5.95%

(4 Points) The Francis Company is expected to pay a dividend of D1 = $1.25 per share at the end of the year, and that dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 6.00% per year in the future. The company’s beta is 1.70, the market risk premium is 5.50%, and the risk-free rate is 4.00%. What is the company’s current stock price?

a. $13.44
b. $17.01
c. $12.93
d. $21.89

If you wanted to purchase previously issued shares of stock from another investor you would find the shares in the

a. primary market.
b. debt market.
c. IPO market.
d. secondary market.
e. SEO market.

(3 Points) A _______ option gives the _________ the right to _________ a fixed number of shares at a specified price for a certain amount of time.

a. call; bond issuer; repurchase
b. put; bond holder; sell
c. call; bond holder; repurchase
d. put; bond issuer; sell

Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Other things held constant, an increase in the number of discounting periods per year increases the present value of a given annual annuity.
b. Other things held constant, an increase in the number of discounting periods per year increases the present value of a lump sum to be received in the future.
c. The payment made each period under an amortized loan is constant, and it consists of some interest and some principal. The later we are in the loan’s life, the smaller the interest portion of the payment.
d. There is an inverse relationship between the present value interest factor of an annuity and the future value interest factor of an annuity, (i.e., one is the reciprocal of the other).

All else equal, if you expect to receive a certain amount in the future, say, $500 in ten (10) years, the present value of that future amount will be lowest if the interest earned on such investments is compounded

a. daily
b. weekly
c. monthly
d. quarterly
e. annually

(3 Points) You deposited $1,000 in a savings account that pays 8 percent interest, compounded quarterly, planning to use it to finish your last year in college. Eighteen months later, you decide to go to the Rocky Mountains to become a ski instructor rather than continue in school, so you close out your account. How much money will you receive?

a. $1,171
b. $1,126
c. $1,082
d. $1,163
e. $1,008

Your uncle would like to restrict his interest rate risk and his default risk, but he still would like to invest in corporate bonds. Which of the possible bonds listed below best satisfies your uncle’s criteria?

a. BBB bond with 10 years to maturity.
b. BBB perpetual bond.
c. AAA bond with 5 years to maturity.
d. AAA bond with 10 years to maturity.
e. BBB bond with 5 years to maturity.

Which of the following is not one of the four fundamental factors that affect the cost of money?

a. production opportunities
b. time preferences for consumption
c. risk
d. liquidity
e. inflation

(3 Points) You read in The Wall Street Journal that 30-day T-bills currently are yielding 8 percent. Your brother-in-law, a broker at Kyoto Securities, has given you the following estimates of current interest rate premiums:

Inflation premium 5%
Liquidity premium 1%
Maturity risk premium 2%
Default risk premium 2%

Based on these data, the real risk-free rate of return is

a. 0%
b. 1%
c. 2%
d. 3%
e. 4%

A contract negotiated directly with a bank in which the borrower agrees to make a series of interest and principal payments on specific dates to the bank is called

a. Preferred stock.
b. commercial paper.
c. convertible debt.
d. a term loan.
e. a bond issue.

A bond differs from term in loans in that

a. a bond issue is generally advertised.
b. a bond is sold to many investors.
c. a bond is offered to the public.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

Which of the following events would make it less likely that a company would choose to call its outstanding callable bonds?

a. Increase in interest rates.
b. Decrease in interest rates.
c. Increase in price of outstanding convertible bonds.
d. A decrease in call premium.
e. Answers b and c only.

__________ are high-risk, high-yield bonds used to finance mergers, leveraged buyouts, and troubled companies.

a. Callable bonds
b. Junk bonds
c. Convertible bonds
d. Floating rate bonds
e. Putable bonds

Which of the following securities is the riskiest to investors?

a. Floating rate notes.
b. Income bonds.
c. Treasury bills.
d. First mortgage bonds.
e. Common stock.

Shareholders exert control of the management of the firm by

a. electing board members who can replace management.
b. directly replacing management with themselves.
c. buying shares in an IPO at a discounted price.
d. running the daily operations of the firm.
e. None of the above.

(3 Points) Henderson Company has 20,000,000 shares of common stock authorized, but to date, has only 12,000,000 shares outstanding, each with a $1.00 par value. The company has $24,000,000 in additional paid-in capital and retained earnings are $96,000,000. What is Henderson’s current book value per share?

a. $1.00
b. $3.00
c. $11.00
d. $6.60
e. $9.00

(3 Points) A share of perpetual preferred stock pays an annual dividend of $6 per share. If investors require a 12 percent rate of return, what should be the price of this preferred stock?

a. $57.25
b. $50.00
c. $62.38
d. $46.75
e. $41.64

When constructing a Statement of Cash Flows, which of the following actions would be considered a source of funds?

a. increase in the cash account
b. decrease in accounts payable
c. increase in inventory
d. increase in long-term bonds
e. increase in fixed assets

Which of the following statements is correct as it relates to Annual Reports?

a. The annual report contains four basic financial statements: the income statement; balance sheet; statement of cash flows; and statement of changes in long-term financing.
b. Although the annual report is geared toward the average stockholder, it represents financial analysts’ most complete source of financial information about the firm.
c. The key importance of annual report information is that it is used by investors when they form their expectations about the firm’s future earnings and dividends and the riskiness of those cash flows.
d. The annual report provides no relevant information for use by financial analysts or by the investing public.

(3 Points) A firm has a profit margin of 15 percent on sales of $20,000,000. If the firm has debt of $7,500,000, total assets of $22,500,000, and an after-tax interest cost on total debt of 5 percent, what is the firm’s ROA?

a. 8.4%
b. 10.9%
c. 12.0%
d. 13.3%
e. 15.1%

(3 Points) Alpha’s preferred stock currently has a market price equal to $80 per share. If the dividend paid on this stock is $6 per share, what is the required rate of return investors are demanding from Alpha’s preferred stock?

a. 7.5%
b. 13.3%
c. 6.0%
d. $6.00
e. None of the above is a correct answer.

Which of the following are generally considered advantages of term loans over publicly issued bonds?

a. Lower flotation costs.
b. Speed, or how long it takes to bring the issue to market.
c. Flexibility, or the ability to adjust the bond’s terms after it has been issued.
d. All of the above.

(2 Points) The net income that firm earns can either be paid out to shareholders as __________ or can be reinvested in the company as __________.

a. interest; additional paid-in capital

dividends; retained earnings
c. shares; capital stock.
d. capital gains; additional paid-in capital
e. interest; retained earnings

Page 1 of 11

Part One

Part One: Introduction

Chapter One: The Role of Business Research 3

Part One


Chapter 1

The Role of Business Research


I. The Nature of Research

A. Business research defined

B. Applied and basic business research

C. The scientific method

II. Managerial Value of Business Research

A. Identifying problems or opportunities

B. Diagnosing and assessing problems or opportunities

C. Selecting and implementing a course of action

D. Evaluating the course of action

III. When Is Business Research Needed?

A. Time constraints

B. Availability of data

C. Nature of the decision

D. Benefits versus costs

VI. Business Research in the 21st Century

A. Communication Technologies

B. Global business research


1. Understand how research contributes to business success

2. Know how to define business research

3. Understand the difference between basic and applied business research

4. Understand how research activities can be used to address business decisions

5. Know when business research should and should not be conducted.

6. Appreciate the way that technology and internationalization are changing business research.

CHAPTER VIGNETTE: ESPN Hits a Home Run by Leveraging the Power of its Business Research

The Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN) was launched in 1979 and has become a media juggernaut, expanding globally and in every possible outlet. ESPN.com is one of the most visited sites on the World Wide Web. Information has been slowly accumulating as people interact with ESPN content, but this information was located in separate databases and across different operating units. ESPN partnered with Quaero, a business research company that specializes in customer intelligence, integrating databases and learning more about how fans use their media, and what specifically they were looking for. Enhancing the fan’s experience had bottom-line implications for their revenue and the revenue of their advertisers. It was business research that made this possible.


This feature allows students to better understand the researcher’s job in determining what information is needed so that data can be analyzed and become intelligence. This first interaction with the “Survey This!” feature is for students to play the role of respondent and respond to the survey. Instructors need to provide instructions to access the questionnaire via the Internet.


· Harley-Davidson Goes Abroad

Before Harley-Davidson goes overseas, it must perform considerable research on that market. Consumers in some countries might prefer economical and practical motor bikes (e.g., France or Italy); others might find Harley more prestigious. Harley learned that positive consumer opinions and a booming economy were not enough to move into India because high duties and emission rules would make them cost prohibitive. One opportunity for Harley to investigate is the growing U.S. women’s market for bikes, which has nearly doubled since 1990.

· Business Class Success?

Overseas business class airfares often cost between $5,000 and $10,000. Research shows that business class travelers want comfort, quality food, and convenience on boarding. A few startup airlines are offering “discount” business-class only airlines. That is, no coach class seats and business class seats with fares ranging between $1,600 and $3,800. However, the startups failed. Could more effective business research have determined these were not feasible business ventures?

· “Jacques” Daniels

U.S. distilled spirits sales have declined over the last 10-15 years as more Americans turn to wine or beer. As a result, these marketers have increased efforts to expand into international markets. The producers of Jack Daniels conducted research and learned that (1) Japanese consumers use Jack Daniels as a dinner beverage, (2) Australian consumers mostly consume distilled spirits in their homes, (3) British consumers also like mixed drinks, but they usually partake in bars and restaurants, and (4) in China and India, consumers more often choose counterfeit or “knock-offs” to save money. One-half of all Jack Daniels sold is now sold outside of the U.S.



· Business research covers a wide range of phenomena.

· For managers, the purpose of research is to provide knowledge regarding the organization, the market, the economy, or another area of uncertainty.

· While researchers in different functional areas may investigate different phenomena, they are similar to one another because they share similar research methods.

· The ultimate goal of research is to supply accurate information that reduces the uncertainty in managerial decision making.

· Business Research Defined

· Business research is the application of the scientific method in searching for the truth about business phenomena.

· The process includes:

· idea and theory development

· problem definition

· searching for and collecting information

· analyzing data

· communicating the findings and their implications

· This definition suggests that business research:

· information is not intuitive or haphazardly gathered

· is accurate and objective, using the scientific method

· is designed to facilitate the managerial decision-making process for all aspects of the business: finance, marketing, human resources, and so on.

· is limited by one’s definition of business

· Applied and Basic Research

· Applied business research is conducted to address a specific business decision for a specific firm or organization.

· Basic business research (sometimes referred to as pure research) is conducted without a specific decision in mind and it usually does not address the needs of a specific organization.

· Attempts to expand the limits of knowledge in general, and as such it is not aimed at solving a particular pragmatic problem.

· However, there are very few aspects of research that apply to only basic or only applied research.

· This text uses the term business research more generally to refer to either type of research.

· The Scientific Method

· All research, whether basic or applied, involves the scientific method.

· Scientific method is the way researchers go about using knowledge and evidence to reach objective conclusions about the real world.

· Involves developing hypotheses and testing them against empirical evidence (facts from observation or experimentation). From these results, new knowledge is acquired.

· Use in basic research leads to inferences and conclusions about phenomena and leads to the establishment of general laws.

· Use in applied research ensures objectivity in gathering facts and testing creative ideas for alternative business strategies.



· In all of business strategy, there are only a few business orientations:

· Product oriented – the firm prioritizes decision making in a way that emphasizes technical superiority in the product. Research is not a priority.

· Production oriented – the firm prioritizes efficiency and effectiveness of the production processes in making decisions (i.e., drive costs down). Research is not a priority.

· Marketing oriented – focuses on how the firm provides value to customers more than on the physical product or production process.

· The prime managerial value of research is that it provides information that improves the decision-making process.

· The decision-making process associated with the development and implementation of a business strategy involves four inter-related stages:

1. Identifying problems or opportunities.

2. Diagnosing and assessing problems or opportunities.

3. Selecting and implementing a course of action.

4. Evaluating the course of action.

· Identifying Problems or Opportunities

· Business research can help managers plan strategies by determining the nature of situations or by identifying the existence of problems or opportunities.

· Business research may be used as a scanning activity to provide information about what is occurring within an organization or in its environment.

· Diagnosing and Assessing Problems or Opportunities

· After a problem or opportunity is identified, business research can help clarify the situation by revealing underlying factors causing the situation, exploring, refining, and quantifying an opportunity, or assist in setting priorities.

· Selecting and Implementing a Course of Action

· After the alternative courses of action have been clearly identified, business research is often conducted to obtain specific information that will aid in evaluating the alternatives and in selecting the best course of action.

· Evaluating the Course of Action

· Business research may serve as a tool to tell managers whether or not planned activities were properly executed and if they accomplished what they were expected to accomplish.

· Evaluation research—the formal, objective measurement and appraisal of the extent a given activity, project, or program has achieved its objectives.

· Performance-monitoring research refers to research that regularly, sometimes routinely, provides feedback for evaluation and control of recurring business activity.


· The determination of the need for research centers on:

1. time constraints

2. availability of data

3. nature of the decision

4. value of the research information in relation to costs

· Time Constraints

· Systematic research takes time.

· Sometimes the urgency of a situation precludes the use of research.

· Availability of Data

· When managers lack adequate information, research must be considered.

· Data need to be collected from an appropriate source and in a timely fashion.

· Nature of the Decision

· The more strategically or tactically important the decision, the more likely it is that research will be conducted.

· Benefits versus Costs

· When deciding whether to make a decision without research or to postpone the decision in order to conduct research, managers should ask three questions:

1. Will the payoff or rate of return be worth the investment?

2. Will the information gained improve the quality of the managerial decision enough to warrant the expenditure?

3. Is the proposed research expenditure the best use of the available funds?


· Business research, like all business activity, continues to change, largely due to changes in:

· Communication technology

· Global marketplace

· Communication Technologies

· Virtually everyone is “connected” today.

· The expressions “time is collapsing” and “distance is disappearing” capture the tremendous revolution in the speed and reach of our communication technologies.

· Technology has made for easier data collection and data analysis.

· Global Business Research

· Companies that conduct business in foreign countries must understand the nature of those particular markets and judge whether they require customized business strategies.

· Places greater demands for research tools that allow us to cross-validate research results, meaning that the empirical findings from one culture also exist and behave similarly in another culture.


1. Is it possible to make sound managerial decisions without business research? What advantages does research offer to the decision maker over seat-of-the-pants decision making?

Business research attempts to supply accurate information that reduces the uncertainty in decision making. Very often, decisions are made with little information because of various reasons including insufficient time to conduct research or because a manager believes that enough is already known. Relying on seat-of-the-pants decision making—decision making without research—is like betting on a long shot at the racetrack because the horse’s name is appealing. Occasionally there are successes, but in the long run, intuition without research leads to losses. Research helps decision makers shift from intuitive information gathering to systematic and objective investigating.

2. Define a marketing orientation and a product orientation. Under which strategic orientation is there a greater need for business research?

A product-oriented firm prioritizes decision making in a way that emphasizes technical superiority in the product. Thus, input from technicians and experts in the field are very important in making critical decisions. A marketing-oriented firm focuses more on how the firm provides value to customers than on the physical product or production process. With a marketing-oriented organization the majority of research focuses on the customer, so research addressing consumer desires, beliefs, and attitudes becomes essential.

3. Name some products that logically might have been developed with the help of business research.

Students should be able to come up with a wide variety of answers. Typically they will suggest tangible goods. Most will avoid mentioning services (e.g., airlines, tune-up centers, etc.) and nonprofit situations (e.g., a political campaign).

4. Define business research and describe its task.

Business research is the application of the scientific method in searching for the truth about business phenomena. These activities include defining business opportunities and problems, generating and evaluating business ideas, monitoring performance and understanding the business process. It is very important that the definition recognize that business research is more than conducting surveys. This process includes idea and theory development, problem definition, searching for and collecting information, analyzing data and communicating the findings and their implications.

5. Which of the following organizations are likely to use business research? Why? How?

All of these organizations can use business research. However, the business research in each situation will be of a different nature. While there is no specific information given in the text from which to draw on for this discussion, some suggestions for discussion are given below.

a. Manufacturer of breakfast cereals

It is highly likely that a breakfast cereal manufacturer will use extensive research for almost all aspects of the business program. In a 12-year period, there were 77 new cereal brands introduced and only 18 of those 77 brands were able to maintain adequate sales. Brands such as Kream Krunch, Pink Panther Flakes, Fruit Brute, and many others have failed in the marketplace. An interesting example of business research for product development was the development of Quaker’s Halfsies cereal, a cereal with half the sugar of most presweetened cereals. In tests markets, the animated commercials aimed at children were built around a “land of half.” This product was developed based on consumer research indicating parents were in a quandary about presweetened cereals. The children wished to have sweet cereals but the parents were concerned about the sugar content of the cereals. To avoid the problem of too much sugar, Halfsies was developed. The product was successful for several years.

b. Manufacturer of nuts, bolts and other fasteners

An industrial marketer of nuts, bolts, and other fasteners, like a consumer goods marketer, has a need to acquire information to reduce uncertainty. The industrial goods marketer will use many of the same business research techniques, but there will usually be a difference in the nature of its customers and the nature of its information needs. Industrial marketers, like consumer marketers, need to answer questions such as: What is the size of the market? Who are our current and prospective customers? What attitudes do they hold? The source of data may vary. However, industrial customers are usually contacted on a personal basis. Industrial marketers may focus more on internal sales information on accounts and feedback from salesmen.

c. The Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission is concerned with several aspects of business activity. Visit their web site at www.ftc.gov.

d. A hospital

A hospital would be interested in investigating consumers’ perceptions and satisfaction with the hospital services, employee satisfaction, supplier evaluation, financing options, and so on. Business research could also be useful gauging the need for expanded services in the community.

e. A company that publishes business textbooks

A publisher of these types of books could conduct secondary research (e.g., examine demographic trends, analyze university programs to understand their needs, etc.) and primary research (e.g., focus groups, surveys, interviews, etc.) to determine market potential and needs of this market.

6. An automobile manufacturer is conducting research in an attempt to predict the type of car design consumers will desire in the year 2020. Is this basic or applied research? Explain.

In this situation the automobile manufacturer needs information to make a specific decision. Although the decision is many years away, this is applied research because the decision is about a particular course of action or policy area.

7. Comment on the following statements:

a. Managers are paid to take chances with decisions. Researchers are paid to reduce the risk of making those decisions.

This statement illustrates a role that business research plays. A researcher’s job is to provide information to reduce uncertainty, but ultimately the manager is responsible. Business managers must ultimately make the decision, and they take the credit or blame for success or failure. Business managers may be risking a lot of money, and it may be well worth it to spend a little bit of money on business research to learn if the big risk is worth taking.

b. A business strategy can be no better than the information on which it is formulated.

Managers need timely, accurate, and pertinent information to make decisions to identify and evaluate opportunities, diagnose and assess them, select and implement a course of action, and evaluate that course of action. With the wrong information, a strategic plan may be destined to fail no matter how properly it is executed.

c. The purpose of research is to solve business problems.

The purpose of business research is to reduce uncertainty and to provide information to allow managers to make decisions. Although the information provided might help the manager make the right decision, it does not solve business problems in and of itself. Although business research may not provide all the information that would be desirable before making the decision, it can provide a framework within which better decisions can be made.

8. List the conditions that help a researcher decide when research should or should not be conducted.

The determination of the need for research centers on (1) time constraints, (2) the availability of data, (3) the nature of the decision to be made, and (4) the value of the research information in relation to costs.

9. How have technology and internationalization affected business research?

Business research, like all business activity, continues to change. Changes in communication technologies and the trend toward an ever more global marketplace have played a large role in many of these changes. Virtually everyone is “connected” today, the speed with which information can be exchanged has increased tremendously, and changes in computer technology have made for easier data collection and data analysis. Business research has become increasingly global as more and more firms take advantage of markets that have few, if any, geographic boundaries. Companies that conduct business in foreign countries must understand the nature of those particular markets and judge whether they require customized business strategies. The internationalization of research places greater demands on the business researcher and heightens the need for research tools that allow us to cross-validate research results, meaning that the empirical findings from one culture also exist and behave similarly in another culture.

10. [Internet Question] How do you believe the Internet has facilitated research? Try to use the Internet to find the total annual sales for Starbucks and for DuPont.

The Internet has made it possible to collect data for lower costs than in the past. Electronic communications are usually less costly than postal mail and certainly less costly than a face to face interview and cost about the same amount no matter how far a respondent is from a researcher.

The instructor needs to access the information regarding total sales because more recent information will be available annually. The most recent information available at the time of this writing is as follows:

Starbucks’ 2011 sales were $11.7 billion. This information was gathered from Starbucks’ 2011 Annual Report (http://investor.starbucks.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=99518&p=irol-reportsAnnual).

DuPont’s 2010 revenue was $31.505 billion.


11. What types of tools does the researcher use more given the ever increasing internationalization of business?

The tools used by the business researcher are essentially the same. However, the internationalization of research places greater demands on business researchers and heightens the need for research tools that allow us to cross-validate research results, meaning that the empirical findings from one culture also exist and behave similarly in another culture.


1. [Internet Question] Suppose you owned a jewelry store in Denton, Texas. You are considering opening a second store just like your current store. You are undecided on whether to locate the new store in another location in Denton, TX or in Birmingham, AL. Why would you decide to have some research done before making this decision? Should the research be conducted? Go to http://www.census.gov. Do you think any of this information would be useful in the research?

Students should indicate an understanding of basic demographic variables that would be of interest, such as population and income distribution. They should also analyze the competitive environment in each city they are examining. Whether or not research should be conducted will depend on the owner’s level of knowledge concerning this type of retail store and the location being considered. For example, this owner may have considerable knowledge about Denton, TX because that is where the original store is located. However, he or she may be completely unfamiliar with Birmingham, AL and would require formal research to gain a better understanding of this market.

2. [Internet Question] Find recent examples of news articles involving the use of business research in making decisions about different aspects of business.

Students’ responses will vary on this exercise. Instructors may want to assign different students different functional areas of business and have them present their articles to the rest of the class.

3. [Internet Question] Find an article illustrating an example of an applied research study involving some aspect of technology. How does it differ from a basic research study also focusing on a similar aspect of technology?

While students will find varying articles, they should demonstrate knowledge regarding the difference between applied and basic research. Applied research is conducted to address a specific decision for a specific firm or organization. Basic research is conducted without a specific decision in mind and it usually does not address the needs of a specific organization.


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© 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

© 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

Tuesday. Use Table 1.

The following information pertains to telephone calls to a motel switchboard on a typical
Tuesday. Use Table 1.
Rate (calls
per minute)
Rate (calls
per minute
Number of
Morning 1.6 1.6 2
Afternoon 2.7 .9 4
Evening 1.5 .6 3
Determine the average time callers wait to have their calls answered for each period and the
probability that a caller will have to wait for each period. (Round intermediate calculations
and final answers to 3 decimal places.)
Period Pw

Determine the maximum line length for a probability of 91 percent. (Round your
intermediate calculations to 3 decimal places and round up your final answers to the
next whole number.)
Period Lmax

Trucks are required to pass through a weighing station so that they can be checked for weight
violations. Trucks arrive at the station at the rate of 24 an hour between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Currently two inspectors are on duty during those hours, each of whom can inspect 15 trucks an
Use Table 1.
How many trucks would you expect to see at the weighing station, including those being
inspected? (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.)

If a truck was just arriving at the station, about how many minutes could the driver expect to
be at the station? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)
What is the probability that both inspectors would be busy at the same time?(Round your
answer to 4 decimal places.)
How many minutes, on average, would a truck that is not immediately inspected have to
wait? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)
What is the maximum line length for a probability of .90? (Round up your answer to the
next whole number.)
L max

banking hours. During the early evening hours in the summer months, customers arrive at a
certain location at the rate of one every other minute. This can be modeled using a Poisson
distribution. Each customer spends an average of 90 seconds completing his or her transactions.
Transaction time is exponentially distributed.
Determine the average time customers spend at the machine, including waiting in line and
completing transactions. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to
the nearest whole number.)
Average time minutes
Determine the probability that a customer will not have to wait upon arriving at the automatic
teller machine. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)
Determine the average number waiting to use the machine. (Round your answer to 2
decimal places.)
Average number customers

constant. Customers arrive at a mean rate of 75 per hour, and this rate is Poisson-distributed.
Determine the average number of customers waiting in line. (Round your answer to 2
decimal places.)
Average number of customer
Determine the average time customers spend in the system. (Do not round intermediate
calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)
Average time minutes
Determine the average number in the system. (Do not round intermediate calculations.
Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)
Average number

Repair calls are handled by one repairman at a photocopy shop. Repair time, including travel
time, is exponentially distributed, with a mean of 2.5 hours per call. Requests for copier repairs
come in at a mean rate of 2.1 per eight-hour day (assume Poisson).
Determine the average number of customers awaiting repairs. (Round your answer to 2
decimal places.)
Number of customers
Determine system utilization. (Round your answer to the nearest whole percent. Omit the
“%” sign in your response.)
System utilization %
Determine the amount of time during an eight-hour day that the repairman is not out on a
call. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)
Amount of time hours
Determine the probability of two or more customers in the system. (Do not round
intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 4 decimal places.)