

● Complete Chapter 2 problem, 2–8, p. 93 ● Complete Chapter 3 problem, 3–11, p. 129–130 ● The start-up firm you founded is trying to save $10,000 in order to buy a parcel of land for a proposed small warehouse expansion. In order to do so, your finance manager is authorized to make deposits of $1250 per year into the company account that is paying 12% annual interest. The last deposit will be less than $1250 if less is needed to reach $10,000.


o How many years will it take to reach the $10,000 goal and how large will the last deposit be?

Please read all the attachment . You have all information in that attachment .

Question 1 

Question 1 

A personality type that tends to be resistant to distress is a(n) ________.


overdependent personality


Type A personality


counterdependent personality


hardy personality

Question 2 

The adverse psychological, physical, behavioral, and organizational consequence that may occur as a result of demanding events is known as ________.









Question 3 

Costs associated with absenteeism, tardiness, strikes, work stoppages, and turnover are known as ________.


performance decrements


participation problems


unrealistic job interview problems


intrarole conflicts

Question 4 

The ________ approach to stress suggests that stress occurs when an external, environmental demand upsets an individual’s natural steady state balance.






cognitive appraisal



Question 5 

The most notable self-imposed personal demand is probably:


child rearing.




civic duties.


being a perfectionist.

Question 6 

Three direct costs of organizational distress include:


participation problems, performance   decrements, and compensation awards.


functional turnover, high   performance, and compensation awards.


functional turnover, increased   production quality, and compensation awards.


performance variation, participation   problems, and compensation awards.

Question 7 

In the context of stress prevention management, most organizational prevention is:









Question 8 

The unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand is known as ________.









Question 9 

Job redesign, goal setting, and career management are used as stress prevention management techniques in the ________ stage.









Question 10 

In the context of individual stress prevention management, learned optimism is:


a secondary individual stress   prevention method.


the planning and prioritizing of   tasks.


distracting oneself from pessimistic   thoughts.


is a strong Type A personality   characteristic.

Question 11 

Task demands include all of the following except:


sexual harassment.


lack of control.


work overload.



Question 12 

Psychosomatic disorders:


are a form of burnout.


are a form of rust-out.


are physical ailments that begin in   the mind.


can always be traced to the work   situation.

Question 13 

The Yerkes-Dodson law suggests that the relationship between stress level and performance arousal is:




linear and negative.




dependent on the person.

Question 14 

The two major categories of “role stress” at work include:


lack of control and role overload.


role conflict and role ambiguity.


new technologies and role overload.


role overload and ethical conflict.

Question 15 

The stage in preventive stress management designed to heal individual or organizational symptoms of distress and strain is called:


primary prevention.


secondary prevention.


tertiary prevention.


job redesign.

Click Step 1 to get started!

When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.

· 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.

· 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.

· 3.1: Identify numerical or mathematical information that is relevant in a problem or situation.

· 3.2: Employ mathematical or statistical operations and data analysis techniques to arrive at a correct or optimal solution.

· 3.3: Analyze mathematical or statistical information, or the results of quantitative inquiry and manipulation of data.

· 3.4: Employ software applications and analytic tools to analyze, visualize, and present data to inform decision-making.

· 10.2: Analyze financial statements to evaluate and optimize organizational performance.

· 10.3: Determine optimal financial decisions in pursuit of an organization’s goals.

· 10.5: Develop operating forecasts and budgets and apply managerial accounting techniques to support strategic decisions.

· 12.1: Assess market risk and opportunity.

· 13.1: Identify and analyze new opportunities.

Step 1: Compare Business Performance Using Financial Statements

Error! Filename not specified.

Choice Hotels International (NYSE:CHH) would like to know how their market share compares with Marriott International (NASDAQ:MAR), their largest competitor in North America. This comparison will help Choice Hotels develop a strategy to gain a competitive advantage over Marriott.

Choice would like MCS to first complete a financial statement analysis with Marriott International.

Dialogue with Frank Marinara

“Use the Choice Hotels 10-K reports we gathered in the last project and compare them with Marriott International’s 10-K reports,” Frank tells you. You will need to find Marriott’s 10-K reports the same way you did for Choice Hotels, by accessing the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) website.

Frank continues, “Choice has asked for advice on attracting new investors. You need to complete a horizontal analysis and vertical analysis by comparing financial reports and measuring the difference between the two companies.” Frank recommends using financial ratios for analysis and cost-volume-profit analysis concepts for this task. “I’ll email you an Excel Workbook to complete for this project.”


From: Frank Marinara, Director of Finance

To: You

For this assignment, please complete the Project 3 Excel Workbook with information from the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flow portions of Choice Hotels’ and Marriott International’s 10-K reports. The file contains instructions, an income statement template, balance sheet template, and a cash flow template. I have also posed questions for you to answer so I can provide Choice Hotels with suggestions on improving their financial performance.





Choice Hotels Workbook.xlsx

rank Marinara Contact Information

Answer the associated questions on the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow worksheets within the Project 3 Excel Workbook to help Choice Hotels make sound investment decisions. When you have finished, submit the workbook to the submission folder located in the final step of this project. You should aim to complete this step during Week 6.

Now that you have completed Step 1, proceed to Step 2, where you will analyze potential investment decisions.

Step 2: Analyze Cost and Investment Decisions

The client, Choice Hotels, is also interested in bolstering their assets and improving their costing model to account for these assets. Choice has been building their own guest rooms and selling them to Choice Hotels franchise owners. The company allocates overhead costs equally to each guest room and prices them to achieve a greater profit on the higher-priced guest room. Choice Hotels is concerned that this traditional costing model may not be accurately assigning costs based on activities, and the selling price of one of its guest rooms, Presidential Suite, may not be covering its true cost. You will need to know the marginal costsincremental costscost of equitycost of debt, and the pros and cons of debt vs. equity to advise Choice Hotels on resolving the company’s costing issue with the Presidential Suite guest room.

In addition, you will need to understand the concepts of activity-based costing (ABC)production cost allocation, and breakeven to put together an analysis that compares costing models that account for Choice’s guest room sales. Two cost allocation methods of production are being considered. Frank needs your help determining if overhead cost allocation (Choice’s traditional model) or ABC (a new model) is best to use in this case.

Using the same Project 3 Excel Workbook you used in Step 1, complete the Cost and Investing worksheet. The worksheet contains information that will aid in comparing the cost allocation methods for building guest rooms for Choice Hotels’ franchise owners. When you have finished, submit the workbook to the submission folder located in the final step of this project. Aim to complete this step during Week 6.

Then proceed to Step 3, where you will review and analyze the concepts of budgeting, forecasting, and profitability.

Step 3: Complete a Capital Budget and Profitability Analysis

Frank recently informed you that a large equity firm may be interested in acquiring either Choice Hotels or Marriott International. The client, Choice Hotels, would like to know if they would be a more attractive target for an acquisition than their competitor, Marriott International. Now you will need to determine if it would be more beneficial for the equity firm to acquire Choice Hotels or Marriott International. You will need to look at Choice Hotels’ and Marriott International’s latest 10-K reports and complete a budget and profitability analysis to see which acquisition, if any, should take place.

Since you are now a senior analyst, you know you have to learn more about capital budgeting analysis and profitability ratios to be able to develop a capital budget and profitability analysis.

You will also need to calculate the liquidity ratios and debt-management ratios to determine whether it is a viable option for the large equity firm to acquire Choice Hotels or Marriott International.

Using the same Project 3 Excel Workbook you used in Steps 1 and 2, complete the Budgeting and Profitability worksheets, where you will calculate the quick ratio, acid test ratio, debt ratio, basic earnings power ratio, return on equity, and return on assets ratios and answer questions to determine if the equity firm should acquire Choice Hotels or Marriott International. When you have finished, submit the workbook to the submission folder located in the final step of this project during Week 6.

Now that you have completed Step 3, proceed to Step 4, where you will discuss mergers and acquisitions with other finance and accounting analysts.

Step 4: Discuss Mergers and Acquisitions

Discussion with Colleagues

Earlier, Frank mentioned you would need to host a meeting with the other finance and accounting analysts at MCS to discuss the possibility of a large equity firm acquiring Choice Hotels or Marriott International and to determine the feasibility of these possibilities.

Assuming you and your MCS colleagues are attending the meeting, go to the Mergers and Acquisitions Discussion, and complete the following tasks:

· Discuss whether the large equity firm is more likely to acquire Choice Hotels or Marriott International and provide the reasons for your stance. Give credit to any sources you use to support your statements.

· Discuss how current Choice Hotels investors might be affected by an acquisition by a large equity firm. Give credit to any sources you use to support your statements.

· Later in the week, after you are back in your office, you have a follow-up discussion with your MCS colleagues in an effort to summarize the key lessons from your discussion on mergers and acquisitions at the meeting. Respond to your colleagues’ original discussion posts and give credit to any sources you use to support your statements.

During Week 7, submit one original posting of at least 250 words in the Mergers and Acquisitions Discussion by Saturday and post two responses of at least 50 words each to other discussion participants by Tuesday. See MBA discussion guidelines.

When you have finished Step 4, proceed to Step 5, where you will review your recent findings in a report to management.

Step 5: Prepare a Report to Management

At the conclusion of your project, Frank requests a report based on your analysis and recommendations in the previous steps. He is planning on using this report to provide the client, Choice Hotels, with guidance on a potential acquisition. This report, along with citations for any sources you use, should be about three to five pages. The report should highlight your analysis and recommendations based on the work you completed in the workbook. Be creative and use charts, graphs, or any other tools you feel would be useful to convey your analysis and recommendations. Post your report to management in the submission folder located in the final step of this project.

Complete your report to management during Week 7 using this template.

When you have completed Step 5, proceed to Step 6, where you will submit all work for Project 3.

Step 6: Submit Your Work

Take note of the recommended delivery dates in the table below.

Error! Filename not specified.

aryland Creative Solutions

Recommended Project Delivery

Step Submission week Deliverable File-naming protocol/Submission instructions
Step 1 Week 6 Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flows worksheets lastname_firstname_financial_statement_analysis.xlx
Step 2 Week 6 Cost and Investing worksheet lastname_firstname_investing_Decisions_ worksheet.xlx
Step 3 Week 6 Budget and Profitability worksheet lastname_firstname_budget_and_profitability_analysis.xlx
Step 4 Week 7 Discuss mergers and acquisitions Submit discussion post in the Mergers and Acquisitions Discussion section in Step 4.
Step 5 Week 7 Report to management lastname_firstname_report_to_management.docx


When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.

· 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.

· 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.

· 3.1: Identify numerical or mathematical information that is relevant in a problem or situation.

· 3.2: Employ mathematical or statistical operations and data analysis techniques to arrive at a correct or optimal solution.

· 3.3: Analyze mathematical or statistical information, or the results of quantitative inquiry and manipulation of data.

· 3.4: Employ software applications and analytic tools to analyze, visualize, and present data to inform decision-making.

· 10.2: Analyze financial statements to evaluate and optimize organizational performance.

· 10.3: Determine optimal financial decisions in pursuit of an organization’s goals.

· 10.5: Develop operating forecasts and budgets and apply managerial accounting techniques to support strategic decisions.

· 12.1: Assess market risk and opportunity.

· 13.1: Identify and analyze new opportunities.

1.  Of the following research topics, which is most likely to be an observational study?

1.  Of the following research topics, which is most likely to be an observational study?

[removed] The relationship between hours of exercise and sleep.
[removed] The difference in minutes a day exercising between boys and girls.
[removed] The types of exercise students engage in after school.
[removed] Students’ feelings about after-school track practice.


2.     Correlational research allows the researcher to answer questions such as:

[removed] what is the relationship between Variable A and Variable B?
[removed] does change in Variable A cause change in Variable B?
[removed] is there a significant difference between scores on Variable A and scores on Variable B?
[removed] does change in Variable B causes change in Variable A?

3.    Which of the following is an example of a good research question for a correlational study?

[removed] What are the attitudes of the parents about our districts new homework policy?
[removed] Is there a relationship between student achievement and homework completion?
[removed] Are there differences in parent attitudes about homework between mothers and fathers?
[removed] How much homework does the average fifth grade teacher in our district assign?

4.    Advantages of questionnaires include all of the following EXCEPT:

[removed] large numbers of people can be contacted for a relatively low cost.
[removed] data can be gathered from a large number of people in a relatively short period of time.
[removed] participants may feel more confident about their anonymity and therefore respond more honestly.
[removed] because questions are in written form, they are less likely to be misunderstood by respondents.

5.    Regarding the length of questionnaires to be used in survey research, which of the following statements is most accurate?

[removed] Including a large number of items on the survey assures that you will get useful data for all of your trouble.
[removed] Keeping the survey short makes it more likely people will be willing to complete it.
[removed] A relatively lengthy survey communicates your seriousness about the research endeavor so people will be more willing to complete it.
[removed] Shorter surveys produce data that are ambiguous and therefore not useful.

6.    Qualitative research often involves what’s known as an iterative process for data collection and analysis. This terminology refers to the fact that, in qualitative research:

[removed] researchers focus more on narrative data than on statistics and numbers.
[removed] researchers typically do not begin by stating a hypothesis.
[removed] researchers may collect and analyze data, then collect and analyze some more data.
[removed] researchers first ask open-ended questions and then follow up with probing questions.

7.    In this type of study design, a particular group of individuals is studied in depth over a defined period of time.

[removed] case study
[removed] ethnography
[removed] phenomenology
[removed] grounded theory


8.    In this type of study design, the researcher studies the deep meaning an event or situation holds for other people.

[removed] phenomenological
[removed] ethnography
[removed] grounded theory
[removed] content analysis

9.    Carl Compost has been living and working on a communal organic farm for the past six months. He wants to understand the political, environmental, and social perspectives shared by the members of the commune. Dr. Compost is probably employing which of the following qualitative research designs?

[removed] case study
[removed] ethnographic
[removed] phenomenological
[removed] content analysis

10. Daniel Daring is an emerging playwright whose works have begun to stir great passions in the major U.S. cities where they are staged. Researcher Eugenia Edge is “shadowing” Mr. Daring for six months in an attempt to understand the artistic process. Dr. Edge is probably employing which of the following qualitative research designs?

[removed] case study
[removed] grounded theory
[removed] phenomenological
[removed] content analysis



11. Helen Heartwell flew to New York City a few weeks after the September 11, 2001, bombing of the World Trade Center. She wanted to know how the victims of the attack were making sense of what had happened to them. Dr. Heartwell is probably employing which of the following qualitative research designs?

[removed] case study
[removed] grounded theory
[removed] phenomenological
[removed] Ethnographic

12. The technique of participant observation is most associated with:

[removed] case study
[removed] ethnography.
[removed] grounded theory
[removed] content analysis

13. Qualitative researchers often begin by asking themselves, “What needs to be studied?” and then collect preliminary data that helps to develop a more focused research question and a plan for later data collection. This type of design is known as:

[removed] emerging design
[removed] case study design
[removed] qualitative design
[removed] mixed methods design

14. Qualitative researchers can best address concerns about validity in their study design and their data by:

[removed] collecting some quantitative data
[removed] ensuring that all participants provide informed consent
[removed] use one objective, reliable method for collecting data
[removed] comparing different data sources to see if they provide consistent results

15. Effective qualitative interviews usually require that the researcher:

[removed] adhere to set of questions determined in advance.
[removed] maintain an informal, friendly atmosphere.
[removed] remain as objective and detached as possible.
[removed] interview several participants at one time.


POS-301: Analyzing Tax Worksheet

POS-301: Analyzing Tax Worksheet


Complete all five parts of the worksheet.

Part One: Income Tax

Use one of your paystubs to fill in the table below.

  Who Determines the Amount of Tax? Services the Tax is Applied Towards
Federal Tax    
State Tax    
Social Security Tax    
Medicare Tax    
Other (Please specify)    


Part Two: Sales Tax

1. List all of the taxes (percent, amount, etc.) found on the receipt.



2. Who determines the amount of each tax?



3. Where does revenue from this tax go? What does it fund?




Use a receipt for a purchase you have made recently to answer the questions below.








Part Three: Utility Tax

Use one of your utility billsto answer the questions below.

Part Three: Utility Tax

Use one of your utility bills to answer the questions below.

1. List all of the taxes (percent, amount, etc.) found on the bill.



2. Who determines the amount of each tax?




3. Where does revenue from this tax go? What does it fund?



















Part Four: Property Tax

Use one of your own property tax statements to answer the questions below.

1. List all of the taxes (percent, amount, etc.) found on the statement.



2. Who determines the amount of each tax?




3. Where does revenue from this tax go? What does it fund?













Part Four: Summary and Analysis

Part Five: Summary and Analysis

Write a 200-350-word summary below of your findings and what you have learned about how you are taxed.



Unit 1: Discussion Board Problems

Unit 1: Discussion Board Problems

FINITE Analysis

2.1 Simple Interest

Find the interest rate on a simple interest loan charging $2,160 interest on a principal loan of $6000 over 6 years. Discuss the effects of doubling the term of the loan while keeping the interest payments to same of a simple interest loan?


Follow this link to the following web page:

 Finance Jobs Guide – Careers in Finance

Review the page thoroughly and begin to think about and explore what options may be available to you in the world of Corporate Finance. Respond to the forum by telling everyone: Which of the jobs and career areas in finance seems most interesting to you and why? What specifically about the position and its responsibilities interests you? Why do you feel the job fits with your career interests, aspirations and skill set?

Also, review the hyper-links for “recommended books on jobs in Finance” (mid way down the page). Based on your review of each, which book do you think would serve you as an interesting resource to assist in your job search and tell us why please?