Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any    pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.

· Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any

pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.

· Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.

· Explain whether any of the therapeutic approaches in this week’s Learning

Resources would be effective with this client. Include expected outcomes based

on these therapeutic approaches. Support your approach with evidence-based


· Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.

                                                  Learning Resources

Required Readings

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

  • Chapter      13, “Stabilization for Trauma and Dissociation” (pp. 469–508)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012a). Academic year in residence: Thompson family case study [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. 

Ochberg, F. (2012). Psychotherapy for chronic PTSD [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:






Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.

  1. Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
  2. Create a health promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of infants.
  3. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
  4. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At least three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three resources must be peer-reviewed and no more than 6 years old.
  5. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.
  6. In developing your PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level of your target audience, as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the caregiver) for which the presentation is tailored

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Refer to the resource, “Loom,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on recording your presentation.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Environmental Factors and Health Promotion: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants
Less than Satisfactory
100.00%100.0 %Content 15.0 %Environmental Factor and the Potential Effect on InfantsAn environmental factor is not presented. The issue chosen is not environmental. An incomplete summary of how the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety is presented.A general description of how the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety is presented. There are inaccuracies, or more evidence is needed for support or rationale.A description of how the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety is presented. Some support or rationale is needed.A detailed description of how the environmental factor potentially affects infant health or safety is presented. Strong support and rationale are provided. The direct effect of the environmental factor on infant health and safety is well established. 15.0 %Health Promotion Plan for Caregivers to Address Environmental Factor and Improve Infant Health and Well-BeingA health promotion plan is not presented.An incomplete health promotion plan is presented. The plan fails to address the environmental issue; or, the plan does not include steps to improve health or safety for infants. There are major inaccuracies.A general health promotion plan is presented. The plan addresses the environmental issue and includes general steps to improve health or safety for infants. There are some inaccuracies. More information or evidence is needed for support. It is unclear if the plan is suitable for the chosen caregiver.A health promotion plan is presented. The plan addresses the environmental issue and includes steps to improve health or safety for infants. Some information or evidence is needed for support. The plan is realistic for the chosen caregiver. A well-developed health promotion plan is presented. The plan clearly addresses the environmental issue and includes specific steps to improve health or safety for infants. Sufficient information and evidence is provided for support. The plan is realistic for the chosen caregiver.10.0 %Recommendations for Accident Prevention and Safety PromotionRecommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention are not offered.Some recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention offered are summarized. The recommendations offered are unrelated to the environmental factor; steps recommended do not support the health and safety of infants.Recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention offered are summarized. The recommendations offered are generally related to the environmental factor. Most steps recommended support the health and safety of infants. There are some inaccuracies. More information or rationale is needed for support and clarity.Recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention offered are proposed. The recommendations offered relate to the environmental factor and the steps outlined support the health and safety of infants. Some rationale is needed for support or clarity. In general, the recommendations are realistic and suitable for the chosen situation and caregiver.Well-developed recommendations for safety promotion and accident prevention offered are proposed. The recommendations offered clearly relate to the environmental factor. The steps outlined are well thought out and support the health and safety of infants. The recommendations are realistic and highly suitable for the chosen situation and caregiver.10.0 %Evidence-Based Examples, Interventions, and SuggestionsExamples, interventions, and suggestions are not offered. None of the scholarly resources meet the assignment criteria. Some examples, interventions, and suggestions are offered. Most of the research resources do not meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment. General examples, interventions and suggestions are offered. Some of the research resources do not meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment. Examples, interventions, and suggestions offered are evidence-based. At least three scholarly research resources are utilized, and at least two peer-reviewed and no older than 6 years old. Overall, the resources support the examples, interventions and suggestions.Examples, interventions and suggestions are evidence-based and strongly supported. Three or more scholarly research resources are utilized; at least two are peer-reviewed and no older than 6 years old. 10.0 %Community, National, and Web-Based Resources for Health PromotionResources are not included for the health promotion.Some resources are included, but overall do not meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment. The resources are not relevant to the health promotion. A description does not accompany the resources. The contact information for the resources is incomplete or inaccurate.Resources are included as part of the health promotion. Some of the resources do not meet the criteria as outlined in the assignment. A general description accompanies the resources. Some contact information for the resources is incomplete or inaccurate.Two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource are included with the health promotion. Overall, the resources are relevant to the health promotion and accessible for the caregiver. A description accompanies the resources. The contact information provided for the resources is accurate.Two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource are included with the health promotion. The resources are highly relevant to the health promotion and are accessible for the caregiver. A detailed description accompanies the resources. The contact information provided for the resources is complete and accurate.15.0 %Appropriateness of Health Promotion for Caregiver and SituationNo aspect of the health promotion presentation is relevant to the caregiver or associated demographicThe literacy level is not written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the caregiver are not always consistent with representing the caregiver or associated demographic. Major changes need to be made for the presentation to be tailored to the caregiver or associated demographic.The literacy level is generally written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristics of the caregiver are generally written representing the caregiver or associated demographic. Some changes need to be made for the presentation to be tailored for the caregiver or associated demographic.The literacy level is written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristics of the caregiver are tailored for the caregiver or associated demographic. There are some areas that require revision or slight changeThe literacy level is written for the level of the caregiver or target audience. The socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristics of the caregiver are tailored for the caregiver or associated demographic. The presentation demonstrates insight into tailoring presentations to a specific target population.5.0 %PowerPoint and Voice Over Requirements Presentation fails to meet the criteria outlined. The presentation contains fewer than 10 slides, omits speaker notes, and does not have a reference slide. Loom is not utilized for the presentation. Presentation meets some of the criteria outlined. A minimum of 10 slides is used for the presentation. The reference slide and speaker notes are omitted or are not complete. An attempt at a Loom presentation is made.Presentation meets most of the criteria outlined. Presentation uses 10 -12 slides, but the slide arrangement does not support the intended presentation. The reference slides and speaker notes are missing information or contain inaccuracies. A Loom presentation is submitted, but the presentation is inconsistent with the PowerPoint and speaker notes.Presentation meets the criteria outlined. Presentation uses 10 -12 slides and the slide arrangement supports the intended presentation. The speaker notes are submitted and support the presentation. The reference slide is submitted. A Loom presentation is submitted and overall is consistent with the PowerPoint and speaker notes.Presentation meets the criteria outlined. Presentation uses 10 -12 slides and the slide arrangement strongly supports the intended presentation. The speaker notes submitted are well-developed and support the presentation. The reference slide is submitted. A Loom presentation is submitted and is consistent with the PowerPoint and speaker notes.5.0 %Visual AppealThere are few or no graphic elements. No variation in layout or typography is evident.Color is garish or typographic variations are overused and legibility suffers. Background interferes with readability. Understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships is limited. In general, the visual presentation is not optimal for the audienceMinimal use of graphic elements is evident. Elements do not consistently contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. There is some variation in type size, color, and layout. Some of the visual aspects are distracting for the intended audience.Thematic graphic elements are used but not always in context. Visual connections mostly contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Differences in type size and color are used well and consistently. Overall, the presentation is visually appealing and suitable for the intended audience.Appropriate and thematic graphic elements are used to make visual connections that contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Differences in type size and color are used well and consistently. The presentation has strong visual appeal and is developed with the intended audience in mind.5.0 %Aesthetic QualityDesign is cluttered. Materials detract from the content or the purpose of presentation is low quality.Design detracts from purpose. Text and visuals are too simplistic, cluttered, and busy. Little or no creativity or inventiveness is present.Design is fairly clean, with a few exceptions. Materials add to, not detract from the presentation. Materials used were quality products and easy to see or hear.Design is appropriate and integrates a variety of objects, charts, and graphs to amplify the message.Design is clean. Skillful handling of text and visuals creates a distinctive and effective presentation. Overall, effective and functional audio, text, or visuals are evident.5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.5.0 %Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)Sources are not documented.Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.100 %Total Weightage



In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components  USING THE TOPIC OF FALL PREVENTION IN THE HOSPITAL SETTING.they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Problem statement
  3. Purpose of the change proposal
  4. PICOT
  5. Literature search strategy employed
  6. Evaluation of the literature
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures
  9. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome
  10. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


You are required to submit this assignment to TURNITIN.


What is the optimal order quantity for each scenario? (Round answer to nearest unit.)

1. R. C. Barker makes purchasing decisions for his company. One product that he buys costs $50 per unit when the order quantity is less than 500. When the quantity ordered is 500 or more, the price per unit drops to $48. The ordering cost is $30 per order and the annual demand is 7,500 units. The holding cost is 10 percent of the purchase cost. If R. C. wishes to minimize his total annual inventory costs, he must evaluate the total cost for two possible ordering scenarios. What is the optimal order quantity for each scenario? (Round answer to nearest unit.)

200 and 306
306 and 500
300 and 306
300 and 500
None of the above
2. Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 5x + 6y

Subject to 4x + 2y ≤ 420

1x + 2y ≤ 120

all variables ≥ 0 Which of the following points (X,Y) is not a feasible corner point?

(0, 60)
(105, 0)
(120, 0)
(100, 10)
(0, 0)
3. Andre Candess manages an office supply store. One product in the store is computer paper. Andre knows that 10,000 boxes will be sold this year at a constant rate throughout the year. There are 250 working days per year and the lead-time is 3 days. The cost of placing an order is $30, while the holding cost is $15 per box per year. How many units should Andre order each time?


4. Consider the following linear programming problem:

Minimize 20x + 30y

Subject to 2x + 4y ≤ 800

6x + 3y ≥ 300

x, y ≥ 0

What is the optimum solution to this problem (X,Y)?

(0, 0)
(50, 0)
(0, 100)
None of the above

5. Judith Thompson, the manager of the student center cafeteria, has added pizza to the menu. The pizza is ordered frozen from a local pizza establishment and baked at the cafeteria. Judith anticipates that weekly demand will be normally distributed with a mean weekly demand of 100 pizzas and standard distribution of 5 pizzas. The cafeteria is open 45 weeks a year, 5 days a week. The ordering cost if $15 and the holding cost is $0.40 per pizza per year. The pizza vendor has indicated that the lead-time for supply deliveries is normally distributed with a mean lead-time of 4 days and a standard deviation of 1 day. Judith wants to maintain safety stock based upon a 95% level of service. What is the optimal reorder point (round to nearest unit)?

None of the above

6. Average starting salaries for students using a placement service at a university have been steadily increasing. A study of the last four graduating classes indicates the following average salaries: $30,000, $32,000, $34,500, and $36,000 (last graduating class). Predict the starting salary for the next graduating class using a simple exponential smoothing model with alpha = 0.25. Assume that the initial forecast was $30,000 (so that the forecast and the actual were the same).


7. A tire dealership has sold an average of 1,000 radial tires each year. In the past two years, tire sales were as follows:

Season Year 1 Demand Year 2 Demand
Fall 200 250
Winter 350 300
Spring 150 165
Summer 300 285

Calculate the seasonal index for each quarter.

Fall = 0.85, Winter = 1.25, Spring = 0.58, Summer = 1.12
Fall = 0.99, Winter = 1.19, Spring = 0.59, Summer = 1.17
Fall = 0.95, Winter = 1.35, Spring = 0.68, Summer = 1.22
Fall = 0.80, Winter = 1.20, Spring = 0.53, Summer = 1.07

8. Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 5x + 6y

Subject to 4x + 2y ≤ 420

1x + 2y ≤ 120

All variables ≥ 0

Which of the following points (X,Y) is in the feasible region?

(30, 60)
(105, 5)
(0, 210)
(100, 10)
None of the above

9. The following data reflects the number of cars sold at a local dealership over a ten-month period. Calculate the MAPE for months 4 through 10 using a three month moving average forecast.

Time Period Number of Cars Sold
1 87
2 75
3 83
4 68
5 85
6 79
7 78
8 69
9 74
10 81

10. The annual demand for a product has been projected at 2,000 units. This demand is assumed to be normally distributed with a standard deviation of 2 units. The ordering cost is $20 per order, and the holding cost is 20 percent of the purchase cost. The purchase cost is $40 per unit. There are 250 working days per year. Whenever an order is placed, it is known that the entire order will arrive on a truck in 6 days (i.e., a constant lead-time). Currently, the company is ordering 500 units each time an order is placed. What level of service would require a reorder point of 60 units?


11. Judith Thompson is the manager of the student center cafeteria. She is introducing pizza as a menu item. The pizza is ordered frozen from a local pizza establishment and baked at the cafeteria. Judith anticipates a weekly demand of 10 pizzas. The cafeteria is open 45 weeks a year, 5 days a week. The ordering cost is $15 and the holding cost is $0.40 per pizza per year. What is the optimal number of pizzas Judith should order (round to the nearest whole number)?


12. The number of emergency calls received by the local 911 call center is as follows. Using trend projection to forecast the number of calls that will be received during week 11.

Week Actual Value
1 50
2 35
3 25
4 40
5 45
6 35
7 20
8 30
9 35
10 20

13. Two models of a product Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) are produced by a company. A linear programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:

Maximize profit 50x + 60y

Subject to 8x + 10y ≤ 800 (labor hours)

x + y ≤ 120 (total units demanded)

4x + 10y ≤ 500 (raw materials)

x,y ≥ 0

The optimal solution is X=100, Y=0. Which of these constraints is redundant?

First constraint
Second constraint
Third constraint
All of the above
None of the above

14. Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 4x + 10y

Subject to 3x + 4y ≤ 480

4x + 2y ≤ 360

all variables ≥ 0

The feasible corner points are (48,84), (0,120), (0,0), (90,0). What is the maximum possible value for the objective function?

15. Management has used seasonal variation time-series forecasting to calculate the following quarterly seasonal indices: 1.30, 0.90, 0.70, and 1.10. If the quarterly sales estimates for the next year are $100,000, $120,000, $140,000, and $160,000, calculate the seasonalized sales forecast for the third quarter.


1.   The applicability of beta depends on a firm’s


1.   The applicability of beta depends on a firm’s

  A. future plans.
  B. standard deviation.
  C. growth rate.
  D. historical returns.
2.   Suppose a firm has an EBIT of $1,400,000 and finances its assets with $6,000,000 of debt at 6 percent interest and 300,000 shares of stock selling at $12.50 a share. To lessen the risk associated with this financial leverage, the firm is thinking about reducing its debt by $3,000,000 by selling more stock. The firm is in the 35 percent tax bracket. The change in the capital structure won’t have any effect on the firm’s operations, thus EBIT will remain at $1,400,000. What’s the change in the firm’s EPS from this change in capital structure?

  A. EPS rises by $0.28 per share
  B. EPS falls by $0.36 per share
  C. EPS rises by $0.54 per share
  D. EPS falls by $0.78 per share
3.   Modern portfolio theory demonstrates how

  A. stock price movements are correlated.
  B. there is an optimal portfolio that minimizes risk.
  C. to measure risk-vs-reward.
  D. total risk is measured.
4.   How long is the useful life of a fixed asset?

  A. In excess of two years
  B. In excess of one year
  C. Not more than 10 years
  D. Less than one year
5.   What annual rate of return is earned on a $4,000 investment when it grows to $8,200 in 5 years?

  A. 12.22 percent
  B. 15.44 percent
  C. 13.58 percent
  D. 14.34 percent
6.   Which one of the following is a feature of an efficient market?

  A. Information restricted to certain well-connected participants
  B. Low trading or transaction costs
  C. Few buyers and sellers
  D. Prohibitively high barriers to entry
7.   What characteristic of a bond determines the dollar amount of interest paid to bondholders?

  A. Bid
  B. Par value
  C. Yield to maturity
  D. Coupon rate
8.   Which one of these is a common approach to assessing a stock’s relative value?

  A. Constant-growth rate
  B. Variable-growth rate
  C. Price-earnings (P/E) ratio
  D. Dividend discount model
9.   An 8 percent corporate coupon bond is callable in seven years for a call premium of one year of coupon payments. Assuming a par value of $1,000, what’s the price paid to the bondholder if the issuer calls the bond?

  A. $1,080
  B. $920
  C. $1,040
  D. $1,160
10.   To analyze performance meaningfully, what must ratio results be interpreted against?

  A. The discount rate
  B. A standard or benchmark
  C. ROE
  D. The time value of money (TVM
11.   A treasury bond bought at the beginning of the year for $1,064 pays $48 in interest payments during the year, ending the year valued at $1,095. What was the percent return?

  A. 6.86
  B. 4.88
  C. 7.42
  D. 8.44
12.   What happens when a firm issues debt to finance its assets?

  A. The firm’s capital structure doesn’t change.
  B. Debt holders are entitled to receive the same amount of dividends as stockholders.
  C. It gives the debt holders first claim to a fixed amount of its cash flows.
  D. Stockholders surrender their rights to dividends but not capital gains
13.   A three-year Treasury security currently earns 2.11 percent. Over the next three years, the real risk-free rate is expected to be 1.2 percent per year, and the inflation premium is expected to be 0.60 percent per year. What’s the maturity risk premium on the three-year Treasury security?

  A. 1.44 percent
  B. 0.31 percent
  C. 0.44 percent
  D. 2.71 percent
14.   Tasty Snacks, Inc.’s, 2015 income statement shows an EBIT of $1,440,200, interest expense of $150,000, and taxes of $345,020. The firm has no preferred stock outstanding and 200,000 shares of common stock outstanding. Calculate the company’s 2015 earnings per share.

  A. $3.89
  B. $5.84
  C. $4.73
  D. $3.27
15.   Why do bond prices with lower coupons have a greater risk of declining in price in response to rising interest rates?

  A. Reinvestment rate risk
  B. Interest rate risk
  C. Market risk
  D. Default risk
16.   You own $12,000 of stock in Company A. The stock has a beta of 2.8. You also own $7,500 of stock in Company B, which has a beta of 1.3, and $4,500 of stock in Company C, which has a beta of 0.3. What’s the beta of your portfolio?

  A. 1.68
  B. 1.86
  C. 1.98
  D. 0.84
17.   A deposit of $1,460 earns the following interest rates: 7 percent in year one, 6.5 percent in year two, 6 percent in year three, and 5 percent in year four. What would be the future value for year four?

  A. $1,885.55
  B. $1,925.37
  C. $1,825.48
  D. $1,851.75
18.   The process of earning interest both on the original deposit and on the earlier interest payments is called

  A. compounding.
  B. discounting.
  C. APR.
  D. future value.
19.   Year-to-date, Company A has earned a 5.90 percent return. During the same period, Company B has earned 8.65 percent, and Company C has earned 14.30 percent. What’s your portfolio return if you have a portfolio made up of the following? 45 percent Company A 35 percent Company B 20 percent Company C

  A. 13.41
  B. 8.54
  C. 5.42
  D. 9.38
20.   What’s the present value of a $150 payment made every year forever at an interest rate of 7.3 percent?

  A. $2,055
  B. $1,984
  C. $2,175
  D. $2,227


The applicability of beta depends on a firm’s


future plans.


standard deviation.


growth rate.


historical returns.


Suppose a firm has an EBIT of $1,400,000 and fi

nances its assets with $6,000,000

of debt at 6 percent interest and 300,000 shares of stock selling at $12.50 a share. To

lessen the risk associated with this financial leverage, the firm is thinking about

reducing its debt by $3,000,000 by selling more st

ock. The firm is in the 35 percent tax

bracket. The change in the capital structure won’t have any effect on the firm’s

operations, thus EBIT will remain at $1,400,000. What’s the change in the firm’s EPS

from this change in capital structure?


EPS rises by $0.28 per share


EPS falls by $0.36 per share


EPS rises by $0.54 per share


EPS falls by $0.78 per share


Modern portfolio

theory demonstrates how


stock price

movements are



there is an

optimal portfolio that

minimizes risk.


to measure risk




total risk is



How long is

the useful life of

a fixed asset?

1. The applicability of beta depends on a firm’s

A. future plans.

B. standard deviation.

C. growth rate.

D. historical returns.

2. Suppose a firm has an EBIT of $1,400,000 and finances its assets with $6,000,000

of debt at 6 percent interest and 300,000 shares of stock selling at $12.50 a share. To

lessen the risk associated with this financial leverage, the firm is thinking about

reducing its debt by $3,000,000 by selling more stock. The firm is in the 35 percent tax

bracket. The change in the capital structure won’t have any effect on the firm’s

operations, thus EBIT will remain at $1,400,000. What’s the change in the firm’s EPS

from this change in capital structure?

A. EPS rises by $0.28 per share

B. EPS falls by $0.36 per share

C. EPS rises by $0.54 per share

D. EPS falls by $0.78 per share

3. Modern portfolio

theory demonstrates how

A. stock price

movements are


B. there is an

optimal portfolio that

minimizes risk.

C. to measure risk-


D. total risk is


4. How long is

the useful life of

a fixed asset?



● Complete Chapter 2 problem, 2–8, p. 93 ● Complete Chapter 3 problem, 3–11, p. 129–130 ● The start-up firm you founded is trying to save $10,000 in order to buy a parcel of land for a proposed small warehouse expansion. In order to do so, your finance manager is authorized to make deposits of $1250 per year into the company account that is paying 12% annual interest. The last deposit will be less than $1250 if less is needed to reach $10,000.


o How many years will it take to reach the $10,000 goal and how large will the last deposit be?

Please read all the attachment . You have all information in that attachment .