Entries by admin

Health Care Management (Ambulatory Care Admin)

I have attached what you have to read  Read and summarize the article in 2-3pgs (Microsoft Word, 12pt double spaced). You must include your personal thoughts about the article. Do you think open-access practices are the way of the future? Will primary care/ambulatory care facilities move to extended hours? Are online visits ideal for patient follow-up visits?


topicWhat lessons does the great recession hold for how fiscal policy should get ready to respond the next economic downturn?   According to our textbook what are the aims and tool of fiscal policy?  Focus on the short run, but give some consideration to the long run as well.  Do the Brookings institution’s specific suggestions […]

Network security paper

Network Security Paper: In this paper, you will define the security strategies of Defense in Depth and Layered Security along with comparing and contrasting the strategies by explaining, at least, two advantages and disadvantages of implementing each security strategy.  Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited. The paper must use APA […]

International finance(Answer 5 questions, classify the steps)

1. Assume annualized interest rates in the U.S. and Switzerland are 10% and 4%, respectively, and the Swiss franc can be exchanged for $0.3807. Assume covered interest rate parity holds. What is the 90day forward rate for the Swiss franc ($/Swiss franc)?   2. If annualized interest rates in the U.S. and Switzerland are 10% […]