Entries by admin

I would like Goodwriter to do this assignment

By the end of this unit, submit your first draft of the final essay for LS526, which will be a research-based argument on the topic you selected in Unit 5. Submit the draft to your instructor via e-mail, and the instructor will redistribute the essays among you for peer review. The peer review will be […]


Microeconomics     Prepare a Word document that addresses each of the following questions and submit to your instructor.   Some economists believe that supply determines what happens to demand while others believe demand determines what happens to supply. Explain both sides with examples. The supply and demand for one product can affect the supply […]


Data Sources and Nursing Contributions For this discussion, you will: Select a particular patient care issue in your practice area that you would like to research at some point in your career. (TOPIC- Pediatric home health care. In the home setting there is only one nurse available, so apart from calling 911, the nurse is […]

1.    You have made the decision to pursue higher education. Describe the economist’s view of how a decision like that…

1.    You have made the decision to pursue higher education. Describe the economist’s view of how a decision like that is made. Using marginal analysis, make sure you evaluate the “rationality” of the decision and explain why the following statement is irrational: “Higher education is priceless, so everyone should pursue a degree no matter the […]

Systems Design

  THIS Week3 Systems Design:   Discussion 1   Supporting Activity: Website Critique   Resource: Principles of User Interface Design presentation located on the student website   Review the Principles of User Interface Design presentation.   Evaluate a website of your choice for adherence to the six design principles outlined in the presentation.   Write […]


“The Hershey Company in the US produces about 20,000,000 kisses each day using 133 square miles of aluminum to wrap them in; this material is recyclable and most of it ends up in the trash rather than the recycle bin” (“More Recycling Facts And Statistics,” n.d.). What are some of the other “small ways” in […]