Entries by admin

“Images and Templates” Please respond to the following: Explain whether or not you believe including images in documents is a professional option when creating a document. Justify your response with at least one (1) example. Go to Microsoft Office’s Web

“Images and Templates”  Please respond to the following: Explain whether or not you believe including images in documents is a professional option when creating a document. Justify your response with at least one (1) example. Go to Microsoft Office’s Website, and view the business templates. Examine the resume themes, letter themes, fax themes, report themes, and any […]

The Effect of Existing Knowledge on Policy Analysis

Imagine that you are at a professional gathering, and you strike up a conversation with a colleague. The two of you end up in a lively discussion about the policy issues concerning development of a nearby wetland. During the conversation, your colleague mentions that she, in fact, did some policy analysis associated with the project and […]

Structure and Functions of Organs

Identify an organism that lives within 50 miles of your home. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about how the organism has adapted to survive in their specific environment. Include the following points in your paper: Briefly describe the environment (temperature, landscape, food sources, etc.) and describe the organism’s role in the environment. Determine which organism your […]

Cost-Benefit Analysis

This assignment asks you to look at cost benefit analysis. Cost-benefit analysis is often seen as a tool that addresses areas of policy that are of a tangible nature. In what ways, though, does cost-benefit analysis examine those areas of policy that are in tangible? Use the government sites you have been working with or […]

Powerpoint – Managing Organizational Change

Your assignment is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with up to 10 slides, outlining the major communication processes between individuals and organizations. The assignment is due this week.  Attachments:  rubric_presentation_power_point.docx