Entries by admin

Question and Problem Sets week 5

All work must be done in Microsoft EXCEL!!!!!!! And Microsoft WORD. Please have by 11:00am west coast time California time. Plagrism free, original work, and refs. APA format. All excel formulas must be done….Please do not disappoint. If you have a questions please ask early.   please use chapter 26 excel template to compete question […]

Strategic HRM Plan

Strategic HRM Plan     Choose three to four cultural HR issues and three to four emerging HR issues that affect the potential of a company you are familiar with or an imaginary company of your choice to be at risk of either: Unionization or Catastrophic Danger and Damage Intro and Conclusion Paragraph Your choice must […]

Personal Computers and Networks” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, determine whether you prefer a laptop or desktop. Elaborate on the features that you would want your desktop or laptop to offer, and provide an explanation of why you w

Personal Computers and Networks” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, determine whether you prefer a laptop or desktop. Elaborate on the features that you would want your desktop or laptop to offer, and provide an explanation of why you would want such features. Imagine that you are moving into a new house and […]

The Internet” Please respond to the following:

    The Internet” Please respond to the following: IPv6 is an updated version of IPv4 that has been around for a number of years. From the first e-Activity, examine the major difficulties that users have encountered throughout IPv6’s widespread acceptance and implementation. Recommend two (2) possible solutions for the difficulties that users have encountered […]

“Disks and Printers” Please respond to the following:

    “Disks and Printers” Please respond to the following: From the first e-Activity, identify the specific manufacture and model of one (1) magnetic disk, one (1) solid state drive, and one (1) optical drive. Evaluate the quality of each in terms of read and write speeds, access methods, storage capacity, longevity, and price. Recommend […]

“Computer Communications: Architectures, Protocols, and Standards” Please respond to the following: Assess the significance of protocols and standards in computer systems. Determine one (1) standard and one (1) protocol that you believe to be the most imp

“Computer Communications: Architectures, Protocols, and Standards” Please respond to the following: Assess the significance of protocols and standards in computer systems. Determine one (1) standard and one (1) protocol that you believe to be the most important ones utilized today. Provide a rationale for your response. Compare and contrast client-server computing and cloud computing. Determine […]