Entries by admin

Discussion Questions 1 & 2

DQ #1: Productive Failure   Sometimes things go wrong and it’s not always a bad thing. Define and discuss the concept of productive failure. Discuss a time in your organization’s history (or an organization you are familiar with) when a change process failed. Explain the situation and what was learned in the process. Why do […]


read the attachment  tell me what you thought it was about, what was interesting, and share example that relates to the attachment in 150 words, no title page, cite and reference anything used in response.  

Market Position Analysis

Assignment 3: Market Position Analysis   Throughout this course, you will conduct a strategy audit for a selected company. Begin this assignment by selecting an organization for your course project activities. In this module, you will assess the product portfolio of your selected business unit by analyzing the value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage […]


Course: WORLD HISTORY Write an essay comparing the perspectives, issues and concerns of Aztec of Inca peoples and their contact with Europe.Requiremenst:3 full type written pages (1000 words ) 12 points.you must analyze at least five major issues using appropriate sources and methodology.Using material from your textbooks (both Duiker and Andrea), and the two primary […]

“Effects of a Mainstream-Centric Curriculum

“Effects of a Mainstream-Centric Curriculum”  Please respond to the following: * Examine one or two factors that may have slowed the development of a multicultural and / or global curriculum in schools. Next, propose the best approach to overcoming the factors that you have identified. Provide examples to support your rationale. Prepare a plan for […]