Entries by admin


A. Rewrite the following sentences to incorporate the you attitude. 1. We received your shipment of modems yesterday.2. I need you to confirm these dates with John Bates and Melissa Torres.3. I have included your name on the active alumni database.4. I am giving you a bonus for your energy-saving suggestion.5. We offer three billing […]

Given that this is course is taught exclusively on line, you need to read and understand material that is presented. Please read Chapters 11 & 12 as indicated on the syllabus and then submit the five most important items found in each chapter. Large ess

Public Speaking class. You’ve done these every week – you know what is expected.   Given that this is course is taught exclusively on line, you need to read and understand material that is presented.  Please read Chapters 11 & 12 as indicated on the syllabus and then submit the five most important items found […]

The Phantom of the Opera

Read the story The Phantom of the Opera and answer the ff questions below: 1. This is the longest running show on Broadway. The music is part of it, obviously. The spectacle is also a contributor. Describe the theater and staging affects you saw in this production.2. Compare and contrast this Musical to RENT! Did […]

“Confidence Intervals”

Statistics class. Must be 250 words must cite work if applicable.   “Confidence Intervals“   The vast majority of the world uses a 95% confidence in building confidence intervals.  Give your opinion on why 95% confidence is so commonplace. Justify your response.    

Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research two U.S.-based companies you believe would mutually benefit from working together in some way. Be prepared to discuss.

    “Cooperative Strategy” Please respond to the following:   From an ethical perspective, determine how much information a firm is obliged to tell a potential strategic alliance partner about what it expects to learn from the cooperative arrangement. Explain your rationale. From the e-Activity, determine which type of cooperative strategy would most benefit the […]


  Who’s the Protagonist? Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice is a difficult play in many ways, and one of those ways is the simple question: who is the protagonist of the play? Make your claim about which figure is this main, focal character, and tell us how you know. Be sure to support your argument with […]