Entries by admin

MSL 5200 Unit 8 Message Map

Unit VIII Assignment    Message Map       Create a message map for a crisis or risk situation in your field/organization. Identify who the stakeholders for the message are, potential stakeholder questions and concerns, key messages, and supporting facts. (An example message map can be found on page 72 of the Walaski textbook.)

Seminar 9

The Unit 9 Seminar will focus on the “job” and function of a family. Please make every effort to complete the readings beforehand. Please come to Seminar prepared to discuss the following questions: What do you think is the “job” of a family? Look at the seven key functions of a family as outlined on […]


please let me know if you can do this Ethics Principles:  The non-profit Josephson Institute lists six pillars of character that are “basic values that define ethical behavior” The institute points out that these values “are not political, religious, or culturally biased.” These are: 1. Trustworthiness 2. Respect 3. Responsibility 4. Fairness 5. Caring 6. Citizenship […]


Discussion topic 1 of 2 The Discussion for this week will focus on social problems that face families in your community. Choose and describe one social problem that faces families in your community. What, if anything, has been done to address the problem in your community? Has the problem gotten better or worse over time? […]

Do you agree with Mencius and Lao Tzu that people are naturally good or with Wang Yang Ming and Aristotle that virtue is not inborn but must be developed through habituation?

Ethics for Life class. Must be 250 words must cite work.   Do you agree with Mencius and Lao Tzu that people are naturally good or with Wang Yang Ming and Aristotle that virtue is not inborn but must be developed through habituation? Support your answer with information from the textbook.   I will email […]