Entries by admin


REWORD/REPHRASE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING     1. Living in an environment that has no clocks, not view of the outside world, and minimal sensory stimulation is a way in which prison guards can further break down the prisoners. In a state like this the prisoner will loose all sense of time and space, have no reminders […]

Rephrase/ rewrite

REWORD/REPHRASE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING     1. Living in an environment that has no clocks, not view of the outside world, and minimal sensory stimulation is a way in which prison guards can further break down the prisoners. In a state like this the prisoner will loose all sense of time and space, have no reminders […]

System programming c++

C++ provides rand() function to generate random numbers. Sometimes random number generators can be biased. For this homework I would like you to develop a program to test rand() function for bias. Your program must generate 10 million numbers between 0 and 100, and then test the frequency of the numbers. a.) If the random […]

Assignment 2

  Mental Health Consultation Prior to beginning work on this assignment, it is recommended that you read Chapter 1 in Turning Points in Dynamic Psychotherapy: Initial Assessment, Boundaries, Money, Disruptions and Suicidal Crises and Chapters 1, 2, and 4 in The Psychiatric Interview: Evaluation and Diagnosis. . For this assignment, you will take on the role of a […]

625 word

Select ONE of the body systems of the following body systems:     Circulatory system Digestive system Immune system Nervous system Respiratory system Urinary system Muscular system Skeletal system Endocrine system Reproductive system     Create a 625 word brochure, using the Brochure Builder, that you could present to high school students to encourage better health-seeking […]