Entries by admin

Narrative Essay

Choose 1 and construct a narrative essay of around 800 words in the model of The New York Times “Lives” essays from the document attached.   You must use a central story to illustrate a larger understanding of relationships or ideas. The essay may feature other people, but it must be in the first person. […]

Macro w5

Purpose of Assignment  This week requires the student to address six unresolved issues in macroeconomics, each of which is central to current political debates. Students are required to use information and tools that they have accumulated in their study of the text and evaluate both sides of those issues, determine which side they can support […]


 Exercise #3: “Shitty” First Drafts Your third exercise asks that you produce a “Shitty First Draft”. By “Shitty First Draft”, I mean you should try and write a rough version of your essay.  After you read Lamott’s essay on Moodle, you will understand this assignment more.  Although this assignment is a partial essay, you should […]


The Western countries always urge the less developed countries to adopt the Western mode of development, such as promotion of free trade, democratization and establishing free markets for the less developed countries to grow out of poverty. In other words, the Western countries are asking poor countries to embrace Western institutions, as an effective approach […]