Entries by admin

The advent of personal health records has presented both advantages and disadvantages. A health system in Pennsylvania has incorporated an…

The advent of personal health records has presented both advantages and disadvantages. A health system in Pennsylvania has incorporated an approach to increase utilization of this technology by providing personal portals to affiliated patients and incorporating the individual record with the electronic record in the hospital, which allowed the patients to view test results after review by […]

Examination of stereotypes, stereotype formation, and the relationship of stereotypes to prejudice and discrimination is a field of study within social psychology

Examination of stereotypes, stereotype formation, and the relationship of stereotypes to prejudice and discrimination is a field of study within social psychology. These three constructs are certainly distinct; however, they are clearly related. At times, individuals automatically stereotype with negative consequences. Social psychologists are identifying ways to address automatic stereotyping (Wright & Taylor, 2007). For this Discussion, review this week’s […]