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FIN515 Finance Short notice Week 6, 13 accoutning problems

Hello, Sorry for the short noitce. I have 12 problems in my Homework Week 6 with Pearson Text. The answers are practically given in the solutions example. I need tutor to complete all 12 problems with 100% mark. This is easy to do. I have username and pw for you to log into system. I […]

Rl series circuits

The presence of an inductor in a series circuit causes the voltage and current to be out of phase. Maximum voltage leads maximum current by 90 in inductors. Maximum voltage and current are in phase, 0, in resistors. An inductor and resistor in series will have voltage and current out of phase by an angle between […]

for prof washington only

question1:  read article attachment  question 2 : you can use excel data attachment or data from page 7-9 on the assignment to graph    

You will submit reading reflections for the following books: 1. Many thousands gone : The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America by Ira Berlin (Due Monday, February 13, 2017)

      700 words  willing to pay 10$ Follow the directions carefully          Reading Reflection Must Include the following: 1. In 1-4 paragraphs, summarize the book. 1 page (50 points): Your summary should include the main argument/thesis of the book. Your summary should talk about the evidence that the author uses […]