Entries by admin

Juvenile Delinquency Unit VIII

This assignment will allow you to further explore programs that are the future of juvenile justice. To begin, attached is the article from the Academic OneFile database in the CSU Online Library: Keena, L. (2015). Restorative justice and higher education: The interactive classroom. Corrections Today, 77(3), 54-59. After reading the article, submit a two page […]


This is where you and your assigned team members will discuss your team response to the Unit 6 Team Assignment.         First view the video in Unit 6 Assignment area entitled, “Herman Miller” Motivation, Leadership, and Teamwork.”  Read the following Scenario: You work for an organization which operates in a service sector and has more than 500 […]

Unit IV Case Study

Unit IV Case Study   Analysis of an Air-Sampling Report   See attachement to view a PDF of a typical sampling report.   Compose a two- to three-page analysis that addresses the following questions:     1. What is the purpose of the exposure assessment? 2. Why was the exposure assessment conducted? 3. What type […]

Building Teams and Resolving conflict assignment 2

You are making a presentation to the supervisors in the company on the Tuckman forming, storming, norming, and performing model.  Include the following:  Put together a PowerPoint presentation that will explain the model and the highlights of each phase. Insert any examples you can. Include the fact that the stages can be repeated. Be sure […]