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his problem set introduces you to an SPSS data set. You will perform some initial data screening activities and report your output. General Requirements: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Review “SPSS Access Instructions” for information on how to access SPSS for this assignment. Download “Module 2 SPSS Data File” […]

OOP in Java Week Two Assignment

Write a Java application using NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that calculates the total annual compensation of a salesperson. Consider the following factors: A salesperson will earn a fixed salary of $500,000. A salesperson will also receive a commission as a sales incentive. Commission is a percentage of the salesperson’s annual sales. The current commission […]

A+ Answers

Description: 1.        Free ears in dogs are controlled by dominant allele (F), and attached ears are controlled by the recessive allele (f). In addition, Short dogs is due to a dominant allele(S), and long hair is due to a recessive allele (s). Which of the following is the genotype of the dogs with free ears and […]

Think about

  Respond to the following: Think about a situation where a presenter had a significant impact on you. Describe the situation and analyze why the presenter was able to make such a strong connection with the audience. Please talk about a CPR seminal that I attended few weeks ago that seminal really impressed me Complete the […]

OOP in Java Week One Assignment

Create a console based, non-GUI Java program using NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that displays “Hello world!”  source code (*.java file) Take a screenshot that shows the program’s successful compilation and execution.  ( either a *.png file or *.gif file for screen shot ) Submit both a copy of your program and the screenshot.