Entries by admin

Can complete essay without plagarism

Remember: Do not actually collect any data; think hypothetically.  Develop a 1,050-word report in which you:  Identify the types of descriptive statistics that might be best for summarizing the data, if you were to collect a sample. Analyze the types of inferential statistics that might be best for analyzing the data, if you were to […]

Principles of Management Assignment

  Unit VIII Scholarly Activity Using the CSU Online Library, find two articles on information systems best practices. The Academic Search Complete database will provide you with excellent articles on this concept. Discuss some of the key issues to be aware of and the best practices to mitigate them.   Discuss strategic analysis decisions in […]

Obedience (Milgram)

Obedience (Milgram) http://www.apa.org/research/action/order.aspx Read the assigned article, then write a short essay (2-3 paragraphs) that include the following elements.  Please paste your completed essay into the comments section rather than attaching a separate file. 1. A paragraph that summarizes the topic in your own words 2. One or two paragraphs that address one or more of the […]


Picture if you will two sisters that want to start a business together. Sister “A” brings to the table technical knowledge and contacts with potential customers. Sister “B” brings to the table the physical facilities to make the product and the cash required to get their business of the ground. Based solely on this information, […]