Entries by admin

Trials and Verdicts

Trials and Verdicts Due Week 8 and worth 200 points In preparation for this assignment, please view the Jurisville scenarios and resulting simulations from Weeks 5 through 7 in Unit 2: Courts. In the scenarios and resulting simulations, Tim Smith, senior criminal lawyer, discusses select cases and asks a paralegal to indicate which courts would […]


  DUE 2/15/2017 Corporate Finance, Ch. 5: Net Present Value and Other Investment Rules Consider the following as you read:  Describe how net present value is used in the financial decision making process. Explain the disadvantages of using the payback method. Compare and contrast the internal rate of return (IRR) method from the net present value method […]

Research Paper/Term Project

You will prepare and submit a research paper on a topic of your choice and approved by your instructor. This project is an opportunity for you to personalize the concepts you are learning in this course. The topics must be in the field of HRM or some application (e.g., an application of course concepts to […]