Entries by admin

all the infrom in description While theatre (almost) came to a stand still during Medieval Times, religious vernacular drama, about biblical figures or events, survived

While theatre (almost) came to a stand still during Medieval Times, religious vernacular drama, about biblical figures or events, survived While theatre (almost) came to a stand still during Medieval Times, religious vernacular drama, about biblical figures or events, survived – partly because much of this religious drama was being produced theatrically within the confines of the church.  Out […]

Week Three Assignment

Listen to the following videos and then complete the assignments using the changed numbers on the guidance report.  Place your answers on the guidance report. Open the Guidance Report and rework the problem with the changed numbers and place your answers on the guidance report. Do not alter the guidance report. Submit the guidance report […]

short paper

WAN Technologies Paper: Research Point-to-Point (dedicated), Packet Switched, and Circuit Switched WAN protocols/circuits/types.  Define each protocol and describe at least two data transmission technologies associated with the protocol.  Include the bandwidth limitations of each technology and protocol. Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited. The paper must use APA 6th ed., […]

economic help

      For Part 3, you will submit a rough draft of your project with two new pieces added. The directions for these two steps are below.  Having posed your pricing question, the next task is to come up with a way of testing the hypothesis with real-world data. Three potential sources are: Historical […]