Entries by admin

Discussion ethical barriers

Review the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics and the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA, 2011a, 2011b) and answer the following points in a 2 pages Word document. Identify a potential barrier to ethical practice that you may face as Family Nurse Practitioner Discuss if there is a relationship […]

public admin

“Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Employees in the Public Sector Workforce” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, analyze the two news events published within the past 12 months related to sexual harassment laws for or against lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals.  Propose at least two ways your agency plans to address these events, […]

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Exercise 16 Understanding Independent Samples t-Test Statistical Technique in Review The independent samples t-test is a parametric statistical technique used to determine significant differences between the scores obtained from two samples or groups. Since the t-test is considered fairly easy to calculate, researchers often use it in determining differences between two groups. The t-test examines […]

Windows 7: Computer Disk Defrag Screenshot

Needed Right Away PLEASE!   I need a screenshot after “Disk Defrag” has been run on your Windows 7 –the newest version of Windows– for my homework please.  (I have an older compter and my professor won’t accept it.)  The instructions are as follows:   9. Click on “Defragment now”. Click on the C: drive, […]

“Business Ethics “For prof James only”

  Create a 5- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation that explores professional ethics and responsibilities. You can use information from reliable sources. (Note: Websites such as Wikipedia are not acceptable academic sources.) You may use the slide notes function to explain slide contents as necessary. In your presentation, address the following topics:         […]

Decision Making FOr KIM WOODS

Use the same data set that was outlined in Week 3.   The same rules apply in terms of using outside resources:   Write a 750-900 paper in which you address the following   1.  Develop a frequency table for a discrete variable.  Show both the relative frequencies and cumulative relative frequencies.  What would the probability […]