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for kim woods only

Discussion 1 In Unit 1, you talked about different kinds of curricula. Throughout this course, you have learned about the curriculum design process and developed a program of your own. This final Discussion board of the course will focus on your own personal growth and reflection, and your thoughts for the future of curriculum development. […]

“GDP” Please respond to the following: In view of the weak economy of the last several years, explain which of the four (4) components of GDP had, or is having, the greatest positive impact in our economy. Use the following historical tables to support yo

“GDP” Please respond to the following: In view of the weak economy of the last several years, explain which of the four (4) components of GDP had, or is having, the greatest positive impact in our economy. Use the following historical tables to support your response. Go to the Bureau of Economic Analysis at www.bea.gov […]

HSM/270 week 2

CheckPoint Grants in Human Services Explain the role grants play in the human services field. Explain how and when grants are important to a human services program. Are grants more vital to some programs than others? Explain your reasoning.   Post your response in 200 to 300 words.

CIS-555 week 2 discussions

CIS-555 WEEK2 DESCUSSION1: “Risk Management” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, suppose that you were the engineer that designed this type of car and you were thinking about operational risk management. Determine the types of risk, product-related or process-related, that you would consider when it comes to the operation of the car in public […]

Domestic Violence

Discuss Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment that helped to change police response to domestic violence nationwide and shaped current response to intimate partner violence in America.   500-1000 words   APA 6th edition citations and references   Must use as 1 reference: 2 needed Gosselin, Denise K. Heavy Hands: An Introduction to the Crimes of Intimate […]

Global Strategic Principles

In one page: Think about how globalization has changed the way that firms operate today. What global business strategies are most important for a new firm? Why are these so critical?   You must use in-text citations and list APA style references to support your response. No plagiarism and copy and past from the Internet […]