Entries by admin

Crisis management and crisis communications are specialized business disciplines. In times of crisis, companies can act in a number of ways; from ignoring the situation and hoping it passes in the next news cycle to aggressively defending itself after the

Managing a Crisis Crisis management and crisis communications are specialized business disciplines. In times of crisis, companies can act in a number of ways; from ignoring the situation and hoping it passes in the next news cycle to aggressively defending itself after the fact. Smart companies have plans that can be used in any crisis situation. Using […]

for Sir_Excellence

Goal-Setting Framework The first of six steps of performance management consists of goal setting, as detailed in Chapter Three. Assume that you work for the Los Angeles Tribune, a large but struggling newspaper publisher with distribution throughout the Los Angeles region. Various problems have arisen that need to be addressed: The cost of paper is […]


Corporate strategy is concerned with the broad and long-term questions of what business(es) the organization is in or wants to be in. One thing we need to know is whether the organization is a single-business organization (in primarily one industry) or a multiple-business organization (in more than one industry). The three corporate strategic directions include […]


“Organizational Culture”  Please respond to the following: Determine what you believe to be the most influential external environment factor shaping organizational culture for managers and business leaders in the 21st century. Provide support for your rationale. Suggest the most significant impact that globalization has had on organization culture in today’s work environment. Indicate whether the impact […]

new 2

Why is a social history important?   Respond in 600 words with a scholarly reference. Use citations and site your work

Question 7

I have 3 questions that need to be answered. A minimum of 5 sentance per answer please