Entries by admin

binary search tree

BST homework with C++, with requirement and start code. i start the homewrok too late and found theres a lot problem with local library on my computer. and realized cant do this before due. major requirements are add value, calculate height and print as preorder. price is negotiable.

Discuss the Insanity Defense Reform Act (1980) with your classmates. Using the appropriate terminology, examine the background, participants, and historical significance of the act in relation to standardized offender risk assessments used in today’s fore

Discuss the Insanity Defense Reform Act (1980) with your classmates. Using the appropriate terminology, examine the background, participants, and historical significance of the act in relation to standardized offender risk assessments used in today’s forensic practice. In your discussion, provide the psychometrics of two offender risk tools that are preferred in your offender rehabilitation program.    300 […]

Math Response Question

How is the decimal expansion of an irrational number different from that of a rational number? Provide an example of an irrational number, integer, whole number, and natural number. What are some ways that you could use these types of numbers in the real world?

Week 2D

Discuss a practical application of a decade resistance box. Explore alternative variable resistors available to the engineers and discuss their accuracy and resolution? (Initial post for this question must be at least 75 words.) Using scientific principles, explain in detail how ambient temperature affects resistance and what are its consequences on power ratings of a […]

pecifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: II. Offender Risk Assessment (Case Scenario 2) a) Assess the extent to which the case study data set meets the Daubert standard (psychometrics)

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: II. Offender Risk Assessment (Case Scenario 2) a) Assess the extent to which the case study data set meets the Daubert standard (psychometrics). In other words, what is the known or potential error rate? Has the data been derived using reliable methods? Is the data valid and […]