Entries by admin

criminal justice

work on database utilized by criminal investigators on a daily basis. Conduct research on.  Use the most current sources as the data for the database changes rapidly. One page and cite the sourse.   The database: NCIC   1. Identify the mission statement of the database, what is its role in law enforcement 2.  Identify the features of […]


Hi i have Excel homwork due tomoorw all the detiels is in the file i need it tomorrow at 6:00 pm


WEB SOURCE   WEBSOURCE http://www.screencast.com/t/bYOa94KdgHb   TOOL https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml#none   TOOL https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/socds.html   BOOK https://play.google.com/books/reader?printsec=frontcover&output=reader&id=UgicDQAAQBAJ&pg=GBS.PT136.w.


History homework :    Go to the link below and do assignment     1. Colliding Worlds, 1450–1600   http://www.macmillanhighered.com/launchpad/henretta8evol1/4929897#/launchpad        


You are required to submit an attachment a Partial Draft Submission #1 which is a copy of your project that includes the following: The Problem and Factors Bearing on the Problem, by February 12, 2017. The Partial Draft Submission #1 is to be posted on the message board in the area designated as “POST DRAFT #1”.   Post […]


You are required to submit an attachment a Partial Draft Submission #1 which is a copy of your project that includes the following: The Problem and Factors Bearing on the Problem, by February 12, 2017. The Partial Draft Submission #1 is to be posted on the message board in the area designated as “POST DRAFT #1”.   Post […]