Entries by admin

Marketing Research Report

Use the same company from your Week 2 assignment. Your company has decided to launch a new line of products.  Create a new product or service based on what you believe the customer might need. Create a 1,400-word report and include the following information: Choose the target market for your product, and describe your target market in […]

Discussion Post

First, make sure that you have read the reading assignment – Universals, Culturals, Personals.  Next, visit the “How To Tell If You’re An American” website by clicking on the link provided http://www.zompist.com/amercult.html.  Explore the American list, then select two other cultures and read through those lists.  You will see a sentence that says, “These pages are all […]

MBAA 523 Advanced Aviation Economics – Problem Set 5

  MBAA 523 Problem Set 5 r4-16       1.       For each of the following market structure characteristics, insert the correct Market Type(s).  There may be more than one.  Use these abbreviations:  PC – perfect competition; MC – monopolistic competition; and M – monopoly.       Market Structure Characteristic Market Type Advertising is […]

Employee and Labor Relations

Cost of Living The City of St. Albans has a unionized police force that is coming up for a contract renewal. The police have one issue: the cost of living increases. During the past 10 years, police officers have received minimal cost of living increases, and this time they want to match what other police […]