Entries by admin

Chem Problem

    C 14 is continually formed in the Earth’s atmosphere by cosmic radiation acting on N 14.  The cosmic radiation causes an induced nuclear reaction (n,p) on N14.  Show the induced reaction.     Radiocarbon dating uses the C14 produced in our atmosphere to date materials that were once alive.  Describe how the dating […]

week 9 discussion Question

  Post  a response to each discussion Taylor  Top of Form The text states benchmarking is a continuous process by which an organization can measure and compare its own processes with those of organizations that are leaders in an area Baker & Baker (2014). Benchmarking is usually considered to be a process of seeking out […]

annotated bib for sociology

  PART 1: SOCIAL PROBLEM SELECTION. By the end of the third week, each student will have selected a social problem of interest that will be used as a point of focus for the remainder of the writing project. Selections will be peer reviewed in class, and together we will collaborate to cement your social […]