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For this Discussion, consider policies that were created to reduce crime. Then think about for which type of offender these policies might be most effective. Next, consider how these policies might effect positive social change

Post a brief description of a policy that might be most effective in reducing crime and explain why you think it might be effective. Then explain for which type of offender this policy might be most effective and why. Finally, explain how this policy might affect positive social change.   Minimum of 400 words in […]

short answers

watch a video  (Jane Elliott’s Blue Eyes Brown Eyes) and and answer a high school english level short answers!

just typing

i want you to type each quastion with just the right answer not all the choices and the right answer with line under the letter. for example In psychology the term ……. Is defined as individuals unique and enduring patterns of thinking feeling and behaving 1- psychology 2-communication 3-  english 4-Personality   and do it […]

week 8 discussion 2 plagiarism free

Data Transmission.  Please respond to the following: Compare the four items related to channel capacity: data rate, bandwidth, noise, and error rate. Determine the most important and justify its significance over the remaining items. Describe real-world examples of attenuation and white noise. Examine the effect on the information-carrying capacity of the link and present a […]

week 8 discussion 1plagiarism free

Satellite Communication.  Please respond to the following: Justify the circumstances in a business situation in which you would use GEOS, LEOS, and MEOS. Discuss the business applications currently being used to support VSAT.