Entries by admin

Identify major factors influencing world affairs by performing a macro economic analysis using PESTEL • You should consult at least 5 journal…

Identify major factors influencing world affairs by performing a macro economic analysis using PESTEL • You should consult at least 5 journal article to support the ideas in your report • All ideas in the report must be referenced using Harvard Referencing . • In the First half of the report you introduce then in […]

Finance homework – Due 2/12/17 at 6PM EST

“Portfolio Theory” Please respond to the following: Imagine that one (1) of your clients has $100,000 to invest. Propose the manner in which you would apply portfolio theory to this scenario. Justify your response. Speculate on where your client would be on the efficient frontier and if your client’s preference curve would be more vertical […]

Literature Review

Write a Literature Review scholarly paper of 5-7 pages (plus cover page, abstract, and reference list) in length on some aspect of the research and/or theories of strategic or financial management that relate to, but are not duplicative of the material in this course.   Your paper should be based on the literature and use appropriate citations using […]

Sarbanes-Oxley and Corporate Governance Paper

Read “Case 15.3 Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board” in Ch. 15 of the text. Write a paper of 700- to 1,050-words in which you answer the following:  If auditing of financial statements is required for the protection of public investors, should not all PCAOB members be taken from the investment community that uses […]