Entries by admin

DQ: Corporate Finance

Answer:    Given that many new businesses fail in the first few years after they are established, how should an entrepreneur think about the risk of failure associated with a new business? From what you have learned in this chapter, what can an entrepreneur do financially to increase the chance of success?

Case Control Research

The critique of an epidemiologic study involves an assessment of the methods of data collection (which includes the type of study design), the analysis of the data and the interpretation of the data. For this application you are to read the following case control research article. After reading the article, complete the Case Control Template […]


Short Paper: Criminological Theory In a 3 page APA paper (excluding title and reference pages), summarize and provide an example of how biological, sociological, and psychological theories of crime causation affect human behavior and actions. Be sure to provide an example of each and include a reference to the examples that may include an article, […]

business communication proposal question

In your proposal assignment you are asking an individual to fund your idea. There are many, many individuals and groups asking for funding. You need to consider which visual, written appeals work well and which don’t.  Review 3-4 different funding requests (you can use any site you like- gofundme, kickstarter, indiegogo, etc.).  In writing identify […]

help in history paper

  Following is the topic for paper 1: ” Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as uniform. “     The paper should be double space, a minimum of 3 pages and […]