Entries by admin


one page..Reconsider your ecological footprint analysis – re-calculate it (see directions below if necessary). Is it any different than it was at the beginning of the course? What changes in your lifestyle would you be willing to take to personally help shift the paradigm and to support social justice, equity, and caring for the people […]

Science technology and society 3 questions

2) what is wrong with the statement that there is no population problem because all of earth’s human population could fit inside the state of Texas?   3) What does population have to do with sustainability?   4) What is more important for long-term survival of the human species-population control or belief in god?

Will You help?

View two videos from the “Video Playlist: Early Childhood Education” and complete the “Integrating Art in the Classroom” document for the following: URLs for the videos you select Summary of the teacher/student interaction Analysis of the videos:     1. How the teacher integrated the arts into other content areas     2. How the […]