Entries by admin

Help me to take the exam

 This is an Anthropology exam.  I will start on three days later. I will send the picture of the test to your email, and you need answer that in 90 min and answer all question correct.

Handling Difficult Situation/ Fraction Lesson Plan

EDU 450   4. Due Date: Feb 16, 2017 Handling Difficult Situation This is a CLC. For this assignment, focus on the group of students in your program of study. Consider the following: ·      What makes some students more of a discipline issue, when others are “following the plan”? What can the teacher do to […]

economic question

you must finish it in three hour, just four questions, if you cannot finish the last question, you can ignore it, just finish these three questions

Can it be done by 10 pm tonight?

Assignment 2: Externalities Due Week 6 and worth 140 points   Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Identify and discuss three (3) externalities, which can either be positive or negative. Conclude why an externality might exist in the situation that you described, and determine the solutions to mitigate these particular […]

dis7 fo

The Joint Committee on Police Psychology Competencies has identified four (4) general domains of proficiency that include  the assessment domain,  the intervention domain , the operational domain,  and  the consulting domain.  Determine the key activities involved in each domain and discuss whether or not you could rank these domains in the order of importance. Justify […]