Entries by admin

Scholarly Discussion: Based on what you have learned in the course so far, discuss the relationship between economics, business concepts (such as targeted marketing), social status, and wellness. Share a link and/or summarize your topic so that we all hav

Scholarly Discussion: Based on what you have learned in the course so far, discuss the relationship between economics, business concepts (such as targeted marketing), social status, and wellness. Share a link and/or summarize your topic so that we all have enough information to understand your discussion even if we are unfamiliar with the business or economic […]

Math-18 Statistic

Math-18 Statistic   You can take 9:30 hours Question 1 What requirements are necessary for a normal probability distribution to be a standard normal probability distribution?   a. The mean is 1 and the standard deviation is 0.   b. The mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 0.   c. The mean is […]

Any good writer can take this rated tutors

  1000 words 100% unique 4 hours   Write about Cave of Pan – place to visit     Instructions     Please this paper must be unique and includes this word “Cave of Pan – place to visit“     GOOD LUCK AND THANKS

Week 6

Suggest one (1) key influence that managers within a flat organizational structure may exert on an organization, as opposed to the impact of managers with specialized skills in a hierarchical structure. Provide support for your rationale. Imagine that you are a manager responsible for implementing a significant technology change within an organization. Suggest how most […]