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Between 1500 and 1800, the economy of the world, especially Europe and the Americas, began to change rapidly.  The old tributary economies were impacted, and in some cases completely replaced, by a new economy focused on trade. How does Equiano’s story fit into our larger picture of the economy of the Atlantic world, which is so […]

Math 510 Week 6 Discussion

“Process Improvement and Problem-Solving Tools” Please respond to the following: Note: Online students, please select one of the two subjects to discuss. Among the tools (e.g., graphics tools, knowledge-based tools, etc.) that the author discussed in the textbook, determine the type of tool that you would use for process improvement framework. Next, determine the type of […]

phyllis help

I need 3 slides based on the bullet below one for each of the individuals in the power point I posted answering the bullet I provided.   ·         Using the bio psychosocial model, analyze the sources of inequalities, such as financial, environmental, political, and biological, among the different populations you identified.

Research Proposal

Develop an original research study proposal and describe it in detail in a 10-12 page (APA style) paper.  Include at least 10 scholarly references in your proposal. Use the following outline as a guide when writing your paper. Be sure to include detailed information on all of the topics listed below and use headings to […]

The 2013 Supreme Court decision limiting the Voting Rights Act

We are very fortunate to enjoy the gains that were made for all of our rights during the civil rights era, but as we now know with the new administration, there continue to be attempts to undermine those gains. In 2013 the 1965 Voting Rights Act won by civil rights activists, some of whom died […]

Write 2 C++ Programs

See attached, using xcode please   Assignment 11 and 12, there are special instructions for each program attached.