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EDU 324 week journal

What Should Education Teach?     W.E.B. Du Bois was the first African American to earn a doctorate from Harvard. He fought for African American rights and cofounded the NAACP. Du Bois sought social, economic and political reforms to expand equality and access for minorities (Pullman & Van Patten).     Watch the short biography […]

case presentation

Criteria Total Points Ratings   Earned Points 1 2 3 4 5 PB 3: Student demonstrates professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communication when presenting case. Student describe case scenario including gender, race, age, sexual orientation, disability, and cultural diversity when presenting the case. Student maintained client confidentiality in description.   20       […]


Select and complete one of the following assignment options: Option A For this assignment choose two works of architecture to compare, or two other types of art for comparison. Select two different civilizations from the following list, and then select a representative work of art or architecture for each: Ancient Mesopotamian cultures including: Sumeria Babylon Assyria Ancient Egyptian civilization River Valley […]

soc w1_a1

The following assignments are not essays. Each prompt should be answered breifley, but thoroughly (1 page max., 1 paragraph min.) using the websites listed below (you may have to google titles).  Please cite work.  The Prompt #1 IntroductionFollowing formal guidelines for conducting research is of utmost importance in the field of sociology. Respond to the following […]


Select and complete one of the following assignment options: Option A For this assignment choose two works of architecture to compare, or two other types of art for comparison. Select two different civilizations from the following list, and then select a representative work of art or architecture for each: Ancient Mesopotamian cultures including: Sumeria Babylon Assyria Ancient Egyptian civilization River Valley […]

Business Statistics

For these project assignments throughout the course you will need to reference the data in the ROI Excel spreadheet. Download it here. Using the ROI data set: 1. For each of the 2 majors test the hypothesis at the 5% significance level: The mean �Cost� for a college is $160,000. Be sure to interpret your […]