Entries by admin


Here are the instructions from the teacher:   My topic is SMOKING in the past when it was used to talk with the gods, used for praying and for healing people when smoking was look as attractive. My topic is that smoking was good in the past and this is how many people started smoking. […]

Accounting Case Study

A) Write a report that assesses the Quality problems faced by Cascade.   Report format:   1) Executive Summary (max 1 page) –you should write this AFTER you have completed parts 2-6. It is an Executive Summary—be sure it is effective. Assume I only have time to read 1 page—will I understand the issues and […]

Part 2 project

Turn in Part 2 of the project. The second part of the project, due at the end of this unit, requires you to identify and describe internal controls in the business process that you documented for Part 1 of the project. Start with the document turned in for Part 1. Review each stage of the […]