Entries by admin

see attachment

answer question on attachment please. Due today. Please do not reply if you can’t have it done today.   It’s a financial question

HD-DVD versus Blu-ray

  In recent times, HD-DVD and Blu-ray were competing technology formats for creating and watching movies on DVDs. Neither was compatible with the other. Eventually, Blu-ray won the competition. Use the Internet to research the competition between the two (2) technology formats, and determine the key reasons why Blu-ray prevailed.   Write a three to […]

For perfecto only B8

For this assignment, you will locate an article Online that relates to organizational behavior, and write a review of the article. Your article review must be a minimum of two pages in length. Be sure to address each of the following points in your article review. Identify the premise of the article and supporting points. […]

Mapping IP 1

length 1-2 pages   Please note that you are required to support your views by citing your sources in all assignments. Even if the question asks for your opinion, you are still expected to support your opinion with references to published works and other materials.   When a crime analyst works with mapping in the […]

Repetition Duplication (Java)

Your task is to create a sketch that draws this image using Processing (the gray is the background):   You are not allowed to use images, you must recreate the image using drawing commands such as rect(), triangle(), etc. Your final code should be as short and compact as possible. Think about using “for” or […]