Entries by admin

The Judiciary: Structure and Jurisdiction

There are 51 separate court systems in the United States. The federal government operates one court system, the federal courts; and each of the 50 states operates a court system, the state courts. The federal court and all of the state courts have three main levels:  trial courts, appeals courts, and supreme courts. Define trial […]

2. Our text takes us through a thorough review of various organizational design structures. Describe your current or most recent employer’s organizational design (mechanistic, organic, hybrid). Is the structure consistent with the company goals? Explain.

1. Our text takes us through a thorough review of various organizational design structures. Describe your current or most recent employer’s organizational design (mechanistic, organic, hybrid). Is the structure consistent with the company goals? Explain.2. If you had the opportunity to redesign your current organization where you are employed, would you maintain its current structure or change […]

Business Law

Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car?Worth 200 points HINT: See Chapters 10-14 of the text to help understand some of the legal issues covered in this assignment. Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and is starting […]

Sociological Meanings of Basic Concepts

This DB deals with the old problem of “racism”.  This is the writing assignment that you are expected to do for this learning unit. You will write a 300 words (or MORE, 500-600 words are recommended) short essay addressing these questions: What did you learn (from a sociological perspective) from the documentary: RACE: The Power Of An Illusion – […]

simple discussion

  looking for simple discussion paragraph narrative   1.  What impact did “Shame of the Cities” have? 2.  Who were the “Muckrakers” 3.  Do you think today’s journalists do as good a job     as the “Muckrakers” did?